"Kiruna refuses new mine – wants money from the state: "We get nothing in return"
Published 12-04-2024, 05:00
There are far-reaching plans for a new graphite mine in Vittangi in Kiruna municipality. But now the municipality says stop – until the state pays its way.
"We want compensation, so that we get something back," says Jonas Stålnacke, miner and Social Democratic politician.
A year ago, the Land and Environment Court granted the Australian company Talga permission to mine 120,000 tonnes of graphite per year outside Vittangi in Kiruna municipality.
Since then, the ball has partly been in the municipality's court – which is now putting a spanner in the works of the mining plans. This week, the political majority announced that it is ending work on the zoning plan for the graphite mine, and that it will not approve any new applications from the mining company Talga.
At least not until the state pays its way.
"What is happening in northern Sweden is a continuation of an outdated, colonial approach from the Swedish state," write the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Sami List and the Feminist Initiative in a joint statement.
Vill ha utvinningsskatt
Jonas Stålnacke is the Social Democrats' group leader in Kiruna municipality, and a miner himself."We want some kind of compensation, an extraction tax so that the municipality gets something back. This applies not only to Kiruna, it applies to other municipalities as well. As it is today, we just give. We don't get anything in return," he says.
Won't the mine generate new jobs – and thus benefit the municipality?
"This graphite mine will only be operated during the snow-free period. It's all about seasonal employees, "fly-in fly-out". We already have enough of those. They do not generate any major tax revenue for the municipality," says Jonas Stålnacke.
Green transition is good – but not for free
Proponents of the graphite mine, including the mines' industry association Svemin, and not least Talga themselves, believe that the proposed mine is central to the green transition. Talga believes that Europe's self-sufficiency in graphite, a critical raw material in lithium-ion batteries, depends on the mine.Jonas Stålnacke agrees that the green transition is important.
"But we want something in return. We also have an obligation to protect our waters, rivers and forests for future generations," he says.
Kiruna's municipal commissioner Mats Taaveniku, also a Social Democrat, has previously said that Kiruna cannot afford to be at the forefront of the green transition. The municipality has debts of SEK 2.7 billion.
"A weapon between the municipality and the state"
Cen Rolfsson, press officer at Talga, says that he is disappointed with how Kiruna Municipality has handled the mining plans."Of course it's sad. At the same time, this confirms the picture we have had, we see how the municipality has delayed the process for a long time, he says and adds:
"It's a shame that we're being used as a weapon between the municipality and the state.
We see ourselves as part of Vittangi's future.
Cen Rolfsson, Talgas press chief.
In March, Talga submitted a request to the government for a so-called planning injunction. In practice, this means that they want the government to force the municipality to adopt the zoning plan for the mine in Vittangi.
"The democratic process will take its course and we hope that this will go through. We have high hopes," says Cen Rolfsson
The municipality believes that the mine will hardly generate any revenue at all. Do you have any understanding of the municipality?
"I understand that the municipality is under pressure. An urban transformation and a green transition are taking place. That said, we see ourselves as an important player in society. Our idea is to actively contribute to increased welfare in the municipality. We see ourselves as part of Vittangi's future," says Cen Rolfsson."

Kiruna vägrar ny gruva – vill ha pengar från staten: ”Vi får inget tillbaka”
En ny grafitgruva planeras i Vittangi, Kiruna. Men kommunens säger stopp tills staten betalar för sig. Talga uttrycker besvikelse över kommunens agerande.

Swedish politics...
I'd better keep quiet.
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