The Talga Bar


My previous reply was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but then you got me looking and I found the following comment.

“selections from 1918, 1846, 1945, 1947, and 1961 are also worth considering—if you can find them. Older vintages are ideal if you’re looking for a wine that is ready to drink and has reached the peak of its potential. While Château Lafite Rothschild is well worth waiting for, if you truly can’t resist opening a younger vintage, try decanting for at least two hours before sipping to soften it up.”

This raises a couple of points:

1) who the hell buys wine vintages in 1846?

2) who waits 2 hours after opening a bottle to start drinking it? Although I do decant reds, I often finish the bottle within 2 hours—I do share with my wife so only get half the bottle.

3) who refers to a vintage younger than 1961 as being “young”?

This quote was also illuminating:

"Lafite has a soul, a beautiful, generous, kindly soul. Lafite turns bare earth into heaven. Lafite is harmony, a harmony between man and nature, because without our magnificent winegrowers, nothing would be accomplished." Baron Eric de Rothschild

I however don’t like the fact that it is a blend that includes Merlot. I really don’t like Merlot.
There are always enthusiasts who have too much money to spend their interest.

There is a kind of club or group of lovers who have joined together to taste great wines. There are wines from old and certain vintages that are almost unique. And now comes the challenge: if wines are particularly old it is often the case that they have a wonderful special bouquet, but this quickly fades away. That's why they get together. There is little time to enjoy especially if it's white wine like this group about I read. They open the bottle and everyone gets a glass to taste. They are not afraid to pay 5000€ or more for their glass.

This group is still poor, after all, wines like a Romanée-Conti from 1945 sell for a measly $600,000. Pebbly? Not crazy enough yet? You can do better: a Château Pétrus aged for a year in space is valued at $1m, the same as a 6-litre bottle of a 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon from The Setting Wines in Napa Valley. It's not surprising that the cheapest of the most expensive costs just 1/4M$.

I'm fine with my level. I am modest and can definitely spend my interest 😅😂🤣

In the meantime, there are several banks/platforms where you can invest money in wine that yields good and safe profits. There will always be people with too much money. A safe investment. 👉

🤔 I have no idea why I am telling you this.
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I however don’t like the fact that it is a blend that includes Merlot. I really don’t like Merlot.
WOW you are a kindred spirit

I despise Merlot

It always tastes sour to me

Absolutely hate it
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Lol complete opposite here. I was buying with everything I got. Account status ending the month with €23.85 or something. Wanted something extra on top of my long term holdings that to sell after April 5th. If it goes south, then nothing will change in my life. If it goes good, I'll sell the extra and treat myself some nice small thing. :)

Maybe an electric Swedish made Vidde Over Snow Mobility EV?

Toys for girls and boys with mucho dinero? And that want to enjoy winter sports into the future.

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Haha…It’s only a 30 year old bottle, so not too expensive and I’ve been looking for a reason to try it…Personally I’m much more a Pinot Noir fan…and I could never wait 2 hours between opening and drinking!
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Quite a lot of volume on Europeans and US markets today:

40k traded in Frankfurt (2x 20k blocks that are supplied by market makers)
~20k traded on Tradegate
~105k traded in the US

Quite impressive if you think that Frankfurt and Tradegate average is about 5k and US about 20k... nice tick up, hopefully we see some good volume on the ASX as well.
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Quite a lot of volume on Europeans and US markets today:

40k traded in Frankfurt (2x 20k blocks that are supplied by market makers)
~20k traded on Tradegate
~105k traded in the US

Quite impressive if you think that Frankfurt and Tradegate average is about 5k and US about 20k... nice tick up, hopefully we see some good volume on the ASX as well.
Half of the US volume was me getting every last dollar in.
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All very relatable.
I've been throwing spare cash into this for years. Got a modest amount compared to some of you, but it's enough. A SP of $10+ would actually make a meaningful difference to my life, could pay off a significant chunk of my mortgage for example. One can dream.

But yeah, I also sold some recently. Mostly because I needed it for home renno's, but I'm happy to de-risk a bit. Might capitalise if the SP goes south etc.
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I can relate to both of you!

@Semmel - For almost two years, any spare money I have left over at the end of the month has gone into TLG shares. My cash savings have flatlined and my TLG shares have soared. Losing the invested money would be very frustrating, but life wouldn't drastically change. For perspective, if those savings were put into my mortgage instead it would hardly make a dent! It seems the risk of trying to turn it into a more meaningful amount is worth a try.

But with that said,
@Monkey - I sold 20% this week for reasons similar to yours, acting independently (I saw your post a day later). This is my thought process, ranked in order of importance:
  • I'm practically all-in and this is disconcerting. Converting some shares to cash helps me with some of that lingering anxiety, have to consider my mental health.

  • Slightly less damage on a very bad outcome, even if I think that is unlikely.

  • Extra liquidity to capitalize on a situation like a delay, where the market may have a knee-jerk reaction.

If the decision is favorable I can re-deploy that money with new confidence. I will get less shares back, but that is no big deal.
My goal was always 10k shares. When I got there I kept going, was just shy of 14k before I sold 20%, so I still have my 10k "long term hold" and some gravy on top :). That is to say I am satisfied even if I never buy another share, if TLG can achieve their plans then 10k is plenty.
Very good @Tim

I think the permits will give us a major boost but the real rocketship will appear under the share price when funding and offtakes are announced especially the funding

Mmmmm..................rocket's been a while since I posted this

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Could someone tell me why he has such a small body ..........?

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When the next Giga battery bash comes along in June we will have our pockets full of cash. Why don't we meet face to face in Washington DC and celebrate? I will design the lapel pin of the Dark Matter Overlords/ladies, DMO, secret club. If you will buy me a drink...a glass of Grange Hermitage 1988 will do nicely!

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View attachment 33316

When the next Giga battery bash comes along in June we will have our pockets full of cash. Why don't we meet face to face in Washington DC and celebrate? I will design the lapel pin of the Dark Matter Overlords/ladies, DMO, secret club. If you will buy me a drink...a glass of Grange Hermitage 1988 will do nicely!

The 'small' has my exile Australia store here. So from Penfolds. I have tasted it/him and he is very good. But with the 'small' - which is big for me - I liked the Yangarra Small Pot better than the Penfolds. Only unfortunately, the 2014 was a single bottle. Now he has only the simple Yangarra and Penfolds. But they are still great and that with screw cap. The Australians know no shame there.

Can you explain to me the label pin? Please bear with my nativity.


By the way, your honey has become firmly established for me. There is a large German importer here. So this is not unusual. I saw the honey from you the other day even in the health food store in different variants such as forest, eucalyptus or leather tree and others. Very tasty. I love a good honey. Of course, it is better to buy everything regionally that is clear to me. And we have ~everything in good quality. But a little intercultural exchange and a little globalization is allowed for me. I am otherwise very sparing with my footprint.

One question I have very clear: The dealer also sells meat for BBQ from Australia. And that is really very exotic for us. We really don't get that here.
Can you explain to me briefly which meat tastes like, so e.g. kangaroo or crocodile? I do not know off the top of my head what he has in the range. Would be very grateful for a description.

Whether I am convinced enough for this I do not know yet, mince with cheese, I don't know.
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By the way, your honey has become firmly established for me. There is a large German importer here. So this is not unusual. I saw the honey from you the other day even in the health food store in different variants such as forest, eucalyptus or leather tree and others. Very tasty. I love a good honey. Of course, it is better to buy everything regionally that is clear to me. And we have ~everything in good quality. But a little intercultural exchange and a little globalization is allowed for me. I am otherwise very sparing with my footprint.

One question I have very clear: The dealer also sells meat for BBQ from Australia. And that is really very exotic for us. We really don't get that here.
Can you explain to me briefly which meat tastes like, so e.g. kangaroo or crocodile? I do not know off the top of my head what he has in the range. Would be very grateful for a description.

Whether I am convinced enough for this I do not know yet, mince with cheese, I don't know.
View attachment 33346
I have had crocodile on a pizza but so long ago now I can't remember. And even if it was yesterday I do remember that I was so drunk at the time that I still wouldn't remember anyway.

However with a kangaroo steak I can definitely tell you to marinate it to tenderise( it and you must be careful not to over cook it. Always a bit rare otherwise it will be as tough as a boot. As with steak always rest it for 6 to 8 minutes off the hot plate

It should look like this on the right of screen.

It is a strong wild animal flavour. Some people prefer it over traditional lamb and beef steak.

Step By Step Guide.....................
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This time next week it will be Good Friday. Hopefully we will all be getting absolutely smashed celebrating and getting up to some mischief

Monkey Drinking GIF
Monkey Dancing GIF

scared monkey GIF
Monkey Spinning GIF
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I have had crocodile on a pizza but so long ago now I can't remember. And even if it was yesterday I do remember that I was so drunk at the time that I still wouldn't remember anyway.

However with a kangaroo steak I can definitely tell you to marinate it to tenderise( it and you must be careful not to over cook it. Always a bit rare otherwise it will be as tough as a boot. As with steak always rest it for 6 to 8 minutes off the hot plate

It should look like this on the right of screen.

It is a strong wild animal flavour. Some people prefer it over traditional lamb and beef steak.

Step By Step Guide.....................
Thank you!
I would work to the marinate or rub definitely then with some acid and the orange juice like those in the southern states. This will break down the muscle fibers somewhat so that the meat can no longer become hard as a boot.
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Thank you!
I would work to the marinate or rub definitely then with some acid and the orange juice like those in the southern states. This will break down the muscle fibers somewhat so that the meat can no longer become hard as a boot.
Yes that should work.

By the way have you ever tried marinating calamari in either pineapple juice or the flesh of kiwi fruit for 1 hour before you fry it ?

You should try it
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Yes that should work.

By the way have you ever tried marinating calamari in either pineapple juice or the flesh of kiwi fruit for 1 hour before you fry it ?

You should try it
I will try that. But something like that is rather an exotic thing here and if then to find in the freezer. The pandemic has destroyed many stores. In addition, they are not in our seas here and the Mediterranean is overfished and is becoming a desert. But I'll keep my eyes open. That is a good idea. I love seafood.
Next I'm going to try a Jambalya.
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The 'small' has my exile Australia store here. So from Penfolds. I have tasted it/him and he is very good. But with the 'small' - which is big for me - I liked the Yangarra Small Pot better than the Penfolds. Only unfortunately, the 2014 was a single bottle. Now he has only the simple Yangarra and Penfolds. But they are still great and that with screw cap. The Australians know no shame there.

Can you explain to me the label pin? Please bear with my nativity.

A lapel is what we would call a Krage in Swedish a part of a jacket like below


And the pin sits attached to the lapel maybe in form of an aboriginal design kangaroo... or rather a reindeer, in latin Rangifer tarandus or Tarando in both Spanish and Italian. It would be very fitting in case of Talga. Don't you think? We seem to think and discuss reindeer a lot in the DMO club ;)



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A lapel is what we would call a Krage in Swedish a part of a jacket like below

View attachment 33351

And the pin sits attached to the lapel maybe in form of an aboriginal design kangaroo... or rather a reindeer, in latin Rangifer tarandus or Tarando in both Spanish and Italian. It would be very fitting in case of Talga. Don't you think? We seem to think and discuss reindeer a lot in the DMO club ;)

View attachment 33352

View attachment 33353


Come to think of it the Reindeer is the symbol of my alma mater Umeå University 200 km further south down E4 from Luleå. I spent 10 enjoyable years at the Umeå Plant Science Centre, UPSC.


I prefer the side view of Comet and Cupid and Blizens heads.

Yes definitively that is the lapel pin I would wear with pride ! One stylizised reindeer head with antlers from the side. In silver with graphite for the eye.

My gedanken shop is open for pre - orders. Reindeer pins for your lapel, tie, or scarf my ladies and gentlemen of the DMo secret club. Hush.

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Yeah I'm a tad anxious as well.

In fact over the last 2 days I have sold a total parcel of 50,000 @ $1.54 & $1.56. I'll probably sell another 25,000 tomorrow leaving me still with 100K.

a) I just figure if it goes against us I'm being prudent as we will probably drop 40% on the day. Thereby limiting damage somewhat. Then the question becomes do I move on from TLG ?

b) If we get permits I think it will propel us to around $2.00 whereupon I will still be happy and then buy more with the proceeds of the sold 50,000 plus more $ as the real rockets under the SP will be offtakes and financing which I think will follow very closely behind a favourable permit decision

c) If it absolutely rockets well over $2.00 on a favourable decision I will be ecstatic (as all of us will be) and I will still buy based on the same likely catalysts

Anyway just my approach at the moment............................Meaning don't be surprised if I buy back the 50,000 tomorrow LOL
So did you buy back those 50,000 shares today?!

Despite the anxiety, which I think is healthy given the thoroughly overweight position I’m in with Talga, I remain convinced it’s a near neglible chance we’re not going to get the stamp of approval next week. Nonetheless it’s a less risky approach buying back in post permit.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see an announcement re EIB funding to the tune of $300m within a week of permit grant though.

This time next week this may no longer be a speccy stock!
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