The Talga Bar


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Sounds about right but I can't explain the pink elephants😂
Rise, we just talked about cooking. This is a brilliant bar! This is where I learned about things like Vegemite and got it right away at my Aussis Shop 😅 ...and cooked with it 🫣 is very good for Asian sauces...
Oh, excuse me!
SEMMEL! A round for my mate and whoever else is hanging around 💥
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Rise, we just talked about cooking. This is a brilliant bar! This is where I learned about things like Vegemite and got it right away at my Aussis Shop 😅 ...and cooked with it 🫣 is very good for Asian sauces...
Oh, excuse me!
SEMMEL! A round for my mate and whoever else is hanging around 💥
Back in a few minutes my good sir, just whipping up a 3 am snack 🍻
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Rise, we just talked about cooking. This is a brilliant bar! This is where I learned about things like Vegemite and got it right away at my Aussis Shop 😅 ...and cooked with it 🫣 is very good for Asian sauces...
Oh, excuse me!
SEMMEL! A round for my mate and whoever else is hanging around 💥
Hmmm. I've never been a fan of Vegemite, my sister loves it though. And apparently it goes well in a casserole. But personally I think it's 🤮 😂

Feel free to have some it was a rush job but I was hungry.
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Hmmm. I've never been a fan of Vegemite, my sister loves it though. And apparently it goes well in a casserole. But personally I think it's 🤮 😂
View attachment 27436
Feel free to have some it was a rush job but I was hungry.
It really takes some getting used to. But I am also a very tolerant, open-minded person. If so many people like it there must be something to it. I put a little bit on wheat bread and a thick layer of Cambert and jam on top. And believe it or not, I loved it. But for @WheresTheMonkey I went too far with that 😅
Thanks, the pizza tastes great!
Semmel, could we get some of that Bloody Shiraz!?!
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It really takes some getting used to. But I am also a very tolerant, open-minded person. If so many people like it there must be something to it. I put a little bit on wheat bread and a thick layer of Cambert and jam on top. And believe it or not, I loved it. But for @WheresTheMonkey I went too far with that 😅
Thanks, the pizza tastes great!
Semmel, could we get some of that Bloody Shiraz!?!
View attachment 27438
Ok, I'll give that bread, Camembert cheese and Vegemite, jam concoction a go.
First I'll check if my private health insurance is up to date 😅
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cosors, why do you ask for a drink? Everyone is at home here in the bar, if I am not tending it because I am lying under the table already, just get the good stuff yourself 😜

Here, have some if this green stuff I found in the back.. no idea what that stuff is, wanna try?
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cosors, why do you ask for a drink? Everyone is at home here in the bar, if I am not tending it because I am lying under the table already, just get the good stuff yourself 😜

Here, have some if this green stuff I found in the back.. no idea what that stuff is, wanna try?
Not gonna go down that path!
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cosors, why do you ask for a drink? Everyone is at home here in the bar, if I am not tending it because I am lying under the table already, just get the good stuff yourself 😜

Here, have some if this green stuff I found in the back.. no idea what that stuff is, wanna try?
Mate of mine was having trouble with flatulence. Every time he broke wind, which he did frequently, it sounded like a Japanese motorbike.

His GP referred him to a string of specialists, who tried various cures. Eventually he went to dietician who got him to make a list of all his food and drink intake. The dietician studied the list, and noticed that he always had a glass of absinth as a nightcap.

The dietician told him to cut out the absinth and come back in a week.

So the next week he returned to the dietician with the news that he was cured. He was amazed at the results and asked the dietician the reason for the cure.

The dietician replied:

"Absinth makes the fart go Honda!"
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Here is a general piece of information that has nothing to do with us but is nevertheless significant:

A research team at the University of Birmingham has developed a method that makes it possible to reduce climate emissions from steel production by 90 per cent without costly investment in new equipment, partly by eliminating the hydrogen step.

This is according to an article in the Journal of Cleaner Production, reports Nyhetsbyrån Direkt.

The technology can be used in existing blast furnaces, where the mineral perovskite helps convert carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide, which is then returned to the blast furnace as an alternative to coal.

Scaling up the process would be significantly cheaper than a hydrogen-based process, such as those used by Hybrit and H2GS. The investment in green hydrogen, on which several Swedish initiatives are based, is considered very costly.

The researchers will now test whether the method works on a commercial scale."

The entire conversion for billions is based on the use of hydrogen. It is not a question of heating but primarily of oxidation of the molten steel, if I have understood correctly. I notice this because our neighbours are the top in the world when it comes to Fossil free Steel.
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Just saw the 'green' ☄️ with binoculars. In the middle of Berlin, it's rather unspectacular. A dark gray speck on a slightly darker background. Unfortunately the thing is in the north and i don't have a good view in that direction. Still, maybe it's a sign? First clear sky in weeks here, and it's green and in the north..
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I'll better put some beer in the fridge for the 2AUD party, eh? Might need it sooner rather than later.. :)
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What are you doing up so late ?

I thought you were a family man with responsibilities ?

Get to bed and stop hanging out in dark grimey bars until all hours:):)

season 2 lol GIF by #Impastor
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I’m not sure how everyone else is feeling but I could use a drink. Not a celebratory drink - just a good hard drink to calm the nerves and numb the body. Talga’s future relies on these permits (and so do our investment multiples) .

This might be a good time to ask those who are religious to pray…between all of us , I suspect we’ve got a good cross section of religious coverage. I’m also happy to reach out to the poker gods - more often than not , they’ve answered my prayers.
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I have some fine scotches here. How about a Springbank? Or are you more a Laphroaig type of person? Have a go at both maybe?
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I have some fine scotches here. How about a Springbank? Or are you more a Laphroaig type of person? Have a go at both maybe?
If we get permits , I was thinking I might try a shot of Remy Martin Cognac Louis XIII (or the bottle)

The background to that is that there’s a Rhianna song called ‘B#%ch better have my money’ and I’ve been singing ‘B#%ch better have my permits’ for two weeks now .

The link is that there is a line in the song that says ‘Louis XIII and it’s all on me , xxxx , you just bought a shot’

So it all ties up
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I have a bottle of Don Papa Rum to be opened for the occation of 2€ (about 3 AUD) share price. A successful permit might just do that, so will have a combined celebration for the permits and the share price. Im going to enjoy that one :)
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If we get permits , I was thinking I might try a shot of Remy Martin Cognac Louis XIII (or the bottle)

The background to that is that there’s a Rhianna song called ‘B#%ch better have my money’ and I’ve been singing ‘B#%ch better have my permits’ for two weeks now .

The link is that there is a line in the song that says ‘Louis XIII and it’s all on me , xxxx , you just bought a shot’

So it all ties up
Yes there is a very strong correlation there. One that surely could be scientifically proven

drunk fail GIF
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There were no protesters that I am aware of. None outside or inside the hotel (I was there early too)
There were 9 Saami in attendance in traditional attire and possibly another 5 (so 15 in total attending). They were all of mature age with one very young vocal child in attendance - maybe that was strategic :)
The Sammi were represented by a lawyer and their mayor (both spoke briefly at initial intro stage)
Talga had a team of 10 inc MP. Per Eric was in the gallery with low life's like myself and the media
I spoke with most media there and to my surprise they were all following the journey of the Sammi - I noted one column you found @cosors was written by a journo I'd spoken with and this journo really have no conviction behind what the Saami wanted or needed - IMO their job is to tell a story and get people to read it and ideally engage

I'd rather go to the bar with this.
Because of the current hearing and because the topic has been raised here in our group over the last few days I would like to express here my personal opinion and view on this specific topic for the last time. After that I will leave it alone because I have often gone into it and don't want to tire you out. It's just that this topic became part of my special personally task for me and our community a few years ago. We asked ourselves where the problems could be. Then I started to drill down into the situation on the ground. And one part was/is:

Perhaps the Sami have overdone it a bit with their uncompromising attitude. These Swedes who are also Sami want an ecological Sweden, who doesn't?!
Nevertheless, they are part of the Swedish community and can use everything this country has to offer just like the other Swedes. Moreover, they have justified and perfectly understandable rights that the other Swedes do not have, e.g. they doesn't own the land but have the right to use it ~before the crown. My point is that no one wants to undermine their status, no one wants to take anything away from them, but they are also part of the ecological community of the Swedish nation, which is trying much harder to manage the green transition than other countries. This includes, for example, green energy and last year there was the remarkable news that in 2021 78% of all applications for wind power projects were rejected. No one wants them there, and no one wants power lines. So they are not alone. But they may have made a part of the rest of Swedish society a little tired of not understanding this with their argumentation. Hardliners argue that this green transformation is not necessary because they are fine with what they have and and with where the footprint is. They don't need new industry eco-projects like wind power on ~their land. These are only for the energy hunger of the others. But they are part of these others and use all the advantages that these others - at the same time their own community - offers them. To speak of eco-colonialism and genocide in relation to wind power is unfair and makes others tired of listening, I imagine. Everyone but lunatics understands their role in society and that is has to be protected. But perhaps less understands their uncompromising argumentation or stance.
Do they want to be part of the Swedish people or just be for themselves? Some may find cherry picking unfair. And it's not just about products that they use like everyone else in their country.
I think it's absolutely right to better protect the indigenous people of this world, everywhere. Above all, we Europeans owe this to the indigenous people. Canada is very advanced here. I heard from you Aussis that on the last holiday, Australia Day, there was no street parade out of respect for your problematic history and respect for the role of the indigenous people. And that some companies have offered their employees to go to work on the AD in exchange for another day off.
But here, how is the Swedish community going to get it right when one part isn't willing to compromise? Compromises are part of every community, including the own family. I think that might also blunt some people (in key positions).

I would also like to note that they represent the red marking of the area for the resource of national interest in such a way that it blocks the way to Vittangi like a bulwark that cannot be passed. I can imagine that they do this to better illustrate the drama of the situation for them. That may have its effect on like-minded people. But also in a rational court? They pretend that Talga would build a wall around their area from one river to the other. It's about trade-offs and compromises.
But there is also another gap in the logic. All countries are just looking at how they can reduce their emissions figures, a simple calculation. Everything that takes place elsewhere is not included in your own account. I'm also thinking about compensatory payments. If I'm a buyer and the emissions from production are incurred elsewhere then I am a ~victim myself, although I'm a consumer. So far, this hasn't been taken into account in the debates.
So reducing global emissions with a project would not reduce emissions in the country itself because it has to be built. Every factory has a footprint and that is big. In this logic and calculation, it doesn't matter how much emissions this factory saves worldwide. First of all it is more. At least that's how some nature conservation organizations interpret it.

I'm done and need spam and eggs first.
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