The Talga Bar

The woman wears the trousers and is allowed to decide anyway.
It’s Saturday morning go and get the pies LOL
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It’s Saturday morning go and get the pies LOL
First of all, the pies were good but not outstanding. My trader embellished his offer that he made to me on the street, as a trader does.
The recipe is not from Australia but from New Zealand. And in fact they are baked in Sweden, but I don't know if they are made by tender elves or ugly guys. That was the second embellishment from him.
As suspected, they are frozen. It is a New Zealand expatriate who started in Sweden with the idea of selling these pies. They were so successful that there are already countless cafes, bakers and shops in Sweden where you can buy them. In addition, they are already exporting to Europe, including Germany and my Aussie shop.
I don't have a direct comparison between what a master pie tastes like and what a good one tastes like. However, I suspect that these are good pies, a ready-made product but well made. I had two different ones, BBQ chicken and beef bacon. Both had plenty of filling and were so runny or juicy that I didn't need any additional sauce. I can imagine that if the pies are made fresh and not frozen that the dough is crispier. The filling was tasty.
Somehow they have to meet a general taste and a processing that is suitable for mass production and that can be frozen as well. I can imagine that they have been working on this for a long time and that they taste a little more special when baked fresh at a good pie bakery around the corner and that the consistency is a little more pleasant, i.e. the filling and dough form a better bond.
It is a very good ready-made product at a really fair price for the fact that it is rather exotic here.
But unfortunately I couldn't find two angel-like pretty Swedish ladies on their homepage either 🤷‍♂️


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Bored Wait GIF by FirstAndMonday
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Take some mushrooms I offer you here, then it becomes more interesting and you are on the wave with environmentalists.
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Take some mushrooms I offer you here, then it becomes more interesting and you are on the wave with environmentalists.
nooo, not so much!!! 🌈🏳️‍🌈
You have to be careful, these are not peanuts!
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Angry Bbc Two GIF by BBC
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A sugar sweet misunderstanding.

@JoMo68 I am thrilled and wish you much more time to share your two investments and our groups with us ❤️‍🔥
My great aunt only got 101a, but you are 105! Just wow!
I want to share your story here as I feel more comfortable in my bar than over in the hustle and bustle.
I also have a question for THE woman in the field right away: I had once read about (?frank)incense increasing short-term memory as a student a long time ago. I came across it through studies by a doctor who was dealing with pharmacopoeias from Ottoman times. First there were studies with mice and a maze to see which group found their food faster. The result was clear that he extended it to my 2000 humans and was able to prove a 100% short-term memory increase in over 60% from the test persons.
So I ate some incense regularly and the time of postits was gone! I didn't even notice it at first, only when I kept phone numbers once told. That helped me enormously in my studies.
Now to my question. In the last few years I have taken up the topic of incense again and have heard about new ongoing studies that the ingredients of incense ~could prevent or slow down Parkinson's and Alzheimer's as well as MS.
Can you confirm this?

You could also answer me in the chat if you like.

For the rest of you here, JoMo:

If you don't want to share this with us in my favourite bar then please let me know.)
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@JoMo68 I am thrilled and wish you much more time to share your two investments and our groups with us ❤️‍🔥
My great aunt only got 101a, but you are 105! Just wow!
I want to share your story here as I feel more comfortable in my bar than over in the hustle and bustle.
I also have a question for THE woman in the field right away: I had once read about (?frank)incense increasing short-term memory as a student a long time ago. I came across it through studies by a doctor who was dealing with pharmacopoeias from Ottoman times. First there were studies with mice and a maze to see which group found their food faster. The result was clear that he extended it to my 2000 humans and was able to prove a 100% short-term memory increase in over 60% from the test persons.
So I ate some incense regularly and the time of postits was gone! I didn't even notice it at first, only when I kept phone numbers once told. That helped me enormously in my studies.
Now to my question. In the last few years I have taken up the topic of incense again and have heard about new ongoing studies that the ingredients of incense ~could prevent or slow down Parkinson's and Alzheimer's as well as MS.
Can you confirm this?

You could also answer me in the chat if you like.

For the rest of you here, JoMo:

If you don't want to share this with us in my favourite bar then please let me know.)
Hi Cosors - you are so sweet! I’m not Brenda Milner, although I should aspire to be like her! I chose her as my avatar because she symbolises a lot for me, and we do work in similar fields. I am half her age though so will hopefully be around when BRN does it’s thing. I hadn’t heard about the effects of incense on STM but you have me intrigued now - I’ll have to have a read and see what I can find.
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Hi Cosors - you are so sweet! I’m not Brenda Milner, although I should aspire to be like her! I chose her as my avatar because she symbolises a lot for me, and we do work in similar fields. I am half her age though so will hopefully be around when BRN does it’s thing. I hadn’t heard about the effects of incense on STM but you have me intrigued now - I’ll have to have a read and see what I can find.
Oh, don't destroy my illusion. You are and will always be my Brenda. I'll never get that out of my brain and I don't correct my post above. And it will remain our secret in The Bar in good hands 🤫
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What do I do now with my question? Too bad 🤷‍♂️❤️😅


Hi Cosors - you are so sweet! I’m not Brenda Milner, although I should aspire to be like her! I chose her as my avatar because she symbolises a lot for me, and we do work in similar fields. I am half her age though so will hopefully be around when BRN does it’s thing. I hadn’t heard about the effects of incense on STM but you have me intrigued now - I’ll have to have a read and see what I can find.
It also clearly helps against Crohn's disease, confirmed by studies and practically tested on a friend.)
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UBS have today issued a "Buy" recommendation on Syrah (was $0.445 yesterday) now up 11.2% this morning. This might be flowing through to us to an extent
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Sitting in the bar having a quiet drink…Europe is starting to feel uninvestable…The ongoing appeals processes and anti anything nimby-ism that’s hitting all the Companies I’m invested in in Europe is starting to wear thin. For all the political rhetoric there is glacial progress…meanwhile down under we’ve just had the hottest September on record…
What is it going to take to wake people up to what we are doing to our planet…we have solutions some less than perfect but better than the status quo. (Bar Tender …another Scotch please). I’ve got Solar & Battery for the house a EV, Rainwater tanks, Vege Beds, trying to do the right thing…investing by my values…but somehow feels in vain.
Anyway think I’ll take a break from Social Media for awhile…. See you all at the end of October…AC 🥃
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These arseholes are not Nimbys or environmentalists so let’s stop referring to them as such

They are just your common old anti capitalist fuckwits whose brains are still in their teenage years raging against capitalism

They just hate profit of any type

Just bloody bolsheviks let’s refer to them as such
I originally wanted to place the post here in the bar:

What a rant! Here take a cold beer for the voice and here are the peanuts.

Let's just call them climate-denying Bolsheviks as a compromise 🤣
Seriously, it's good to see that I'm not the only one who despairs of the absurd attitude of parts of our society.
The bad thing is the standing also in the media and not only up there. As mentioned, a report was transmitted here at a local radio station in Freiburg Germany. There it was purely about one/their view and there was not even the shame not to lie let alone to question the lies.
However. Our society has changed into a far left ecosocialist camp and a far right camp. Both of course hide parts of reality so that they do not destroy their own bubbles they are living in.

I was driven to the edge of madness several times by reading in the different camps to get to know the opposing voices. Their thinking is like poison. It is still hard for me not to get angry about it. It is a new movement and some hardliners take it as a substitute for religion. For the true believers the Green Transition is the devil's work. I don't just claim that, but if you've been reading this for years, like I have, you get a lot of things to know about their thinking.

Just go on step by step. To leave it as it is and to ignore it is the only thing that helps -> me. And don't go to demonstrations with the children on Friday, but support them to actively participate in projects and to make a difference. Work for something instead of demonstrating against it or demonstrating that others should do something.

Be glad, with you I think that is not even close to as strong as with us here in Germany. For me it is normal that even people in my personal environment partly close their heads and prefer to believe. I could fill a whole book with anecdotes.
By the way, the hardliners are called eco-fascists here.

Ask an activist what is practically necessary to protect the climate. And then take him seriously and try to work out together with him what this means in practice and try to follow the causal chain step by step. You will quickly realize that they live in a different reality. I take the subject so seriously because I was for a long time of my life in a relationship that had such a circle of friends. So I went through a long and hard school. I know how they think and tick. But I have not lost myself in the process.)

For comparison the open pit mines in my region. You can see them from space (yellow markers).

Zoom into the mine. At the bottom, layer after layer is removed until the black layer of coal is exposed. All the material runs over conveyor belts and is piled up again at the back to a hill (above). It is expected that this open pit mine will take 14 years to fill with water and that the lake will change the microclimate here.

I mention this not because I think it's good, but because it simply impresses me how enormous this mine is in its dimensions. It's so huge that you can't believe it if you haven't seen it with your own eyes. I was lucky enough to be standing right at the edge of the quarry when one of the colossi shaved off the field in front of me. It was a sight I will never forget.
...similar but even closer it was at the top of the edge

These largest excavators in the world are located at the yellow markers. To show how huge this mining is compared to the one in Nunasvaara. (By the way, the kart club (green letters) is that of the famous F1 racing driver Schumacher)


Bagger 293: Biggest Vehicle in the World

For comparison
And of the marked area only the smaller part is declared as pasture.
The 7.2km is just the hole at the Hambach open pit mine. The marking here, however, shows the entire mine area Wich is for Hambach much much greater than the 7Km.

The pictures reminds me again of our antis with their luxury problems and the lies that spread all the way to Germany.
WTM, sometimes I could also rant ;)

I think that the Supreme Court granting the extension of time to find reasons is only because once the spade is in the ground nothing can be done to hinder or obstruct the mine. So the Supreme Court wants to make sure that means can be exhausted to avoid any embarrassment. It wants to be 100% sure that nothing can be done subsequently against this national interest. With the Cementa case we could see what kind of chaos a party can cause with procedural errors (declaring Natura2000 afterwards).
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In the anti-group they are very worried because the new EU CRMA legislation foresees (proposal) to oblige the nation states to wave through projects with critical raw materials.
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Pharvest you are a machine.)


Oh, I'm alone here in the bar. Semmel, I'll have what I like please.)
Just take it.
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q1w2, your words are very welcome here.
Where are you all anyway!!
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Who is the naive wanker neutro? Wasn't he already on the road years ago and was exactly as naive as he is today? never mind TMH
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Time to go to listen to the pillow! And quick reminder for everyone:

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