The Talga Bar


Move on, nothing to see.
So tomorrow did come, as planned. The market doesn‘t like the capital raise or/and the excessively long delay before results of the court case can be released. Bugger!

On the final day of the hearing, the Court confirmed it will publish its decision on 5 April 2023.

Come on guys - time is money.

Luckily I wasn‘t planning on selling any time soon.
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So tomorrow did come, as planned. The market doesn‘t like the capital raise or/and the excessively long delay before results of the court case can be released. Bugger!

On the final day of the hearing, the Court confirmed it will publish its decision on 5 April 2023.

Come on guys - time is money.

Luckily I wasn‘t planning on selling any time soon.
Yeah overreaction by the market - but great opportunity for those who want to pick up a few more.

If you are a long term shareholder (like most of us here), then TLG raising funds to start the procurement for long lead items for the Talnode C anode plant and site selection advancements for Talnode Si can only be a good thing to meet the stated ambition of production in late 2024.

The approx 5 week timeline to permit announcement is perfectly acceptable and suggests ample time for them to write up the conditions for a YES to approval, rather than a rejection.

The stronger funding position also reduces Talga’s vulnerability the predatory tactics the large OEM customers may utilise to force Talga into singing an offtake agreement that isn’t on our terms.

Happy for the market to have a hissy fit today, but from a long term point of view - everything is headed in the right direction.

Next stop is to hear how TLG may benefit from the CRM Act and Next Zero Act due to drop in a few weeks time
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How beautiful, the next day! Yawn and good morning or good evening or night, take your pick. It's nice to see that everything is going according to plan and that even my drilling in the municipal administration has brought the right result.

What about the SP and the day on which the new shares come onto the market on 3 March? I can't remember how that is. Do we expect another drop then? What is it normally like?

a warning by our admin zeeb0t:

"Hello all

Just to serve as a reminder, this morning a well known poster with hundreds of posts in history, was automatically detected by forensic systems employed by my software, as using a duplicate / additional account with a more recent pest / troll account that appeared.

I will not name names, but, this should serve as a warning to others who think of doing this.

You may have ways of doing this, and avoiding detection for a while. But eventually, you will be identified, and quickly dispatched.

Note: this comes with a life-long ban. Any additional detections will then be automatically dispatched by the system.

Update: Also just to reaffirm for those who don't know - it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone or any system to outright prevent misuse of said systems. This is a risk of the internet, technology, and even non-technology - that someone will find ways, to hide who they are, and create chaos.

You need only look in any direction in this day and age, and it is what you find.

But every effort is made to prevent what can be prevented."
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Happy weekend everyone :)

There has been a lot of exciting news recently, and we have all been quite focused on permits + the macro economic situation at the moment.
Even with all this, I still can't stop thinking about The Orb. The thought of it is a persistent niggle.
Where did it come from? Where is it now? What are they using it for? What great evil has been unleashed? Will I ever be allowed to touch it?

Anyway, I would love your input.


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Happy weekend everyone :)

There has been a lot of exciting news recently, and we have all been quite focused on permits + the macro economic situation at the moment.
Even with all this, I still can't stop thinking about The Orb. The thought of it is a persistent niggle.
Where did it come from? Where is it now? What are they using it for? What great evil has been unleashed? Will I ever be allowed to touch it?

Anyway, I would love your input.


View attachment 30641
I think that was dug up on planet Earth. No one knows exactly what it does, what it is for. In any case, MT has already put on his shorts. Maybe he dances around The Object in his garden?
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Happy weekend everyone :)

There has been a lot of exciting news recently, and we have all been quite focused on permits + the macro economic situation at the moment.
Even with all this, I still can't stop thinking about The Orb. The thought of it is a persistent niggle.
Where did it come from? Where is it now? What are they using it for? What great evil has been unleashed? Will I ever be allowed to touch it?

Anyway, I would love your input.


View attachment 30641

For all we know, when you touch it, you get smart..

2001 a space odyssey GIF
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Happy weekend everyone :)

There has been a lot of exciting news recently, and we have all been quite focused on permits + the macro economic situation at the moment.
Even with all this, I still can't stop thinking about The Orb. The thought of it is a persistent niggle.
Where did it come from? Where is it now? What are they using it for? What great evil has been unleashed? Will I ever be allowed to touch it?

Anyway, I would love your input.


View attachment 30641
All good questions Cronk. The orb appeared in this single photo, then disappeared without a trace!
Another question is where can we get one too? A much smaller souvineer-sized graphite orb, made of graphite from Vittangi, would make a nice memento if Talgas plans come to fruition :)
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I'd prefer to get one from the underground mine in Niska. 🤟
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All good questions Cronk. The orb appeared in this single photo, then disappeared without a trace!
Another question is where can we get one too? A much smaller souvineer-sized graphite orb, made of graphite from Vittangi, would make a nice memento if Talgas plans come to fruition :)

I have often wondered what it would take to get hold of a core sample. I wonder what they do with all of those. I would happily fly over to get a piece :)
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A little bit of local Vittangi news and history. Kopparrajden, Copper reindeer race, the annual skirace from Svappavaara to Vittangi that runs along E45, and passes the turn off to Nunasvaara, is on March 18 this year. The name of the race commemorates the long and ardorous transport by sleds loaded with copper ore and pulled by reindeer along the snow covered ground from Svappavaara mine works to the water powered crushers and furnaces along the Torne river valley. At the end of the 17th century when this logistical system was in place no roads existed and people and goods travelled up and down the Torne river in boats by summer and by reindeer caravans or ren rajd wintertime. The crushed ore was roasted in the furnace and the copper sulphide converted to more mallleable copper oxide.
The logistics of this operation depended on 100s of sleds pulled by teams of reindeer steered by their Sami drivers at the peak of the operations around 1680. It is interesting to note that there was a whole local mineral ore transport network based on Sami and reindeer power more than 300 years ago and this is recognised by the Vittangi Sport Klubb. VSK has been organising this race for more than 50 years.
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To follow on from my expose on local Vittangi sporting and mining history. Perhaps we could convince Talga to sponsor the Kopparrajden ski race? It is a long standing local sporting event that attracts 100s of locals and the specially prepared ski track passes close by the Nunasvaara graphite deposit. A prize in form of a graphite orb or something similar would link the mining history from bygone days to the future of the local economy IMO. What do you think? LKAB is a sponsor of the Swedish Biathlon skiing team.
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To follow on from my expose on local Vittangi sporting and mining history. Perhaps we could convince Talga to sponsor the Kopparrajden ski race? It is a long standing local sporting event that attracts 100s of locals and the specially prepared ski track passes close by the Nunasvaara graphite deposit. A prize in form of a graphite orb or something similar would link the mining history from bygone days to the future of the local economy IMO. What do you think? LKAB is a sponsor of the Swedish Biathlon skiing team.
I think that's a great idea.
I think Talga sponsors the sports club in Vittangi and the marathon that also passes through Nunasvaara I mean. But your idea is much better and might reconcile. I think before the decision it is too explosive but when the first wounds are healed it could be a nice gesture. Just copy/translate your text and send it to: ?
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I have sympathy for her and much for them but this I can not understand even with the will of my heart:

"Greta Thunberg says Norway’s wind farms are an ‘unacceptable’ violation of human rights

Greta Thunberg is protesting against wind farms built on Indigenous land in Norway.

"We are here to demand that the turbines must be torn down and that legal rights must be respected," says Sami singer-songwriter, actress and activist xxx.""

Personally, my respect for her is dwindling.
Imagine that in Sweden
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Top 20
I have sympathy for her and much for them but this I can not understand even with the will of my heart:

"Greta Thunberg says Norway’s wind farms are an ‘unacceptable’ violation of human rights

Greta Thunberg is protesting against wind farms built on Indigenous land in Norway.

"We are here to demand that the turbines must be torn down and that legal rights must be respected," says Sami singer-songwriter, actress and activist xxx.""

Personally, my respect for her is dwindling.
Imagine that in Sweden
View attachment 30933
Seems Greta is protesting to uphold a ruling of the Supreme Court about 2 illegally built wind farms.
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Seems Greta is protesting to uphold a ruling of the Supreme Court about 2 illegally built wind farms.
They were built legally.

Of course you can look at it that way. She says she is only concerned about this one (2 wind parks) in Norway. But not the Sami up there as we all know. And that attitude is fueling by her (?) and I don't think that's right. It's a disastrous signal.

The court has played an inglorious role. First, after intensive examination they grant permission and everything is built.
Then they withdraw it again, but do not say what should happen. From my point of view the role of the court is just as questionable as that of Greta and the plaintiffs to whom the world climate is subordinated to their own rights and economic interests.
I stand by this. If we want to save the world's climate no one can be exempt not even the consumers of industrial goods in any country in the world and not even the reindeer industry.

The only ones in Europe who do not need to adapt to the Green Deal are those Norwegians, Finns and Swedes that are also Sami who have been earning their living from the reindeer industry since time immemorial?!

At the moment, everyone in the world is going crazy not to make mistakes and not to be vulnerable to exclusion or discrimination. The permission was given and then withdrawn because of concerns and worries and pressure. And climate protection plays no role.

What should the indigenous people say who are going to sink with their islands in the Pacific? Thank you Sami, you have the right to fight for your right to continue your reindeer herding without restrictions. We say goodbye then times good luck still?!

enough of it
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Having sympathy does not mean caving to demands from cult activist actors
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Of course you can look at it that way. She says she is only concerned about this one project. But not the Sami up there as we all know. And that attitude is fueling her and I don't think that's right. It's a disastrous signal.

The court has played an inglorious role. First, after intensive examination they grant permission and everything is built.
Then they withdraw it again, but do not say what should happen. From my point of view the role of the court is just as questionable as that of Greta and the plaintiffs to whom the world climate is subordinated to their own rights and economic interests.
I stand by this. If we want to save the world's climate no one can be exempt not even the consumers of industrial goods in any country in the world and not even the reindeer industry.

The only ones in Europe who do not need to adapt to the Green Deal are those Norwegians, Finns and Swedes that are also Sami who have been earning their living from the reindeer industry since time immemorial?!

At the moment, everyone in the world is going crazy not to make mistakes and not to be vulnerable to exclusion or discrimination. The permission was given and then withdrawn because of concerns and worries and pressure. And climate protection plays no role.

What should the indigenous people say who are going to sink with their islands in the Pacific? Thank you Sami, you have the right to fight for your right to continue your reindeer herding without restrictions. We say goodbye then times good luck still?!

enough of it
Hi cosors,

Let's stick to the facts and not bring in any reductio ad absurdum.

The conversation was about Greta, not the Sami.

You have said that Greta is only protesting about the windmills condemned in the court case. (That is rather quixotic isn't it?). It looks like she has come down on the side of humanist values over conservationist values.

The court has found that 2 windmill farms infringe the rights of the Sami. It has nor condemned all the windmills in Norway.

I don't know the background, but I accept your statement that the court (the same court?) granted permission to build the windmills. So now they have decided that the windmills infringe the rights of the Sami.

The court has not given any direction as to the remedy.

It could be, eg, compensation, removal of the windmills/restoration of the land, co-existence, time-share as with Talga (eg, no trucks at certain times). After all someone posted elsewhere that the Sami at one time used to use their reindeer to haul metal ore from the mines, and that this is commemorated by an annual race.

The government has not resolved the matter in 16 months, but has indicated that it is seeking a solution. 16 months is a long time. There's a saying that justice delayed is justice denied. Dickens wrote a book about it. But it takes two to tango. It may be that there are different camps among the Sami who demand different remedies.


If its true that the courts did permit the turbines, then decided in hindsight that they breach Sami rights (or similar), that's going to be a nightmare to resolve.

I'll be interested in knowing how it goes.
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Apropos the Sami and their reindeer and the Sami opposition to any activity that might conceivably interfer with the cultural connection to reindeer husbandry on their ancestral land. In another posting in this thread I wrote a historical expose on the use of reindeer by Sami to haul what some today might consider unnatural loads of mineral ore in caravans past Nunasvaara or Njunisvarri. And that this is commemorated in the local annual ski race, Kopparrajden.

I find it interesting that among the 100s of participants in this race last time it was run were Sami skiers, sans reindeer presumably.

And one of the Sami that succesfully completed the last race is the Sami Chairman of Talma Sami village. The same Chairman has appeared in Swedish media representing Talma v Talga. In this clip from SVT Sapmi the Chairman expands, in Sami with Swedish subtitles, on the Talma opposition to Talgas plans on exploring the Njunisvarri graphite.
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