The Talga Bar

So far, I am of the opinion that the SC court was a combination of incompetence with overburden by the politicians supported NIMBY denial of service attack on the court. However, it has been this long and the court has flat out denied a prioritization of Talgas case without any hesitation. If the decision does not come before the summer break and we go into this soul crushing 4+ week period still waiting.. I will call this intentional and malicious. Not that me calling the SC court anything would have any impact whatsoever but there is going to be non-repairable damage in my opinion on Sweden as a whole. We heard Talga drumming up for a case here and I fully support that. sigh.

btw, when does summer vacation start? End of June?
I don’t think we will see anything until early August,

I don’t even bother to look for announcements on the ASX early morning anymore.

We are looking at another CR I think, that will be the next Ann

Stay calm peeps, I’m ok with all this, I don’t think there is anything sinister going on

The case is not like a criminal case with easy to interpret photos , fingerprints, conflicting testimony, or someone putting up a pergola that the next door neighbour didn’t like

Both of which it is free to appeal

Murder Case v Pergola……….2 days maybe ?

Huge environmental case then it’s gunna take a bit longer than the median 4 months

Remember the easy cases are at the beginning of the Median, the more I think about it the calmer I actually am

It makes sense that this is a much consideration

I remember last November I was so pissed off and the price was around $0.90, you guys were trying to calm me down ,

My turn…..

Let’s all just chill and not look at the SP

It will happen 😂😀🤣
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I don’t think we will see anything until early August,

I don’t even bother to look for announcements on the ASX early morning anymore.

We are looking at another CR I think, that will be the next Ann

Stay calm peeps, I’m ok with all this, I don’t think there is anything sinister going on

The case is not like a criminal case with easy to interpret photos , fingerprints, conflicting testimony, or someone putting up a pergola that the next door neighbour didn’t like

Both of which it is free to appeal

Murder Case v Pergola……….2 days maybe ?

Huge environmental case then it’s gunna take a bit longer than the median 4 months

Remember the easy cases are at the beginning of the Median, the more I think about it the calmer I actually am

It makes sense that this is a much consideration

I remember last November I was so pissed off and the price was around $0.90, you guys were trying to calm me down ,

My turn…..

Let’s all just chill and not look at the SP

It will happen 😂😀🤣
Thank you for your words.
I am one of the really patient ones.
I've been scanning Lulea for weeks, months.
I don't have the slightest indication that even one bag of cement has moved from A to B in the last few months.
It's the fault of the municipality of Lulea. At least from what I can recognize.
We are waiting for one year with all permits in the bag.
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What's going on with the SP? How high was the volume today at the ASX? Is this a short attack? Or did the news yesterday not go down so well after all?


I think the share price had too much to drink. It stumbles one direction, then the other. Expect it to wiggle around for quite some time until it is sober..
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Up on low volume yesterday with correction today when people remembered a capital raise is imminent


Yeah, the coffers are not exactly full at this time of the year. Harvest is still long ways away and there is not much else going on that keeps the lights on. With some hope we can avoid it if Talga goes in hibernation but I don't think it's going to be enough either. Unfortunately, we will have to face the reality that new cash is needed within one or two months.


...What message does Kiruna want to send to businesses?
Norrbotten is undergoing unprecedented neo-industrialisation. The huge investments being made are putting pressure on both the state and the county's municipalities to work faster and more efficiently. However, one municipality that seems completely uninterested in improving its work and business climate is Kiruna.
If Kiruna's politicians take businesses for granted, even using them as a tool of blackmail against the state, it is not really surprising that the business climate is at the bottom.

An important factor influencing the business climate is the signals sent out by a local government. One clear signal in this context is that the municipality has stopped work on the detailed plan for the mining company that has been authorised by the Land and Environment Court to mine graphite in Vittangi. The reason for this is that the municipality wants financial compensation from the state.

Whether municipalities and local communities should be financially compensated by the state is of course a debatable issue. However, such a discussion must be possible without using a single company as a cudgel/bat. If anything, it shows bad attitudes and sends clear signals to existing and future companies that they are not welcome to expand their operations or establish themselves in Kiruna. And it does not bode well for future major investments in the municipality.[/B]


Empty pockets, debt and the most business-unfriendly policy. Is there a correlation :unsure:
...It's always the others' fault.

""Kiruna municipality in debt despite LKAB's billions in profits - time for a mining fund!"​

We need mines, but the companies should not be able to extract large profits without compensating the taxpayers in the neighbourhood, writes the chairman of S*-students and spokesperson for climate and industrial policy.

*it's the known party
It is time for society to ensure that mining companies open their wallets and invest properly in the communities they expect to support. It is not only our duty to compensate those who bear the costs of mining, but it is also in our interest that they receive a greater share of the profits."

They don't know or don't want to know that Talga is obliged to restore nature and is also taking on a global pioneering role with CLIMB and ReMoss in terms of renaturalisation.

I always fall for this political bollocks 😅
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Empty pockets, debt and the most business-unfriendly policy. Is there a correlation :unsure:
...It's always the others' fault.

""Kiruna municipality in debt despite LKAB's billions in profits - time for a mining fund!"​

We need mines, but the companies should not be able to extract large profits without compensating the taxpayers in the neighbourhood, writes the chairman of S*-students and spokesperson for climate and industrial policy.

*it's the known party
It is time for society to ensure that mining companies open their wallets and invest properly in the communities they expect to support. It is not only our duty to compensate those who bear the costs of mining, but it is also in our interest that they receive a greater share of the profits."

They don't know or don't want to know that Talga is obliged to restore nature and is also taking on a global pioneering role with CLIMB and ReMoss in terms of renaturalisation.

I always fall for this political bollocks 😅
I don't think it is unreasonable that the locals should receive some benefit from the development of local resources.

As I suggested previously, providing the local administration with shares in the company, held in escrow, would incentivize the administration to be less negative.
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I don't think it is unreasonable that the locals should receive some benefit from the development of local resources.

As I suggested previously, providing the local administration with shares in the company, held in escrow, would incentivize the administration to be less negative.
Neither do I and neither does the person who wrote his opinion.

This is not the first criticism in this direction. The other party has also sharply and polemically attacked the municipality of Kiruna. He even wanted to put it into receivership. One of the issues was the bathhouse, which was far far too expensive.
But I have already got far too involved in their local politics. Perhaps @beserk can shed some light on this for us from a different perspective.

This would require a business-friendly policy in the Kiruna municipality. But they are at the bottom of that pile as that statistic says. So I suspect that your good idea will not be realised unless there is a rethink now. We will see.

I would like to point out that the ranking or the policy for dealing with companies has nothing to do with this one party, but with individuals in office. And it has nothing to do with mining either I think. Like Kiruna, Pajala is a mining town. At the top, for example, is this municipality that is governed similarly to Kiruna.
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Neither do I and neither does the person who wrote his opinion.

This is not the first criticism in this direction. The other party has also sharply and polemically attacked the municipality of Kiruna. He even wanted to put it into receivership. One of the issues was the bathhouse, which was far far too expensive.
But I have already got far too involved in their local politics. Perhaps @beserk can shed some light on this for us from a different perspective.

This would require a business-friendly policy in the Kiruna municipality. But they are at the bottom of that pile. So I suspect that your good idea will not be realised unless there is a rethink now. We will see.

I would like to point out that the ranking or the policy for dealing with companies has nothing to do with this one party, but with individuals in office. And it has nothing to do with mining either I think. Like Kiruna, Pajala is a mining town. At the top, for example, is this municipality that is governed similarly to Kiruna.
This would all be a lot more interesting if it wasn't Talga being first cab off the rank, being used as a political football. It is, or should be treated as just noise, but annoying nonetheless. I think any further benefit to local municipalities would need to be legislated, as allowing companies to offer them and other potential stakeholders shares or some form of equity is a slippery slope. The whole bath house thing is a joke and they should be embarrassed / ashamed IMO.
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Ok, guys, free beer for everyone! :D its time to spend a little time in the bar with everything going on and the SC slowly starving us.. we need something to lighten the mood, might as well be some free beer :D
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Ok, guys, free beer for everyone! :D its time to spend a little time in the bar with everything going on and the SC slowly starving us.. we need something to lighten the mood, might as well be some free beer :D
I'll have two please, one for thirst and the other for flavour.
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I'll have two please, one for thirst and the other for flavour.

Have three, at some point, one cant stand on 2 legs..
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waiting gif GIF by Loopagain

This wait is excruciating 😣
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The first new mining project in the EU that was stopped here in connection with the Green Transition is now starting with lithium in Serbia! I had already cancelled it in mind, as environmentalists had prevented it. Now the EU President is travelling to Serbia these days to sign declarations of intent (Australia involved). Who would have thought that!!

I think tomorrow the SP of an ASX stock should go up.

In mind the one in Portugal - Savannah I mean.
And as an Australian, don't even think about VUL, methinks. I know there's a big (female) investor in it. But I know my country and NIMBYs as environmentalists and my two cents about the German law. Everyone is allowed to appeal when it comes to the environment, regardless of where they come from, whether they are affected or not. Here, environmentalists are the lawsuit factories. The local politicians are all against VUL, regardless of which camp they come from (that law was made by the green party).
Apart from the fact that there are many who want exactly what VUL is aiming for and are doing so.
But perhaps...
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