
Not to contradict as I haven’t read the paid article Conor’s refers to, but I would infer there are also kilometres of roads, building pads (subject to seasonal freeze/thaw conditions) for plant infrastructure, and potential containment requirements for acid (PAF) and metalliferous drainage (AMD) that require tonnes of sand and crushed rock aggregate subgrade materials for truck transport over the mine site area. That material is usually site-won or imported from elsewhere, both at costs queried by the NCC in their Court response. Talga’s Golder EIS doesn’t specifically mention all of this in quantities or detail but ref Clause 5.5 Stormwater and Groundwater for commentary
That sounds logical, thank you for thinking along! I have reproduced the content of the article 1:1 in my own words. I think some time later, Semmel found it as a photograph on HC and posted the translated text here.
You have to subscribe to a bunch of newspapers which I understand perfectly. What I don't understand is their old-fashioned payment procedure and then there's the foreign currency. Credit cards or PP don't work for them.
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Newsletter 21 December

Proclamation according to the Environmental Code regarding Talga's planned establishment on Hertsön​

The Land and Environment Court at Umeå District Court has now officially announced Talga's application for a permit under the Environmental Code for the establishment and operation of a facility for the manufacture of battery anode material from graphite concentrate on Hertsön in Luleå.

Comments on the application regarding the application for a building judgment, the requested permit for water activities and comments on the environmental impact assessment must be submitted in writing to the court no later than January 27, 2023. Other comments must be submitted in writing no later than February 17, 2023.

The full proclamation can be read here.

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And again a good piece forward. Talga go 🍾

Here is the protocol of the Environment and Construction Committee of Lulea in our case:

"Opinion for referral
Talga AB application for permit for water activities on the following plots the plots of land Luleå Hertsön 11.1, 11.1010 and 11.1011 -
Application for a building permit and Environmental impact assessment
File number M-2022-4423

Decision of the Environment and Construction Committee
The Environmental and Construction Committee has no objections to the issuance of a to the granting of a permit for the water activity or to the granting of a building permit.
For the rest, we refer to the comments under the section "Statements of the Environmental and Construction Committee".

Summary of the matter
Talga AB (Talga) has applied for a permit under the Environmental Code for the Construction and operation of a plant for the production of Battery anode material from graphite concentrate on part of the Hertsön 11:1 and 11:1010 land parcels, as well as a permit for water management activities required for the construction of the company's facilities in water Company's facilities in water areas.

The Company has also requested that the Regional and Environmental Court, in a separate judgment, clarify the issue of the permissibility of the activities and grant a permit under the Environmental Code for the construction work to be carried out and a permit for certain water activities (so-called construction judgment). An environmental impact assessment was submitted.

The matter was referred to the Environment and Construction Committee for comments on the water activities, construction permit and environmental impact statement by January 27, 2023. The Environment and Construction Department proposes that the Committee decides not to object to the issuance of a water activity permit or to the issuance of a construction permit. In all other respects, reference is made to the views of the Environment and Construction Department as set out in the letter.

Talga has a permit under the Environmental Code to construct and operate a facility for the production of battery anode material from graphite concentrate within part of the Hertsön 11:1 and 11:1010 property. The company has also applied for a permit for water activities necessary for the construction of the company's facilities in water areas. The water activities are expected to affect the Hertsön 11:1, 11:1010 and 11:1011 properties.

The company has also requested that the court issue a special judgment on the permissibility of the activities and grant a permit under the Environmental Code for the construction work to be carried out and a permit for certain water activities (so-called construction judgment). An environmental impact assessment was submitted.

The Land and Environment Court has forwarded the application and related documents to the Environment and Construction Committee for comments on the application for a building permit, the requested water permit and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) by January 27, 2023. Comments on the remainder of the application must be submitted by February 17.

In the application and supplement to the application, Talga has proposed a few different activity codes for the proposed production process in the Environmental Permitting Ordinance (2013:251). Regardless of which activity code is deemed the correct one, Permit Requirement A applies, meaning that the County Administrative Board has oversight of the environmentally hazardous activity under the Environmental Code. The County Administrative Board is also responsible for oversight of water activities. At this time, the County Administrative Board is seeking comments on the construction permit, water activities, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Questions regarding the permissibility of the activities and water activities are addressed on pages 18 through 28 of the application.

The application for a construction permit is described in the application as follows: 'Talga requests that the Land and Environment Court, through a special judgment, declare the proposed activity permissible and allow the company to carry out certain works (known as a construction permit). The application relates to planned building and construction activities for the intended activity, but not to the construction or design of process or cleaning technology. The work includes excavation and foundation work for the construction of the plant, the construction of buildings, roads and other facilities, and the laying of pipelines, etc. As indicated in the environmental assessment, the proposed activity will be carried out in accordance with general environmental protection regulations. The proposed conditions ensure that the activity will be carried out in accordance with best available techniques and that impacts on the surrounding area will be limited. The location of the activity in an area designated for industrial activities meets the siting requirement. The plant is well located from both an environmental and recipient perspective. The proposed activity will not have a significant impact on human health or the environment and will not result in noncompliance with environmental quality standards for air or water. The activity will also not impact a Natura 2000 site. In summary, the studies conducted show that the proposed activity is permissible and very important, not least to accelerate the green transition and reduce the high carbon dioxide emissions associated with the conventional production of battery anode materials. It is therefore appropriate to declare the requested activity permissible and to grant the requested construction permit.

Ministry of Environment and Construction Comments

The Department of Environment and Public Works has consulted internally with the Luleå Municipal Environmental Officer regarding the consequences of the proposed water activity and nature conservation issues. From the consultation, it appears that the Municipal Environmentalist has been involved in discussions with Talga on the best solution for laying the pipelines and that the development of the area has been included in the detailed planning of the area. Provided that the safeguards discussed and described in the application and its attachments are adhered to, the Department of Environment and Public Works does not object to the issuance of the permit for the waterworks. The Environment and Construction Department also has no objection to the permit covering the work in the protected area described in the application.

With regard to the request for a building permit, the Environment and Construction Department has no objection to such a permit being granted, with reference to what Talga has described about the impact on human health or the environment, etc. On the positive side, a control program for the construction work will be prepared, including a separate mass management plan and a description of how sulfide-containing soil will be handled. Among other things, this should ensure that the excavated material is properly managed later.

The Environment and Construction Department has no comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. The Environment and Construction Department has proposed to the Environment and Construction Committee to decide that the Environment and Construction Committee has no objections to the issuance of a permit for the water activity or the issuance of a construction permit. In all other respects, reference is made to the comments made under the heading "Comments of the Environment and Construction Department".

The meeting
I. J. (V) declares that she is unable to attend and will not take part in the debate. The environment and construction department presented the matter presented.

Decision making
The Chairman puts the proposal of the Environment and Construction Department and states that the Environment and Building Committee agrees with the proposal.

Supporting documents
- Application and amendment to the application, MBF Hid: 2023.126
- Environmental Assessment (revised), MBF Hid: 2023.128
- Technical description, MBF Hid: 2023.129
- Detailed plan, MBF Hid: 2023.130-131
- Proposal of the Ministry of Environment and Construction regarding the.
Opinion for referral - Talga AB's application for a.
Permit for water activities on the Luleå properties.
Hertsön 11.1, 11.1010 and 11.1011, application for a construction permit
and environmental impact assessment, MBF Hid: 2023.125.

The decision is sent to
Land and Environment Court" miljö- och byggnadsnämnden 2023-01-18.pdf
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If anyone is interested in the fine print of one part of our procedures...
Note that this is the county Norrbotten, one of the interested parties involved in the approval process. They are the ones who have given the thumbs up to both if we deliver or prove what is required. For the plant in Lulea, for example, the handling of the hydrofluoric acid is still pending. But it may be that it has already been delivered. I don't know how often they update here and the building committee has already signalled the green light. Overall, the approval processes are extremely confusing. I can understand if you just want to wait and see. I have tried so hard and still can't get through it.
What exactly is the role of the SGU,
what exactly is the role of the Bergsaaten,
what exactly is the role of Norrbotten County Council,
what exactly is the role of the municipal government of Kiruna and Lulea,
what exactly is the role of Umea Court,
what exactly is the role of the government?
I don't know if I have forgotten anyone else. I have a hunch but I know very little with certainty. Anyway, because it is so clearly arranged:


Current permit processes​

Here we collect the current permit processes in Norrbotten for a quick overview, status in the case and easy access to the latest public documents connected to the cases.
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Here is the procedure from the "GUIDANCE FOR TESTING OF MINING ACTIVITIES" (PDF link).

In Chapter 3 The Environmental Code aims at a well-considered balancing of different land and water use claims. The regulations specify which public interests must be taken into account in order to achieve good stewardship. The interests identified in the regulations have special significance for the development of society and are therefore to be given priority over other interests when deciding on the issue of land and water use. The district executive committee is responsible for coordinating the interests of the state in matters of land and water use. The starting point for the county executive's assessment should be the overarching objective of the Environmental Code in Ch. 1.

Assessment of mining activities. The procedure from exploration permit to construction and land use permit.
Exploration permits and work plans under the Mining Act. Decisions are made by the Minister of Mines.
Trial mining permit under the Environmental Code. Decisions are made by the Delegation for Environmental Impact Assessment of the district administration.
Special permit for mining or exploration activities that may affect a Natura 2000 site.
Processing licence under the Mining Code and Chapters 3-4 of the Environmental Code. Decisions are made by the Minister of Mines.
Environmental permit under Chapters 9 and 11 of the Environment Act. Land and Environmental Court make decisions.
Land permit under the Mining Act. Minister of Mines makes decision.
Building and land permits under the Planning and Building Act. The municipality's building committee decides.

Overview of the review procedure at the Swedish Bergsstaten. => Processing concession
The applicant is advised to consult with the County Administrative Board and local and regional stakeholders.
The company prepares the application with the environmental impact assessment and annexes and submits it to the Bergsstaten.
The Bergsstaten conducts an initial review and requests additional information from the company.
Once the Bergsstaten has deemed the application complete for further processing, the dossier and the environmental impact assessment are forwarded to the County Administrative Board for consultation.
At the same time, the matter will be made public and interested parties will be given the opportunity to comment.
Comments with any requests for additions are received by the Bergsstaten.
The company is given the opportunity to supplement the documents, after which a new hearing notice can be sent to the district administration.
If the matter does not need to be communicated further after the final opinion of the district administration authority, the Minister of Mines can make a decision.
The Minister of Mines shall refer the matter to the Government for consideration and decision in accordance with Chapter 8, Section 2 of the Mines Act.
Possible appeal.

Overview of the consultation procedure for permit applications under the Environmental Code.
Consultation of the district administration, the supervisory authority and persons who may be particularly affected.
Mining activities are always expected to have significant environmental impacts, so consultation does not have to be carried out separately.
Consultation with other government agencies, communities, the public and organisations likely to be affected. Finns
The application and environmental impact statement are prepared and submitted to the Land and Environment Court.

The district administration checks whether a Natura 2000 permit is required when applying for a processing concession. An application for a Natura 2000 permit must include an environmental impact assessment. A Natura 2000 permit is reviewed by the district administrative authority or the Land and Environment Court.

Principle presentation of the review process to the Land and Environment Court.
Consultation with the district administration, the municipality, individuals, the public, the same party, the relevant central authorities, etc.
The company prepares the application with the environmental impact assessment and annexes and submits it to the court.
Usually, the court refers the case to the authorities for disposal.
The comments are sent to the court together with any requests for additional information.
The company is given the opportunity to supplement the documents.
The court examines whether the application is admissible and, if so, announces the case.
The application is sent to interested parties for consultation. The public may also submit comments.
The court receives a response to the application and the environmental impact assessment.
The company responds to the comments.
Hearing with site visit.
=> Judgment or Final Judgment, depending on whether there are probation issues.
Possible appeal.

The holder of a processing concession may apply for a land allocation procedure. Such a procedure determines the area within the concession area that the concession holder may use for processing the deposit. It also determines the land within or outside the concession area that the concessionaire may use for activities related to processing. The land grant links the right to extract minerals to the right to use the land or space required for the activity.

If I think of more things I will add them here.

Please no questions 😅
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And again a good piece forward. Talga go🍾

Here is the protocol of the Environment and Construction Committee of Lulea in our case:

"Opinion for referral
Talga AB application for permit for water activities on the following plots the plots of land Luleå Hertsön 11.1, 11.1010 and 11.1011 -
Application for a building permit and Environmental impact assessment
File number M-2022-4423

Decision of the Environment and Construction Committee
The Environmental and Construction Committee has no objections to the issuance of a to the granting of a permit for the water activity or to the granting of a building permit.
For the rest, we refer to the comments under the section "Statements of the Environmental and Construction Committee".

Summary of the matter
Talga AB (Talga) has applied for a permit under the Environmental Code for the Construction and operation of a plant for the production of Battery anode material from graphite concentrate on part of the Hertsön 11:1 and 11:1010 land parcels, as well as a permit for water management activities required for the construction of the company's facilities in water Company's facilities in water areas.

The Company has also requested that the Regional and Environmental Court, in a separate judgment, clarify the issue of the permissibility of the activities and grant a permit under the Environmental Code for the construction work to be carried out and a permit for certain water activities (so-called construction judgment). An environmental impact assessment was submitted.

The matter was referred to the Environment and Construction Committee for comments on the water activities, construction permit and environmental impact statement by January 27, 2023. The Environment and Construction Department proposes that the Committee decides not to object to the issuance of a water activity permit or to the issuance of a construction permit. In all other respects, reference is made to the views of the Environment and Construction Department as set out in the letter.

Talga has a permit under the Environmental Code to construct and operate a facility for the production of battery anode material from graphite concentrate within part of the Hertsön 11:1 and 11:1010 property. The company has also applied for a permit for water activities necessary for the construction of the company's facilities in water areas. The water activities are expected to affect the Hertsön 11:1, 11:1010 and 11:1011 properties.

The company has also requested that the court issue a special judgment on the permissibility of the activities and grant a permit under the Environmental Code for the construction work to be carried out and a permit for certain water activities (so-called construction judgment). An environmental impact assessment was submitted.

The Land and Environment Court has forwarded the application and related documents to the Environment and Construction Committee for comments on the application for a building permit, the requested water permit and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) by January 27, 2023. Comments on the remainder of the application must be submitted by February 17.

In the application and supplement to the application, Talga has proposed a few different activity codes for the proposed production process in the Environmental Permitting Ordinance (2013:251). Regardless of which activity code is deemed the correct one, Permit Requirement A applies, meaning that the County Administrative Board has oversight of the environmentally hazardous activity under the Environmental Code. The County Administrative Board is also responsible for oversight of water activities. At this time, the County Administrative Board is seeking comments on the construction permit, water activities, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Questions regarding the permissibility of the activities and water activities are addressed on pages 18 through 28 of the application.

The application for a construction permit is described in the application as follows: 'Talga requests that the Land and Environment Court, through a special judgment, declare the proposed activity permissible and allow the company to carry out certain works (known as a construction permit). The application relates to planned building and construction activities for the intended activity, but not to the construction or design of process or cleaning technology. The work includes excavation and foundation work for the construction of the plant, the construction of buildings, roads and other facilities, and the laying of pipelines, etc. As indicated in the environmental assessment, the proposed activity will be carried out in accordance with general environmental protection regulations.The proposed conditions ensure that the activity will be carried out in accordance with best available techniques and that impacts on the surrounding area will be limited. The location of the activity in an area designated for industrial activities meets the siting requirement. The plant is well located from both an environmental and recipient perspective. The proposed activity will not have a significant impact on human health or the environment and will not result in noncompliance with environmental quality standards for air or water. The activity will also not impact a Natura 2000 site. In summary, the studies conducted show that the proposed activity is permissible and very important, not least to accelerate the green transition and reduce the high carbon dioxide emissions associated with the conventional production of battery anode materials.It is therefore appropriate to declare the requested activity permissible and to grant the requested construction permit.

Ministry of Environment and Construction Comments

The Department of Environment and Public Works has consulted internally with the Luleå Municipal Environmental Officer regarding the consequences of the proposed water activity and nature conservation issues. From the consultation, it appears that the Municipal Environmentalist has been involved in discussions with Talga on the best solution for laying the pipelines and that the development of the area has been included in the detailed planning of the area. Provided that the safeguards discussed and described in the application and its attachments are adhered to, the Department of Environment and Public Works does not object to the issuance of the permit for the waterworks. The Environment and Construction Department also has no objection to the permit covering the work in the protected area described in the application.

With regard to the request for a building permit, the Environment and Construction Department has no objection to such a permit being granted, with reference to what Talga has described about the impact on human health or the environment, etc. On the positive side, a control program for the construction work will be prepared, including a separate mass management plan and a description of how sulfide-containing soil will be handled. Among other things, this should ensure that the excavated material is properly managed later.

The Environment and Construction Department has no comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. The Environment and Construction Department has proposed to the Environment and Construction Committee to decide that the Environment and Construction Committee has no objections to the issuance of a permit for the water activity or the issuance of a construction permit. In all other respects, reference is made to the comments made under the heading "Comments of the Environment and Construction Department".

The meeting
I. J. (V) declares that she is unable to attend and will not take part in the debate. The environment and construction department presented the matter presented.

Decision making
The Chairman puts the proposal of the Environment and Construction Department and states that the Environment and Building Committee agrees with the proposal.

Supporting documents
- Application and amendment to the application, MBF Hid: 2023.126
- Environmental Assessment (revised), MBF Hid: 2023.128
- Technical description, MBF Hid: 2023.129
- Detailed plan, MBF Hid: 2023.130-131
- Proposal of the Ministry of Environment and Construction regarding the.
Opinion for referral - Talga AB's application for a.
Permit for water activities on the Luleå properties.
Hertsön 11.1, 11.1010 and 11.1011, application for a construction permit
and environmental impact assessment, MBF Hid: 2023.125.

The decision is sent to
Land and Environment Court" miljö- och bygningsnämnden 2023-01-18.pdf

"Talga AB is seeking a building permit for establishment at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet​

  • policy
  • suggestions
  • the environment and building committee

The Environment and Building Committee is proposed to decide on February 15 to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet. This is the first step for the company towards the opening of a graphite purification plant and a plant for the production of anode materials for batteries.


The industrial building is supposed to have a facade that is clad with prefabricated paroc elements in a dark gray color. Windows, doors and ventilation openings are given the same color as the facade or similar. Stairs and pipe scaffolding are built in galvanized steel. The roof is provided with a black cardboard roof.

Graphite ore is enriched in Luleå​

Anode material for batteries must be manufactured from graphite ore. The concentrate is transported as filter cakes in sacks by truck from the mine to the plant in Luleå. At the facility at Luleå Industripark there will be two processing plants, a graphite purification plant and an anode plant. In the graphite purification plant, the graphite is further dried and concentrated to purify the graphite concentrate from, for example, sulfates and silicates.
The graphite concentrate is then transferred to the anode plant where the purified graphite is processed into battery anode material. The facility will be constructed so that handling of graphite and graphite dust takes place in an enclosed manner and that constant collection of finely divided graphite dust is ensured. Special purification steps are included in the facility in terms of water and air.
Production is supposed to go on around the clock, but transport to and from the plant is supposed to take place between 06.00 and 22.00, but it is stated that there may also be transport at night. It is estimated that approximately 95 people will work at the facility.

A large facility​

The building for the graphite purification plant is supposed to have a building area of just over 14,600 m2 and the other planned industrial building is supposed to have a building area of just over 21,450 m2. It can be compared to a football field, which is roughly 7,000 m2. The buildings' total height is supposed to be 24.65 metres.

Read the entire notice to the environment and building committee on 15 February."

So it's taking shape!

"Talga is proposed to get a building permit at Herstöfälten

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten.

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten."

If that is as I understand it and it probably will be then maybe next week we will have the permit for the factory. And that would be a really strong signal to the other team! It's great that one approval is not tied to the other.

Have a nice weekend!
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"Talga AB is seeking a building permit for establishment at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet​

  • policy
  • suggestions
  • the environment and building committee

The Environment and Building Committee is proposed to decide on February 15 to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet. This is the first step for the company towards the opening of a graphite purification plant and a plant for the production of anode materials for batteries.

View attachment 29256

The industrial building is supposed to have a facade that is clad with prefabricated paroc elements in a dark gray color. Windows, doors and ventilation openings are given the same color as the facade or similar. Stairs and pipe scaffolding are built in galvanized steel. The roof is provided with a black cardboard roof.

Graphite ore is enriched in Luleå​

Anode material for batteries must be manufactured from graphite ore. The concentrate is transported as filter cakes in sacks by truck from the mine to the plant in Luleå. At the facility at Luleå Industripark there will be two processing plants, a graphite purification plant and an anode plant. In the graphite purification plant, the graphite is further dried and concentrated to purify the graphite concentrate from, for example, sulfates and silicates.
The graphite concentrate is then transferred to the anode plant where the purified graphite is processed into battery anode material. The facility will be constructed so that handling of graphite and graphite dust takes place in an enclosed manner and that constant collection of finely divided graphite dust is ensured. Special purification steps are included in the facility in terms of water and air.
Production is supposed to go on around the clock, but transport to and from the plant is supposed to take place between 06.00 and 22.00, but it is stated that there may also be transport at night. It is estimated that approximately 95 people will work at the facility.

A large facility​

The building for the graphite purification plant is supposed to have a building area of just over 14,600 m2 and the other planned industrial building is supposed to have a building area of just over 21,450 m2. It can be compared to a football field, which is roughly 7,000 m2. The buildings' total height is supposed to be 24.65 metres.

Read the entire notice to the environment and building committee on 15 February."

So it's taking shape!

"Talga is proposed to get a building permit at Herstöfälten

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten.

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten."

If that is as I understand it and it probably will be then maybe next week we will have the permit for the factory. And that would be a really strong signal to the other team! It's great that one approval is not tied to the other.

Have a nice weekend!
Once again Cosors, invaluable find.
Thank you!
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"Talga AB is seeking a building permit for establishment at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet​

  • policy
  • suggestions
  • the environment and building committee

The Environment and Building Committee is proposed to decide on February 15 to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet. This is the first step for the company towards the opening of a graphite purification plant and a plant for the production of anode materials for batteries.

View attachment 29256

The industrial building is supposed to have a facade that is clad with prefabricated paroc elements in a dark gray color. Windows, doors and ventilation openings are given the same color as the facade or similar. Stairs and pipe scaffolding are built in galvanized steel. The roof is provided with a black cardboard roof.

Graphite ore is enriched in Luleå​

Anode material for batteries must be manufactured from graphite ore. The concentrate is transported as filter cakes in sacks by truck from the mine to the plant in Luleå. At the facility at Luleå Industripark there will be two processing plants, a graphite purification plant and an anode plant. In the graphite purification plant, the graphite is further dried and concentrated to purify the graphite concentrate from, for example, sulfates and silicates.
The graphite concentrate is then transferred to the anode plant where the purified graphite is processed into battery anode material. The facility will be constructed so that handling of graphite and graphite dust takes place in an enclosed manner and that constant collection of finely divided graphite dust is ensured. Special purification steps are included in the facility in terms of water and air.
Production is supposed to go on around the clock, but transport to and from the plant is supposed to take place between 06.00 and 22.00, but it is stated that there may also be transport at night. It is estimated that approximately 95 people will work at the facility.

A large facility​

The building for the graphite purification plant is supposed to have a building area of just over 14,600 m2 and the other planned industrial building is supposed to have a building area of just over 21,450 m2. It can be compared to a football field, which is roughly 7,000 m2. The buildings' total height is supposed to be 24.65 metres.

Read the entire notice to the environment and building committee on 15 February."

So it's taking shape!

"Talga is proposed to get a building permit at Herstöfälten

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten.

Talga AB is proposed to be granted planning permission for new construction of industrial buildings at Luleå industrial park, Hertsöfälten."

If that is as I understand it and it probably will be then maybe next week we will have the permit for the factory. And that would be a really strong signal to the other team! It's great that one approval is not tied to the other.

Have a nice weekend!
Perfectly timed to coincide with the Investor Webinar too…..I’m sure that’s not a coincidence!!

Great find again as usual Cosors
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There is some speculation over at HC as to whether we will get a Trading Halt prior to the Permits Decision. Assuming the Court will give 1 or 2 days notice of the announcement of a decision , which is what happens in Oz, then it seems to me that TLG will go into a Trading Halt as soon as such notice is given then emerge once the decision is given.

Otherwise the European and American markets will trade with a time advantage

If we look the the ASX guidance notes on Trading Halts it says this

3.3 When to request a trading halt

An entity should consider requesting a trading halt whenever it is necessary to manage its continuous disclosure obligations under Listing Rules 3.1-3.1B. This can arise, for example, where a listed entity has become aware of information that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of its securities but it is not in a position to make an announcement about the information to the market promptly and without delay.

Having regard to the general principle outlined in section 2.1 above, ASX will only agree to a trading halt for the period ASX considers reasonably necessary for an entity to manage its continuous disclosure obligations. A trading halt can therefore be quite short, including for a single trading day or part of a trading day.

Guidance Note 8 Continuous Disclosure: Listing Rules 3.1 – 3.1B has quite detailed guidance on when and how to use a trading halt for these purposes. The following are some specific examples of situations when an entity could consider requesting a trading halt and how ASX would be likely to respond to such a request:

Example 1: entity A, whose principal asset is a mine in a remote region, has just learnt that its mine has been hit by a major earthquake. Early reports indicate that the damage is significant. A intends to fly a team of experts to the mine to assess the damage but it is likely to take 48 hours for them to reach the mine and report back to A and then for A to prepare an appropriate announcement to the market about the extent of the damage and its likely impact on A’s operations. It would be appropriate for A at that point to request a trading halt pending that announcement. The request for the trading halt, which would be released to the market, should mention that A’s mine has been significantly damaged by the earthquake, that A is sending a team to assess the damage and that a further announcement about the damage is anticipated within 48 hours. In this case, ASX would likely grant a trading halt that covers the 48 hour period A says it needs to assess the damage and make an announcement to the market.

Example 2: entity B is in the final stages of confidential negotiations with C regarding the purchase of a material mining tenement. Speculation emerges in the media about the transaction that is reasonably specific and detailed, and the price of B’s securities starts to rise. ASX contacts B to ascertain if the speculation is correct or if B is aware of any other reason for the increase in the price of its securities. Upon being told of the purchase negotiations, ASX suggests that B needs to make an announcement to the market about the transaction, as it no longer appears to be confidential and therefore is no longer excluded from disclosure under Listing Rule 3.1A. B anticipates being able to conclude the negotiations with C and make an announcement about the transaction to the market within the next two trading days.
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There is some speculation over at HC as to whether we will get a Trading Halt prior to the Permits Decision. Assuming the Court will give 1 or 2 days notice of the announcement of a decision , which is what happens in Oz, then it seems to me that TLG will go into a Trading Halt as soon as such notice is given then emerge once the decision is given.

Otherwise the European and American markets will trade with a time advantage

If we look the the ASX guidance notes on Trading Halts it says this

3.3 When to request a trading halt

An entity should consider requesting a trading halt whenever it is necessary to manage its continuous disclosure obligations under Listing Rules 3.1-3.1B. This can arise, for example, where a listed entity has become aware of information that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of its securities but it is not in a position to make an announcement about the information to the market promptly and without delay.

Having regard to the general principle outlined in section 2.1 above, ASX will only agree to a trading halt for the period ASX considers reasonably necessary for an entity to manage its continuous disclosure obligations. A trading halt can therefore be quite short, including for a single trading day or part of a trading day.

Guidance Note 8 Continuous Disclosure: Listing Rules 3.1 – 3.1B has quite detailed guidance on when and how to use a trading halt for these purposes. The following are some specific examples of situations when an entity could consider requesting a trading halt and how ASX would be likely to respond to such a request:

Example 1: entity A, whose principal asset is a mine in a remote region, has just learnt that its mine has been hit by a major earthquake. Early reports indicate that the damage is significant. A intends to fly a team of experts to the mine to assess the damage but it is likely to take 48 hours for them to reach the mine and report back to A and then for A to prepare an appropriate announcement to the market about the extent of the damage and its likely impact on A’s operations. It would be appropriate for A at that point to request a trading halt pending that announcement. The request for the trading halt, which would be released to the market, should mention that A’s mine has been significantly damaged by the earthquake, that A is sending a team to assess the damage and that a further announcement about the damage is anticipated within 48 hours. In this case, ASX would likely grant a trading halt that covers the 48 hour period A says it needs to assess the damage and make an announcement to the market.

Example 2: entity B is in the final stages of confidential negotiations with C regarding the purchase of a material mining tenement. Speculation emerges in the media about the transaction that is reasonably specific and detailed, and the price of B’s securities starts to rise. ASX contacts B to ascertain if the speculation is correct or if B is aware of any other reason for the increase in the price of its securities. Upon being told of the purchase negotiations, ASX suggests that B needs to make an announcement to the market about the transaction, as it no longer appears to be confidential and therefore is no longer excluded from disclosure under Listing Rule 3.1A. B anticipates being able to conclude the negotiations with C and make an announcement about the transaction to the market within the next two trading days.
Do you think there will be an ASX release for the building permit decision mentioned above on the 15th or is that an insignificant milestone in the scheme of things ?
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@WheresTheMonkey I have been wondering for a long time whether the reports are first placed on the pages of the authorities and the court. Or whether the news first goes to the company concerned and is only then published on their page. A trading halt might be fair but I would of course take advantage - LoL

@Vigdorian I think that the building permit is a very important milestone and by no means a gift. Other companies are waiting for such a building permit as the most important milestone. For most of us the mine is rightly at the top of the list, but remember that this approval already makes us capable of acting, unfavorably but nevertheless. Moreover, the bureaucracy is the same. I have read objections from the committee from the summer 2022 and they first caused uneasy feelings or concerns. But everything could be addressed and that was certainly a lot of work. So from my point of view when the green light is given for the factory it can be celebrated with champus and when it is given for the mine, it can be bathed in it.
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@WheresTheMonkey I have been wondering for a long time whether the reports are first placed on the pages of the authorities and the court. Or whether the news first goes to the company concerned and is only then published on their page. A trading halt might be fair but I would of course take advantage - LoL
Here is our answer from the ASX Market Announcement on 1 February. I had not noticed this prior

The hearing represents the final step in the standard environment permit process underway in the Swedish Land and Environment Court in Umeå ("Court"). The hearing is scheduled to conclude on 23 February 2023 with the Court expected to provide a date for a decision on the final day of the hearing
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@WheresTheMonkey I have been wondering for a long time whether the reports are first placed on the pages of the authorities and the court. Or whether the news first goes to the company concerned and is only then published on their page. A trading halt might be fair but I would of course take advantage - LoL

@Vigdorian I think that the building permit is a very important milestone and by no means a gift. Other companies are waiting for such a building permit as the most important milestone. For most of us the mine is rightly at the top of the list, but remember that this approval already makes us capable of acting, unfavorably but nevertheless. Moreover, the bureaucracy is the same. I have read objections from the committee from the summer 2022 and they first caused uneasy feelings or concerns. But everything could be addressed and that was certainly a lot of work. So from my point of view when the green light is given for the factory it can be celebrated with champus and when it is given for the mine, it can be bathed in it.
Hi @cosors, I am with you - this is a siginificant milestone.

While the anode plant is located in an industrial estate, this could have easily been subject to delays, so the fact it appears approval is imminent is a big risk mitigated.

I imagine construction and commissioning of the anode factory will take longer than that of the mine site, and there will be more capex spend here than establishing the mine and mill/refinery, so this is a big tick. Construction can commence the moment funding hits the bank - if not immediately for some early works.

Revenue by 2024 has just got increasingly likely.

Thanks for your tireless research and sharing all your findings so generously.
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This document is new for me.
I don't think there's a decision in here.
First on the page of Lulea:
"The Environment and Building Committee is proposed to decide on February 15 to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet. This is the first step for the company towards the opening of a graphite purification plant and a plant for the production of anode materials for batteries."

But this info isn't new to us:
"The Land and Environment Court has referred the application to the Environment and Building Agency for comments by 17 February 2023. The Environment and Building Agency proposes that the Agency decides to raise no objection to the approval of the project in accordance with Talga's application and otherwise refer to the comments set out in the letter." miljö- och byggnadsnämnden 2023-02-15.pdf
It is far to big to post here.

As I see it, this seems to be the documented information for the basis of the decision and the protocol with the decision is still to be made. I'm posting it anyway because it has a lot of details about our application and changes.
I'll stay tuned and maybe something will come up later.
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"Synpunkter på ansökan i övrigt ska ges in skriftligen senast 17 februari 2023. Målet kan komma att avgöras utan huvudförhandling."
"Comments on the rest of the application must be submitted in writing by 17 February 2023. The case may be decided without a main hearing."

Maybe we'll finally hear the result of the decision soon?!
The last protocol of the Environment and Building Committee of 15 have unfortunately not yet been published.

"The Environment and Building Committee in Luleå is proposed to give the green light to Talga's application for two new industrial buildings in Luleå industrial park. It will be a graphite purification plant and a building where anode material for batteries is manufactured. Decisions are made at the committee's meeting on February 15."

But so far they have only published the minutes of 18 January So... waiting... and waiting... and waiting... and yet has it finally arrived? DAD, when are we finally there? ...and now?
I hate waiting and constantly updating 😡😅
Have a nice weekend! I have to go out and celebrate carnival. Cheers!
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"LKAB is drilling deeper and deeper, which requires them to move the entire city​

All projects in the north, both the grand ones and the small routine ones, require an environmental assessment, which is handled by the County Administrative Board. Now the accumulation of projects has become so extensive that the County Administrative Board cannot keep up and it does not have the go-ahead to hire more administrators. The local newspapers from Norran in Skellefteå to Kuriren and NSD in Luleå have taken up the issue:


2023-02-11, PT, Piteå-Tidningen :

The County Administrative Board sounds the alarm - risks becoming a brake pad

A number of projects are enumerated:

  • LKAB's overall application for operations in Kiruna.
  • LKAB's industrial park Reemap in Luleå.
  • Hybrit's plans for a demo facility in Gällivare.
  • SSAB's transformation of the steel industry in Luleå.
  • Fertiberia's plans for a fertilizer factory in Luleå.
  • Talgas application for battery anode factory in Luleå.
  • Copperstone's application for the Viscaria mine in Kiruna.
  • Beowulf's application for the Kallak mine in Jokkmokk.
  • Svenska kraftnäts planer för ledningsnätet i bland annat Skellefteå och Luleå.
  • Boliden's possible plans for the copper mine in Laver in Älvsbyn.
  • About ten land-based wind farms.
  • 2-3 offshore wind farms.
  • Hydrogen plant in Markbygden.
  • Vätgashub i Luleå harbor.
  • Hydrogen pipeline .
These are probably not all projects, but probably the most demanding. The Land and Environmental Court in Umeå has received five extra judges and a court administrator, but the county administrations have not received more staff.

The Governor of Norrbotten, Lotta Finstorp, is calling for extra resources, i.e. more staff. Karin Börjesson, head of the community department at the County Administrative Board in Luleå, believes that these are new areas that require time to get used to."
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The Environment and Building Committee is proposed to decide on February 15 to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet.

Seems like the environment and building committee is not the final decision taking entity on this issue. Maybe there is another layer on top? Otherwise we should have heard about it by now..
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Seems like the environment and building committee is not the final decision taking entity on this issue. Maybe there is another layer on top? Otherwise we should have heard about it by now..
I think the judgment already exists but the committee is not the body to pronounce it.
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Seems like the environment and building committee is not the final decision taking entity on this issue. Maybe there is another layer on top? Otherwise we should have heard about it by now..

I looked again. It is absolutely clear that the Environment and Construction Committee decided about us on 15 February. It says so not only on Lulea's page but everywhere else in the other media.
They meet once a month. The first minutes/protocol (?) from 18 January said that they had no objections and recommended approval. I only found these minutes 13 days later, on 1 February. With a few days' tolerance that definitely tells me that these minutes are published with a considerable time lag. So I would expect that the minutes of the meeting on the 15th are shown around the end of February. I think it will be like the approval for the mine. One body makes the essential decision but it is not the one that formally grants the permit and ceremonially opens the mine. The court of Umea decides and Bergstaaten opens. Maybe in Lulea it's the mayor? I don't know.

@beserk maybe you can ask your brother to call the Lulea municipality and ask if and when the minutes/protocol of the environmental and building committee (Miljö- och byggnadsnämnden) are available and when the building permit is formally granted and by whom (~as in general)?

"Talga AB söker bygglov för etablering på Luleå Industripark – Hertsöfältet

Miljö- och byggnadsnämnden föreslås den 15 februari besluta att bevilja Talga AB bygglov för nybyggnad av industribyggnader på Luleå Industripark – Hertsöfältet. Det här är första steget för företaget mot öppnandet av en grafitreningsanläggning och en anläggning för tillverkning av anodmaterial för batterier."

"Talga AB seeks building permit for establishment at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet

On 15 February, the Environment and Building Committee proposed to grant Talga AB a building permit for the construction of new industrial buildings at Luleå Industripark - Hertsöfältet. This is the first step for the company towards the opening of a graphite purification plant and a plant for the production of anode materials for batteries."

Luleå municipality, 971 85 Luleå
Telephone number:
0920 - 45 30 00

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