Here you can see the effect that fear-mongering has on citizens. Some of the most bitter liars and fear-mongers live in Vittangi. And they have done their destructive work.
He worries about orchids in the forest. Completely ignores the fact that Talga has to create compensation areas, has to ensure that species worthy of protection are relocated.
These so-called environmentalists and fear-mongers have made it so far that some people actually believe that there is no super strict environmental legislation in Sweden that Talga has to comply with. This is also a criticism I read somewhere recently. With their lies, fear-mongering and misinformation, they are achieving exactly the opposite. Confidence in strong environmental legislation. The biggest opponents of the Green Transition are within the movement itself.
End of the rant.
"Vittangi resident R. L. outside the village grocery store. He is concerned about the orchids in the forest and the water quality in the river.
Presumably the liars in Vittangi told their neighbors about uranium and lead in the water in the future.
The environmental protection organization had demanded exact values. And then got them. But they were not elevated or alarming. I'm not making this up.
Obviously they kept this information to themselves and spread the word that there would be increased levels of lead and uranium in the water when the mine opened. And the idiot up there believes them. Operation successful. Misinformation and fear successfully spread.
He worries about orchids in the forest. Completely ignores the fact that Talga has to create compensation areas, has to ensure that species worthy of protection are relocated.
These so-called environmentalists and fear-mongers have made it so far that some people actually believe that there is no super strict environmental legislation in Sweden that Talga has to comply with. This is also a criticism I read somewhere recently. With their lies, fear-mongering and misinformation, they are achieving exactly the opposite. Confidence in strong environmental legislation. The biggest opponents of the Green Transition are within the movement itself.
End of the rant.
"Vittangi resident R. L. outside the village grocery store. He is concerned about the orchids in the forest and the water quality in the river.
Villagers about the future mine: "I don't dare drink the river water anymore"
Published yesterday at 8:53 PM- Vittangi resident R. L., who we speak to outside the grocery store, is concerned about the mining plans in the village, mainly regarding the impact on the water in the river and the orchids in the forest.
- On Thursday, the announcement came that Kiruna Municipality is forced to adopt the detailed plan that enables a graphite mine, and the government is thus overruling the municipality on the issue.
- The villagers are not surprised but are worried about the future if the mine becomes a reality."

Byborna om framtida gruvan: ”Vågar inte dricka älvvattnet längre” - P4 Norrbotten
Vittangibon Rune Larsson, som vi pratar med utanför mataffären, oroas över gruvplanerna i byn, främst när det gäller påverkan på vattnet i älven och orkidéerna ...
Presumably the liars in Vittangi told their neighbors about uranium and lead in the water in the future.
The environmental protection organization had demanded exact values. And then got them. But they were not elevated or alarming. I'm not making this up.
Obviously they kept this information to themselves and spread the word that there would be increased levels of lead and uranium in the water when the mine opened. And the idiot up there believes them. Operation successful. Misinformation and fear successfully spread.
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