TLG Ann: Talga Investor Webinar - 30th Oct 2023, 3:59pm


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TLG Ann: Talga Investor Webinar
Price Sensitive: N
Date: 30th Oct 2023, 3:59pm

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Timing seems a bit strange to me, I thought we had clarity through the Supreme Court within a few weeks and that a webinar would be more meaningful after that, since you can talk about some topics more open and more binding. Well, let's see if Mark can share any significant progress or updates.
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in my opinion, timing has nothing to do with it .. they do the webinar each quarter after the report. Obviously there is some wiggle room to make time tables align but in this case, its uncertain when the court will say anything and how long it will take to close the financing and offtakes. Waiting until everything is under the hood kind of defies the purpose of a regular company update.
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Also AGM is at the end of the month and there are a bunch of upcoming presentations / expos. I think it's earlier this time around just because of availability. Doesn't make sense trying to prepare for an AGM and this presentation at the same time.
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Timing seems a bit strange to me, I thought we had clarity through the Supreme Court within a few weeks and that a webinar would be more meaningful after that, since you can talk about some topics more open and more binding. Well, let's see if Mark can share any significant progress or updates.
If I recall the last Webinar was held the day before we got the appeal decision from the Environmental Court as Mark said words to the effect that he was as frustrated as we were with the wait. Then Bang next day the appeal was denied
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Thank you for your feedback on the timing of the webinar, last year it also took place at the beginning of November, and the objection regarding the upcoming AGM is also justified. For the webinar, I have again submitted one or the other question, let's see which aspects Mark can and wants to address.
  • Assuming the mine gets final approval during November, what is the timeline of Offtake Agreements and funding (both announced for early 2023, but of course dependent on permitting)?
  • Can you give an update on expansion plans (scale, timeline, permitting process)? What applications have already been submitted and what other applications need to be submitted and when?
  • What milestones still need to be achieved in order to transition previously rather non-binding public plans regarding Talnode-Si and Talnode-E into concrete projects? Is there any timeline?
  • Can you share information on equity raising? The share price is currently at a 3-year low - should we assume that new shares will be issued and that they will be based on the most recent share value? Or how does a project equity funding you have brought into play in the past usually work?
  • What companies comparable to Talga should I look at to get a sense of what Talga's market cap should be within the next 2-3 years?
  • You have announced in the past that you also intend to sell anode material produced during the test phase at market prices. In the last quarter, we had revenues of less than $100k AUD as a result. Are we really producing so little samples, or are we not selling anything at market prices after all?
  • In a nutshell, why did you decide to put resources into an exploration of Vittangi No. 6? The graphite content seems to be significantly lower than your other targets?
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I'm disappointed that there wasn't a question about the equity portion of the financing given Mark's recent remarks about there being a gap there.


I haven't seen it yet. And I've been checking over there a the last few days because the ASX announcements aren't coming through here at the moment.

"min 13:30 ish MT “In equity we have multiple areas that we are looking at there, from state aid to strategic partners and customers and other groups as well, and also institutional investors interested in participating in the building of this project. So yeah, so when we say equity there is a whole range, we just mean non-debt.”
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