The Talga Bar


Interesting juxtaposition of discussions on The Voice propoposal for Aboriginal self rule particularly as it relates to land rights.

However I must disclose the horse bargaining now taking place between the Vittangi antis and the assembled murder of back crows, yes a bunch of crows are a murder of crows like a mass of owls is a parliament of owls, but I digress, murder of black crows or enviro lawyers out to make a buck.

I almost like to oust this particular lawyer who is overpromising and most likely under delivering but will swallow my anger and just translate the pertinent para to her open...yes open in Swedish language, freely available on Facebook , sales pitch to antis.

"Som specialiserad miljöjurist kan jag se saken utifrån och ge gruvbolaget en tuffare match, samtidigt som du själv inte behöver oroa dig över hur man gör.
Vad händer nu om du anlitar mig?
För att kunna företräda er kommer jag att behöva en fullmakt från var och en av er.
Jag har gjort en mall på hur den kan se ut. Du kan när som helst säga upp fullmakten.
Enklast är det om du undertecknar fullmakten och skickar den till mig på adress:
GBH Miljörätt
Natt och dags Allé 41
945 93 Enköping
Om möjligt är det bra om du också kan skanna in en undertecknad fullmakt och maila till mig på
Skicka in fullmakten senast 20 maj 2023.
Som ert juridiska ombud kan jag självklart inte garantera att jag kan stoppa denna verksamhet helt och hållet (sådana garantier kan man aldrig ge).

"Men det jag kan garantera är att jag kommer att göra allt jag kan för att verksamheten åtminstone kommer att få så stränga krav som det bara går, så att den kanske t o m på detta sätt blir ekonomiskt ointressant att fortsätta med."

Jag ser fram emot ett givande samarbete!

Signed GBH

Last para before last salutatory remark! translated...

"What I can guarantee is that I will do all in my power to ensure the company (ie Talga AB) will face the strictest rules possible and be obstructed all the way, so it might in this instance become an economical liability to continue with its operations.

I look forward to work with you!"

Signed GBH Black crow of murders...

Methinks UL, one of the most anti antis who unthinking and BIGLY wrongly posted this to an open Vittangi FB forum, which I subscribe to, have received dozen of these letters from the murder of black crows congregating over the reindeer roadkill by the intersection of Nunasvaara road and E45. And picked this one to post, openly and BIGLY wrongly, on the open bulletin board.

En reserche de temps perdu...

Use better .)
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Well do you think I should delete the email and postal address? Methinks not this is now freely available on the internet thanks to the stupidity of UL. It is he who is going to be sued not me...


And I graciuosly avoided to name and shame this enviro lawyer part of the murder of black crows....

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Well do you think I should delete the email and postal address? Methinks not this is now freely available on the internet thanks to the stupidity of UL. It is he who is going to be sued not me...

I would delete any link that plays into someone's hand in their research. Have you ever typed your own clear name into Google? I think a lot of people do that. And it doesn't do us much good here either. Everything runs according to the law. And I also have the Data Protection Act in mind.
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You have all absolutely benefited in recent months from the fact that others do not take it so seriously.
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I would delete any link that plays into someone's hand in their research. Have you ever typed your own clear name into Google? I think a lot of people do that. And it doesn't do us much good here either. Everything runs according to the law. And I also have the Data Protection Act in mind.

As always you give sound advice. I will handle it accordingly.

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Now I have let myself be carried away again to vent my frustration although I wanted to be silent about this topic 🤷‍♂️😅

It is quite OK to go on a rant every few days. It clears the mind.

Unfortunately Mrs Monkey only allows me to have one rant on the weekend and no more.

Once I finally go silent and she believes I have finished my rant she asks.........

"Is that it......? have 10 seconds to continue or no more ranting this weekend"
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Well it might be an unpopular opinion but I do tend to think we need opposition that will try their best to find the errors in the advancement of progress with Talga. It's necessary because the way to be accurate and precise with your decisions and actions are to predict and play out possibilities and to let them perish while they are still concepts instead of letting a force go unopposed and crash into catastrophe.

Maybe I'm just too sober. April has been a long month.
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New rumour from my source in Kiruna....

I just spoke to my brother that works for the BIGLY mining company in Kiruna and he had heard that there is going to be another EU delegation coming up to Kiruna within the next few days to;

1) Visit the rapidly vanishing ICE HOTEL #33. And they better hurry up before H²O solidus has turned into liquidus, under the influence of the spring sun. IH # 33 is soon finding its way down the mighty Torne River to Gulf of Bothnia.

IH # 34 is constructed from massive ice blocks stored in cool storage over summer months. Starting by end of October. IH #34 opens up its doors to rich people from all over on December 15. And I plan to pay the CEO of IH a visit when IH#34 opens.

2)In the next few days in Kiruna or rather at what remains of #33 there will be invited presentations from the BIGLY mining company .....and Talga. Maybe PEL or MP will have to perform on ice?

Don' t think that MT will travel half way over the world for a meeting like this. However if he would combine this jaunt with trip to....say Luleå by 30 to 31 May that just might be worth it. The Tree Hotel in Harads is quite nice. And end of May around my mums birthday usually offers nice weather.

Come on down MT! Or should it be up....

Just wanted to push the SP a bit we all could do with a boost...

All for now

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New rumour from my source in Kiruna....

I just spoke to my brother that works for the BIGLY mining company in Kiruna and he had heard that there is going to be another EU delegation coming up to Kiruna within the next few days to;

1) Visit the rapidly vanishing ICE HOTEL #33. And they better hurry up before H²O solidus has turned into liquidus, under the influence of the spring sun. IH # 33 is soon finding its way down the mighty Torne River to Gulf of Bothnia.

IH # 34 is constructed from massive ice blocks stored in cool storage over summer months. Starting by end of October. IH #34 opens up its doors to rich people from all over on December 15. And I plan to pay the CEO of IH a visit when IH#34 opens.

2)In the next few days in Kiruna or rather at what remains of #33 there will be invited presentations from the BIGLY mining company .....and Talga. Maybe PEL or MP will have to perform on ice?

Don' t think that MT will travel half way over the world for a meeting like this. However if he would combine this jaunt with trip to....say Luleå by 30 to 31 May that just might be worth it. The Tree Hotel in Harads is quite nice. And end of May around my mums birthday usually offers nice weather.

Come on down MT! Or should it be up....

Just wanted to push the SP a bit we all could do with a boost...

All for now


Mark is currently (or at least he was on April 30th) in Sweden, I presume for the environmental permit hearing of the refinery site.

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You cant use Talnode-Si in pure form, it would destroy itself too quickly. But when suitably embedded in graphite anode, its stable enough to last many cycles. So its not as much as not WANTING to have 5 times the energy capacity (only in the anode), you simply cant have it technically. But with 9% as stated in the report, its kind of nice to boost the energy denisty by 40%. You need to remember, that you also need to have the cathode to go with it. And electro chemically, its hard to go thicker in the cathode. So what you can do is, make the anode thinner, saving some of the weight and volume. So the overall impact on the battery cell is something like 15% (rough estimate) in energy denisity from a 40% increase in energy density in the anode.

I can think of one Over Snow Mobility EV maker, Swedish Vidde, that would just love to shrink the size of the battery so that the snow mobile stays floating above H²O solid phase.

Vidde are just now in the R&D phase of new revolutionary circular technology for next gen light weight electrical snow mobile. Target release date Winter Olympic Games Feb 2026 Milan Cortina.

Screenshot_20230505_002341_Samsung Internet.jpg

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I see Pabs is upto his old tricks defaming MT and others over at that shit hole HC. Apparently MT is about to resign..............Yeah right !

I'm not going to copy and paste to here as I don't want this forum to get into trouble
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I see Pabs is upto his old tricks defaming MT and others over at that shit hole HC. Apparently MT is about to resign..............Yeah right !

I'm not going to copy and paste to here as I don't want this forum to get into trouble
Yet another alias. Pabs was on this forum at one stage. Was he booted?
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Ignore it.. He has these episodes every few weeks/months now.
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@beserk ~ maybe you are interested in this:

"The Swedish government disapproves of the Sami Parliament's administration?!
20 April 2023

A broken administrative culture in the Sami Parliament

Since taking office in 2022, the recently appointed Swedish government and especially the relevant ministry have probably found that the expected "good administrative culture" in the Sami Parliament has broken down and fragmented. In this context, it is perhaps unique in Swedish administrative history that a relatively newly appointed head of office in an authority reports the head of the authority, in this case the board of the Sami Parliament, to the police."

Thanks cosors I have been deep diving into the Realm of Possibilities for the three last weeks but everything has reached its crescendo in London so now I'm looking forward to a slightly less high powered existence until the next BIGLY thing comes around.

Aaah the 45th POTUS, word smiths, and I humbly include myself among this august company, have got an unlimited source of unquotable quotes and pernicious parabels to enrich the English language with. All thanks to the 45th. Stable genius indeed.

Yes indeed the Sámi parliament is coposed of factions and to top it of we have an, to the outsiders, invisible section for the House of Reindeer Lords and the rest.

So all Sámi related matters play out in the prism of this division. If you do'n t understand who is who in this closed society you would be lost.

For Talma village it is quite simple we have the Allas family who are the Royalty. The Chairmanship of Talma is handed around through the immediate family. Most often the surname of gairman is Allas but occasionally some other name appear bu then it is a trusted in law to the Allases.

If you understand this division it all starts to make sense.

Bouris bouris,

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With two ape related posters here ... Yes, looking at you @Affenhorst and @WheresTheMonkey .. did you see what happens if you show a monkey some magic trick?

There are plenty more if you look for them. Adorable! :)
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With two ape related posters here ... Yes, looking at you @Affenhorst and @WheresTheMonkey .. did you see what happens if you show a monkey some magic trick?

There are plenty more if you look for them. Adorable! :)

Actually, it's almost wicked to take the joke out of the little guy like that. His life will now be disturbing. 😅


Top 20
New rumour from my source in Kiruna....

I just spoke to my brother that works for the BIGLY mining company in Kiruna and he had heard that there is going to be another EU delegation coming up to Kiruna within the next few days to;

1) Visit the rapidly vanishing ICE HOTEL #33. And they better hurry up before H²O solidus has turned into liquidus, under the influence of the spring sun. IH # 33 is soon finding its way down the mighty Torne River to Gulf of Bothnia.

IH # 34 is constructed from massive ice blocks stored in cool storage over summer months. Starting by end of October. IH #34 opens up its doors to rich people from all over on December 15. And I plan to pay the CEO of IH a visit when IH#34 opens.

2)In the next few days in Kiruna or rather at what remains of #33 there will be invited presentations from the BIGLY mining company .....and Talga. Maybe PEL or MP will have to perform on ice?

Don' t think that MT will travel half way over the world for a meeting like this. However if he would combine this jaunt with trip to....say Luleå by 30 to 31 May that just might be worth it. The Tree Hotel in Harads is quite nice. And end of May around my mums birthday usually offers nice weather.

Come on down MT! Or should it be up....

Just wanted to push the SP a bit we all could do with a boost...

All for now

Let's hope the Talga presenter has a life jacket and crash helmet.
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It is rapidly nearing the time to decide if you want to attend the Battery Giga fest i Washington DC. I think the pagentry when the 45th POTUS , the human teflon man, finally gets put away for the rest of his life, could add extra spice to such a trip.

But that is me. You should by now know my roving ways and wildly associating brain that always is looking for links and combinations of disparate facts.

I think of it as similar to jumping from one ice flow to the other which was a sport we played as kids when the meter thick ice broke up on mighty Torne river at end of May.

Aahhh those childhood memories...

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View attachment 36312

It is rapidly nearing the time to decide if you want to attend the Battery Giga fest i Washington DC. I think the pagentry when the 45th POTUS , the human teflon man, finally gets put away for the rest of his life, could add extra spice to such a trip.

But that is me. You should by now know my roving ways and wildly associating brain that always is looking for links and combinations of disparate facts.

I think of it as similar to jumping from one ice flow to the other which was a sport we played as kids when the meter thick ice broke up on mighty Torne river at end of May.

Aahhh those childhood memories...

I think we need to get this one thing working first. It will be tedious again and politics could only help if they are given a "no" as a target. So we have to bite through it ourselves. The only consolation is that the court has the control in the neck not to drag on too much. If this is approved then we can think about expanding or introduce ourselves and offer a handshake. For me it is still a long way to go with the USA but it would suddenly become shorter when the business is up and running and money is flowing.
This from me is also directed to the other thing over in the other thread @teilenswert For me such ~fantasies are nice and like about the SP of the future but my eyes remain iron focused on the next steps. Then ramp up or expand.
I'll just wait and see now.

I'm sorry that Talga has to go through this all alone in the public perception as if this is about unloved but imperative old tec or a sewage treatment plant that no one wants to have with them nearby. A disgrace for the Swedish media landscape and cowardly and partly mendacious politics. Everything is possible but always only behind the scenes. A photo is also still ok. But no one is willing to explain the matter objectively with all pros and cons. And no one explains to the citizens of Lulea who is actually polluting the water. And another part. Read the wording in the press carefully. The drastic figure of 35 tons vs 44Kg comes from Talga herself (is female correct? the a at the end makes talga be female to me and much more than a thing). Maybe Talga has dig out a scandal that no one wants to see. So all concerned look away no matter if Talga is right. Where is the policy in this matter?
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I think we need to get this one thing working first. It will be tedious again and politics could only help if they are given a "no" as a target. So we have to bite through it ourselves. The only consolation is that the court has the control in the neck not to drag on too much. If this is approved then we can think about expanding or introduce ourselves and offer a handshake. For me it is still a long way to go with the USA but it would suddenly become shorter when the business is up and running and money is flowing.
This from me is also directed to the other thing over in the other thread @teilenswert For me such ~fantasies are nice and like about the SP of the future but my eyes remain iron focused on the next steps. Then ramp up or expand.
I'll just wait and see now.

I'm sorry that Talga has to go through this all alone in the public perception as if this is about unloved but imperative old tec or a sewage treatment plant that no one wants to have with them nearby. A disgrace for the Swedish media landscape and cowardly and partly mendacious politics. Everything is possible but always only behind the scenes. A photo is also still ok. But no one is willing to explain the matter objectively with all pros and cons. And no one explains to the citizens of Lulea who is actually polluting the water. And another part. Read the wording in the press carefully. The drastic figure of 35 tons vs 44Kg comes from Talga herself (is female correct? the a at the end makes talga be female to me and much more than a thing). Maybe Talga has dig out a scandal that no one wants to see. So all concerned look away no matter if Talga is right. Where is the policy in this matter?

So if I understand the opinion by expert on water pollution, by metals like Zn , the extra level of metals added to discharge should be zero or almost zero because the brackish water and sediments already has been treated like a dumping site by other industries in the area.

You are judged for your fathers sins is an apt parable.

Bit strange that the Luleå municipality didn't inform the tenents of the Luleå Industrial park of this.

In principle it means that ANY industry would have to start their operations with setting up a water cleaning system and thanks to the pernicious properties of the pollutants havecit running for months or years before the company would be allowed to pursue ANY operations.

That is what this expert is demanding .....I think....

Of course there are ways of removing pollutants from water.

And with a material being shipped in large quantities into Luleå harbour already and used since the mid 1980ies in the value adding of iron ore in pelletizing industrial scale operations. I'm talking about bentonite, vulcanic ash, used as binder in the pellets.

I have myself worked in a pelletizing plant and posted about my experiences and can confidently vouch for that the BIGLY iron ore mining company goes through 100 or 1000s of tonnes of this material per anumm.

And mire interesting is that it is used to absorb Zn from aqueos solutions.



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