"Hertsöfelt industrial park delayed
Luleå's new industrial area at Hertsöfältet may be delayed when procurement has to be redone, writes Norr Media.
23 October 2023
Luleå's two major construction companies, BDX and Nyab, are competing for the contract to build the new industrial area.
BDX Företagen
got the assignment.
Nyab appealed as their bid had been disqualified.
Administrative Court decided that the evaluation of the tenders should be
re-done before the procurement was finalised.
This resulted in
Nyab being awarded the contract.
This was
appealed by BDX.
Administrative Court then
decided that the procurement process had
to be
View attachment 47975
The protracted procurement process is delaying the work by almost nine months. The new contractor is expected to start work in February and March.
However, some work can be done earlier under the land framework
agreement that already exists between Luleå Municipality and Nyab.
The project manager for Luleå Industrial Park, Robert Eriksson, says to Norr Media that, despite the delay in the construction of the industrial area,
he does not believe that the industries' schedules need to be changed.
The industries that currently have land allocation agreements for establishment at Luleå Industrial Park are Talga, Fertiberia, Duroc and Lindab. More companies are in the pipeline."
I have not read anything more nonsensical in recent years. A call call for tenders (?) with the result that someone gets the contract. This is contested so that the court changes its mind. That, in turn, is also contested. So that the court changes its mind again and everything starts all over again.

This reminds me of when the Swedish Bar Association thought there was good business in the North and called for a greater presence there.
That the project manager believes that there will be no delays comforts me in this Swedish administrative madness.
I underline that
I suspect that this refers to the industrial park in general and I suspect that
our contract with NYAB is not affected and it only concerns work for the municipality, so the project manager is right from my point of view.
"NYAB begins work for Talga at Europe’s first commercial battery anode refinery
NYAB begins the earthworks at Talgas’ new battery anode refinery located in Luleå Industrial Park. The facility will be powered by renewable electricity and is part of Talgas’ investment in climate-smart battery anodes, using natural graphite from the Vittangi mine in Kiruna municipality. Preparations for the construction of the refinery will start with this agreement and will begin in September.
The green industrial transition continues in northern Sweden
Northern Sweden is experiencing a significant investment boom and only in Luleå there are plans for 100 billions of kronors. Luleå Industrial Park is a hub for green transition, where cluster of heavy industrial companies such as Talga invest.
Talga AB develops green graphite battery anode products, technology and advanced materials. Talga is now establishing its first commercial facility in Luleå, where the planned annual production of battery anode material will be sufficient for approximately 200,000 new electric cars each year.
“We are very pleased that with this agreement with NYAB we are able to start our significant investment in Luleå. Facilities like this are crucial to the transition to a more sustainable future. By using natural graphite from Vittangi, green energy and proprietary process technology, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the production of battery anodes by as much as 92%”, says Peder Enoksson, Project Director at Talga.
NYAB’s works include necessary earthworks. Excavation, filling, pipe laying and soil coatings for civil engineering installations and buildings within the property.
Work will begin immediately. The signed contract includes an
option for additional land and infrastructure-related works, which is intended to be started no later than spring 2024. The parties have agreed not to disclose the contract value.
“NYAB is founded in Luleå and has a deep understanding of, and close connection to, the regions where we operate. To now be established with another important project in Luleå Industrial Park puts us in a good position to capture future business opportunities. We want to continue to contribute to the green and industrial transition. We are proud of the trust Talga shows us”, says Magnus Granljung, Managing Director of NYAB Sverige AB."
call for tenders
call for tenders
That's how it works!
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein.