The Talga Bar


:cautious::unsure: I don't want get into politics here but I can't resist a dig at the Swedish politician that was the first one jointly with the LKAB CEO to announce to the world and her EU colleagues of the revolutionary new find of 1 million t + of REE associated with the Per Geijer iron ore body.

It is my strong belief that this, so called surprising find of REEs, was not news to LKAB and its CEO since the company has been aware of the close association of REE and phosphorus with Magnetite in the Kiruna ore field for decades. In fact as mentioned previously they have planned and now put into practise the ReeMAP project of extracting REEs from stored Kiruna mine waste material.

So the only news value was from the exploration work they did of the Per Geijer ore body, to estimate how much REE there is, and make a nice animated clip.

🇸🇪 🇪🇺 The Phosphorous and REE outlined in.....yellow and blue ....for the benefit of the Swedish Minister and assembled European news medias sake. A perfect marketing strategy that makes Sweden, the Swedish Government, Kiruna and LKAB look good at the beginning of the Swedish EU presidency through a good "news" story. Backed up by data from exploration....naturlich...

Oh well call me a cynic but I have worked in Government Departments in the State of Victoria and know about the hunt for good news stories, press releases, and visual aids that massages the egos of politicians....

⚒️ 🚛 🚇...

Your observation or assumption is completely correct also from my point of view. I follow everything on site or local a bit more closely. And I heard about the REE find for the first time I think over a year ago that the find is much larger than suspected. Maybe they needed some more time to wait for data to prove it. Or maybe they held back the time to prepare this coup together with the politicians. They knew what was coming. I think Swedish politics used the opportunity perfectly to draw attention to themselves. Other EU presidencies have not opened with such a hammer. And LKAB also did the best they could. The only thing holding them back for us Europeans are the laws of the previous governments and their policies.

Imagine even a very close relative called me because it was on the prime time news and he heard somewhere that I was dealing with a small miner up there.
I think that was perfectly timed. And the whole industry can be grateful to LKAB and the current government no matter what else they do. I cannot and will not judge that. But they have set this thing up neatly for the EU. Even positive for the opponents without them wanting to know.

The news is full of negative comments about mining and woe betide anyone who says anything positive. They would have to fear social bashing.
On the other hand I think it's great that politicians have teamed up with LKAB for this announcement to highlight its importance above the background noise. This concerns all of us here. Now politicians, like those in previous governments, can no longer hide behind their personal beliefs. And even the Greens in the government here in Germany have highlighted the find positively, contrary to the hardline voices from their own camp.

Congratulations to all involved!
And this bar has been opened for such topics. Skål! 🍻
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Yes brother I return your Skål with a Prost! 🥂 Zum wohl! 🍻
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I have mentioned the yearly migration in February by the Netherland schaatse enthusiasts to the natural ice covering the Gulf of Bothnia in Luleå.

The circular track, prepared for the Dutch visitors by Luleå council, meanders around inlets, peninsulas and under bridges surrounding central Luleå and is 7 km in lenght. The track usually is skateable or Sparkable from end of Jan to end of April.

Unfortunately the canals in Holland have not allowed any ice skating in February for many years. Ice and snow is in short supply in the Alps and in Holland due to global warming trend specially affecting North western and Central Europe this winter season

Here is where Talga comes to the rescue contributing to the green transitioning of the automotive industry.

Talga provides the good burghers of Luleå and visitors free Talga Sparks, yes the human contraption designed for two people to be kicked along the ice, aka åka Spark in Swedish, a traditional means of sustainable muscle sparked mode of transportation on ice. See pictures of the Talga Sparks in post by cosor in thread 'Sweden, home of TLGs graphite mine(s)'

Anyhow, you might wonder how far you can go by Spark or skate on the ice covering the Gulf of Bothnia. My brother the daredevil in the family regularly ventures 10 or 20 km out at sea by skates in March.

He provided me with these stunning pictures taken yesterday 12 km from Luleå harbour.


And as he was steaming out to the ice edge in the Gulf of Bothnia he met Swedish Ice Breaker Atle assisting an Iron ore bulk carrier making its way throught the ice into Luleå iron ore export harbour.

⚒️ 🚛 🚇...

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And there is an annual World Championship in Spark in Norway! Heia Norge!



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🏎️🏎️ And for those of you that want to travel faster and on more solid ice road perhaps you could participate in the Ferrari 488 ice race taking place close to Luleå...

Naturally these cars are conventionally powered by ICE but within next few years the race will be open to electrically powered be sure..

⚒️. 🚛. 🚇...

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The European banking sectors has its problems right now, see run on Credit Suisse as an example, so financing an expansion of mining a special commodity like graphite, not traded on any public commodity market, might be more challenging than previously.

Underlying the economic woes of EU is the high rates of inflation experienced in EU member countries and their immediate neighbours in the table below.

Sweden, with 12 % inflation, can be categorized as a high inflation economy.This could prove to be another negative economic factor influencing future success of capital raising in the European context.

As an aside, Türkiye finds itself at the bottom of the class of 2023 with the highest inflation of all countries surveyed experiencing 55 % rate of inflation. Also anchored near the bottom is Ukraine for evident reasons, and its close neighbour Hungary.

IMO the ruling party in Türkiye and its leader required an external threath, as a diversionary tactic, to hide real problems with the tanking economy compounded by the consequences of the devastating earth quake. All in order to shore up votes of the 60 million eligible voters in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential election in Türkiye on May 14.

Liberal, Lutheran, Quran burning Sweden seeking to join NATO is a perfect foil for an Ottoman, Political, Sword fighter that has an ultimate or penultimate say on which Nordic country can join the NATO ranks next. The ulterior motive, IMHO, being his fight to stay in power for another term of five years.

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Move on, nothing to see.
The European banking sectors has its problems right now, see run on Credit Suisse as an example, so financing an expansion of mining a special commodity like graphite, not traded on any public commodity market, might be more challenging than previously.

Underlying the economic woes of EU is the high rates of inflation experienced in EU member countries and their immediate neighbours in the table below.

Sweden, with 12 % inflation, can be categorized as a high inflation economy.This could prove to be another negative economic factor influencing future success of capital raising in the European context.

As an aside, Türkiye finds itself at the bottom of the class of 2023 with the highest inflation of all countries surveyed experiencing 55 % rate of inflation. Also anchored near the bottom is Ukraine for evident reasons, and its close neighbour Hungary.

IMO the ruling party in Türkiye and its leader required an external threath as a diversionary tactic to hide real problems with the tanking economy compounded by the consequences of the devastating earth quake. All in order to shore up votes of the 60 million eligible voters in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential election in Türkiye on May 14.

Liberal, Lutheran, Quran burning Sweden seeking to join NATO is a perfect foil for an Ottoman, Political, Sword fighter that has an ultimate or penultimate say on which Nordic country can join the NATO ranks next. The ulterior motive being IMHO his fight to stay in power for another term of five years.

Wow - I must admit, I needed to read that last paragraph slowly, and a few times, to fully understand it. In it you have said a lot indeed. And a lot that I was not (geo-politically) aware of.

And here I was thinking Sweden was all about reindeer, saunas and gorgeous blondes (of both genders). I thought everyone loved them universally.

It will take me a while to get used to the new spelling of Turkey - let alone learn how to type it! But hey, it must now be in my system as I tried to type Turkiye and it self-corrected to Türkiye. Yay, I don‘t need to learn how to type an umlaut.
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Glad there is a space for free, unsubstantiated, ideas. Here is one:-
Is the elephant in the room a take-over / buy-in by Volkswagen after the permits are in? Would also explain the silence by Northvolt. A strong coffee for me, please?
Of course, in the wider context a take-over has always been on the cards for an entrepreneurial company. Can imagine no-one wants to interfere or upset the permit process, but after the 5th of April.....
Yuggh, I am sobering up now.
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Glad there is a space for free, unsubstantiated, ideas. Here is one:-
Is the elephant in the room a take-over / buy-in by Volkswagen after the permits are in? Would also explain the silence by Northvolt. A strong coffee for me, please?
Of course, in the wider context a take-over has always been on the cards for an entrepreneurial company. Can imagine no-one wants to interfere or upset the permit process, but after the 5th of April.....
Yuggh, I am sobering up now.

They can have my yes at 30AUD per share.
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Yeah did you see that VW through its battery subsidary PowerCo has placed an order of US dollar 14 billion for batteries from Northvolt?

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Yeah did you see that VW through its battery subsidary PowerCo has placed an order of US dollar 14 billion for batteries from Northvolt?


And that VW has got 20 % shareholding in Northvolt.

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Our new Ai Police deleted one of my posts and I can't track which one since it's deleted. Especially Ai logic. Anyway. I was warned along with this that if I make another post off topic my avatar will be banned. I should also read the rules again carefully!
So do not be surprised I will think about that and hold back here. By the way, the announcement began with: I am the law.

I hope that the Ai of our admin realizes that this is a bar and does not delete my avatar now for this post. *anxious look over the shoulder*

Whether that's fun...

The trigger is always another avatar reporting the post. Then follows a check whether the reported post violates the rules. In this case, so not on the subject of what makes up a large part of the posts in some groups. So even here it would be possible that my avatar is banned if someone of you reports this post. I have already been warned. Therefore, I would like to digest this first and observe whether it continues to please me.
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Wow, you're cheap :p

Naasaaa, dont give me that... 😎 Everyone has their price and I have mine 😂
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I might add, i accept 30AUD now, after mine approval. Bit I do not accept 30AUD after Niska expansion is expanded and approved. Simply from economics, this can go to 100AUD and higher with full potential of the graphite mines and especially with full potential of the silicon and graphene business. I am not at all certain this will happen, like, at all, but the potential is huge and the market is able to goble up our product.
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Move on, nothing to see.
Our new Ai Police deleted one of my posts and I can't track which one since it's deleted. Especially Ai logic. Anyway. I was warned along with this that if I make another post off topic my avatar will be banned. I should also read the rules again carefully!
So do not be surprised I will think about that and hold back here. By the way, the announcement began with: I am the law.

I hope that the Ai of our admin realizes that this is a bar and does not delete my avatar now for this post. *anxious look over the shoulder*

Whether that's fun...

The trigger is always another avatar reporting the post. Then follows a check whether the reported post violates the rules. In this case, so not on the subject of what makes up a large part of the posts in some groups. So even here it would be possible that my avatar is banned if someone of you reports this post. I have already been warned. Therefore, I would like to digest this first and observe whether it continues to please me.
I have also received the occasional slap on the wrist. They aren’t nice. All they encouraged me to do was to participate less.

I note, a forum with participants scared to speak their mind becomes useless real fast.

Notice my avatar—that is intentional! “Move along nothing to see.”
Germany has given the World a great deal over it's history especially in the areas of music, literature, art, philosophy, logic, reason,

Then you do this ....................

Stressed Out Monkey GIF

‘Like normal beer’: German brewery creates ‘carbonated’ lager powder​

One brewery has literally turned water into beer with a simple invention that will also work wonders for the environment.

Rebecca Borg

2 min read
March 22, 2023 - 6:06PM

Brewery Neuzeller Klosterbräu has created a powder that can turn into beer by adding water and stirring.

Iconic beer reveals massive shake-up

A European brewery has revolutionised the way carbonated beverages are made by concocting a powdered lager that almost mimics the look of beer on tap, just by adding water.
Neuzeller Klosterbräu, a German brewery that’s been in the industry for almost 500 years, invented the powder which can make beer in the same way a person would make instant coffee or a protein shake.
By simply adding a couple of spoons of powder into a glass, adding water and giving it a stir, beer enthusiasts can make their favourite drink without having to open the fridge.
Stefan Fritsche from Neuzeller Klosterbräu brewery. Picture: 7News

Stefan Fritsche from Neuzeller Klosterbräu brewery. Picture: 7News
The biblical-like creation is intended to help reduce the heavy carbon footprint beer exports generate, with one 355ml bottle equivalent to 1.3km of driving.
By removing the extra weight created by glass and water, the brewery’s general manager Stefan Fritsche says the invention could reduce transport weight by 90 per cent.
“It’s useless transporting everything … so right now we can limit the taste of the beer to 45 grams instead of transporting 1kg,” he told 7News.
Currently, the powder creates a non-alcoholic beverage however Mr Fritsche said an alcoholic version will be available soon which he hopes he’ll be able to export globally.
“We want to, in about three months, be ready with everything … and then we are looking for partners, for investors who want to start-up with us,” he said.
Currently the powder only creates a non-alcoholic beverage. Picture: 7News

Currently the powder only creates a non-alcoholic beverage. Picture: 7News
The beer connoisseur claims his product tastes “just like normal regular beer” and its appearance also looks similar to a typical carbonated beer as it foams up once mixed.

However Mr Fritsche said the possibilities of creating new beers doesn’t end there with over 40 more beverages in the process of being invented, adding to its current cherry beer, anti-ageing beer, and ginger beer inventions.
“[We’re also creating a] bath beer, so you can even take a bath inside the beer,” he said.
“We have 42 different types of beers which we are producing right now, even gluten-free beer and non-alcoholic beer.”
Mr Fritsche’s said his uncanny ideas stem from a simple question he asks himself each morning: “How can I destroy my own company?”
An alcoholic version is expected to be ready soon. Picture: 7News

An alcoholic version is expected to be ready soon. Picture: 7News
“If I think of a possibility to destroy my own company, someone else may also do and so we are developing very nice things here,” he said.
Thinking ahead, if Mr Fritsche’s powder lager does make it to bars and restaurants it’s likely the powder would be added to a bottle in-store before being filled up with water to serve to diners.

The creation is the first of its kind globally and differs from other powdered beers as it’s carbonated.
In addition to its powdered beers, Neuzeller Klosterbräu is known for its innovative ideas, originality and age-old recipes and has distributors worldwide.

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Yeah and think of all the CO2 bound up in the the spoonfulls of powdered beer. Perhaps this potentially green technology could be used to sequester CO2 and hide it underground?

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I might add, i accept 30AUD now, after mine approval. Bit I do not accept 30AUD after Niska expansion is expanded and approved. Simply from economics, this can go to 100AUD and higher with full potential of the graphite mines and especially with full potential of the silicon and graphene business. I am not at all certain this will happen, like, at all, but the potential is huge and the market is able to goble up our product.
Now, that's the spirit. Personally, I see Niska (and more) as an inevitability once the original Vittangi project is approved. I hope they'll stick with the underground mining plan, so the Sami have less to complain about. Though I am sure we will hear tales about ancient cave reindeer getting disturbed.
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