The Talga Bar


While we wait I have arranged a quiz for you.

View attachment 33583

Which pin would you like to represent membership of the Dark Matter Overlady/lord Club?

Vote 1 map of Sweden , 2 tassie devil, 3 Kangaroo, 4 moose head, 5 Sverige × Oz

I would choose the 5. Always nice and neutral without ulterior motives. Sweden in brown? I don't know. Isn't it governed by right-wing conservatives? I don't know if it's just shimmering brown though.
I've had enough of reindeer for now and the moose looks somewhat similar. By proxy he is out.
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It's the night before Christmas and I can see my presents just sitting there under the tree...

Anyone care to speculate on value post-permit? Let's say 1 week after.

I'm hoping this will push us over 1B market cap. Which I think is SP of ~ 2.60? (On my phone and can't be bothered doing the math atm 😜). ATH was bit over $2, so that's only 30% or so more. Seems plausible.

I reckon we'll peak at 2.80, 1 week post we'll settle at 2.60. Ready to kick on upwards again with following round of announcements.

I would say it's not going above 2,50 in the near term. But it should be going on a positive slope after that. Above 3, i can also see with more good news. I might have to open my bottle of Don Papa for a successful Starship Launch or something. Not seeing this going to 2€ even with permits. But i hope i am not optimistic enough for once! :)
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Talga has gone sideways for so long and even now so close to the decision the outcome seems completely open for the market and even if a yes will come it fears the buts I think. So I would assume a blank yes would be for me in a few weeks AUD$3.5
But right now is not the time and I think the realization and appreciation would follow later in the year. The economy is anything but positive and is not based on what would make sense.
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The registrar of the Swedish Land & Enviro court in Umeå was playing his cards close to his chest. When I asked what time of day he would release the courts decision he replied sometime during Swedish business hours on April 5.

Oh well just wait and see....

Hi Beserk, with the regards to the court releasing the decision, have you thought how and when to upload the decision/content via TSE? You mentioned posting the original (swedish) version, which i'm only too happy to convert via DeepL (don't care if it takes me hours), unless @Manual can assist. I will likely be wired and awake like its Christmas waiting for MT to deliver. If you will be up until from 4pm - 1am (AEST) that would be awesome to get the results during that time period. I reckon everybody would wait, and stay awake, for you to be the grand juror handing down the verdict! Question then becomes what beverage do you/we have: Coffee or Alcohol? Perhaps an Irish Coffe to cancel each other out 🤣
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I’ll be ‘in the air’ so hopefully wifi working on the plane😬
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I would say it's not going above 2,50 in the near term. But it should be going on a positive slope after that. Above 3, i can also see with more good news. I might have to open my bottle of Don Papa for a successful Starship Launch or something. Not seeing this going to 2€ even with permits. But i hope i am not optimistic enough for once! :)
I think we will get offtake and financing announcements incredibly quickly if we get these friggin permits.
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Looks like Australian traders are sitting on the side lines.. Cant blame them. My bets are placed. Lets hope for the best :) My current holdings are 50% TSLA and 50% TLG. After tomorrow, this will dramatically change, in one direction or another.
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Emailed Talga today and just summed up my thoughts and said thanks to the team for their hard work and hope for the permits to be issued. Got a nice response. In this together, buddies! Let's hope for the good oil asap.
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I think we will get offtake and financing announcements incredibly quickly if we get these friggin permits.

I hope so dude. It makes a ton of sense to think that this is the hold up. But timelines were never quick with Talga, so can't really make myself believe that.
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I think we will get offtake and financing announcements incredibly quickly if we get these friggin permits.
Me too. I think EIB funding announcement will come within days of a positive funding announcement, so next week we could hopefully be in for some fireworks.
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It's the night before Christmas and I can see my presents just sitting there under the tree...

Anyone care to speculate on value post-permit? Let's say 1 week after.

I'm hoping this will push us over 1B market cap. Which I think is SP of ~ 2.60? (On my phone and can't be bothered doing the math atm 😜). ATH was bit over $2, so that's only 30% or so more. Seems plausible.

I reckon we'll peak at 2.80, 1 week post we'll settle at 2.60. Ready to kick on upwards again with following round of announcements.
Two margaritas deep and kids not even in bed yet. Tonight does have some parallels with Christmas Eve!
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After accumulating for a good 4 years, it's such a strange feeling to finally come down to a single announcement. It's such a unique situation where an entire companies existence can come down to an instantaneous decision like this. I really believe this project is a positive thing for the world, and I hope we are not robbed of seeing it mature. It has been a hell of a ride so far :)

I think I will have an extra strong tea tonight :ROFLMAO:
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Well I had my two glasses of champagne today. Celebrating early.
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Well I had my two glasses of champagne today. Celebrating early.
Thanks, now we know who to blame for jinxing it if there is a rejection.
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Looks like Australian traders are sitting on the side lines.. Cant blame them. My bets are placed. Lets hope for the best :) My current holdings are 50% TSLA and 50% TLG. After tomorrow, this will dramatically change, in one direction or another.
Yeah graphite prices are in a downturn. Syrah getting it's SP hammered
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Even if the Environment Court say no tomorrow, I definitely believe that won’t be the end of it. Given the critical and strategic importance of natural graphite, the Swedish government will step in imo. At worst, we might just have to be a bit more patient 🙄
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Even if the Environment Court say no tomorrow, I definitely believe that won’t be the end of it. Given the critical and strategic importance of natural graphite, the Swedish government will step in imo. At worst, we might just have to be a bit more patient 🙄

This is also my believe. Though it will probably lead to delays, more cash burn before revenue, more CR, less potential for expansion... and its gonna be tough on the share price too. Let's hope for the best.
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I'm listening a concert right now full of flame and power to get me a little fired up. I am so calm and thought some fire can not hurt. I would like to post you the song or concert I'm listening to and that's why I did some research. But unfortunately I have not found for you.
But now comes the hammer: I hear that because of Talga and just learned right now that it took place in the small town of Rudolstadt. There are no coincidences.

"Tarantelle Trance und Liebeslieder - Das Officine Meridionali Orchestra"

It's the most fascinating song I've heard in easily 15a.
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Oh Poetry in Motion! Feel the poetic force and read the masterful wordsmithing of the 45th POTUS. While we wait some more.

"My whole life is about winning."—Donald Trump

Call It Kobe

They're loaded, loaded with cars.
So they send millions of cars over here.
We sell them beef—beef.
They don't want it.
Half the time they send it back.
They want to send it back.
The farmers over there don't want it.
So we take it back.
That's not good beef
By the time you get it back.
I said the other day—No, no, I say it's aged;
Now they call it Kobe beef
And we sell it for more money.
—September 25, 2015, remarks at Values Voters Summit, discussing trade with China

Table At Le Cirque

I know one man in particular.
He's one of the most successful men in New York,
And he couldn't get a table at a restaurant.
He's worth maybe four or five hundred million dollars,
And he's standing at Le Cirque or one of them
And he couldn't get a table.
So I see him standing there and he's a little embarrassed
And he says, "Don, could you help me get a table?"
So I got him a table.
So he calls the next day and I said,
"No one knows you, you're very successful,"
And he says, "No, no no, I like to keep a low profile."
That's great. But in the meantime
He can't get a table in a restaurant.
—November 11, 1984, interview with the Washington Post

How Do I Back Thee?

I want to just let you know,
I am so behind you.
And I know maybe sometimes
You haven't gotten the backing that you've wanted,
And you're going to get so much backing.
Maybe you're going to say,
Please don't give us so much backing.
Mr. President,
Please, We don't need that much backing.
But you're going to have that.
—January 21, 2017, speech at CIA headquarters Langley, Virginia

Excerpts from

Bigly by Rob Long

Donald Trump In Verse: Make Poetry Great Again

A hilarious collection of Trump quotes arranged as poetry!

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Ok so there are three types of people on this site this afternoon.

1) Those in Europe that didn't sleep too well
2) Those in Australia that are either fulltime working or semi retired (me) who are not getting anything done today
3) Those already retired or who don't need to work

I'm getting nothing done so I'm grabbing my two savage hounds and off to Centennial Park with the mission to clear my mind, pick up dog poop, and walk the entire circumference with two hounds in tow

See yas later
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