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Like all of us I wish I had the magic date we will receive notification from the SC, but I don’t. Previously my conviction was strong for us to have had an outcome by Feb/March. How wrong was I?

However, with the 16 sitting judges of the SC and the ~6000 cases they review/receive each year that is 375 cases per judge per year.

I assume they don’t work weekends so that’s ~250 working days per year which equals 1.5 cases reviewed each day for each judge.

What does that mean? Absolutely nothing! Do judges pick up a case and finish it before opening another? Do they collaborate with other judges on cases? Do they have KPIs for the number of cases they must conclude on? Should they? Does it really matter?

Fact is it’ll happen when it happens and in the meantime there is nothing we can do.

I don’t buy in to any conspiracy theory raised either here or over at “the other place.” Judges are busy and with no cost/consequence imposed on those requesting leave for appeal they will remain busy (and no doubt underpaid in their own eyes).

No matter what is happening in the back ground or how things operate in the walls of the SC we will get an outcome only when we get an outcome. (I’ve amazed myself with how profound that sounds 🤣🤣🤣)

Hang in there good folk, we are surely nearing the end of “this” roadblock, hopefully with the result we all expect.
The time to make a judicial decision is exactly the length of a piece of string.
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6000 cases per year and that's because, like the good little socialists they are, the Swedes have made the whole process zero cost no matter what merit an application has
Justice delayed is justice denied
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Holy F**k they have yet to get to our case because of a backlog

Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent
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Holy F**k they have yet to get to our case because of a backlog

Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent's Got Talent
Let’s hope the fact that it took Botnia Exploration 10 months for the SC to squash the leave to appeal request is not an indication of how long it may take them to ‘process’ Talga’s.

10 months to get to the case back in 2021 would have certainly blown out to 12 months in 2024 with the ever increasing number of leave to appeal requests that the SC receive.

Certainly is a joke! We hold with bated breath….
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Let’s hope the fact that it took Botnia Exploration 10 months for the SC to squash the leave to appeal request is not an indication of how long it may take them to ‘process’ Talga’s.

10 months to get to the case back in 2021 would have certainly blown out to 12 months in 2024 with the ever increasing number of leave to appeal requests that the SC receive.

Certainly is a joke! We hold with bated breath….
Well it least we are now done with the conspiracy theories including one I supported that it was being held back due to the CRMA having legislative override.

@BigDog and @cosors I recall thought it was the SC workload well you have been proven correct. There are others of course

Perhaps with this "Please Hurry Up Because..." letter to the Court we might see a reply earlier given the Court gave the Nimby's a far too generous extension of time to get their shit together.

MT didn't say when TLG sent the letter to the Court he only said recently which is I suppose was maybe 2 weeks away given he would know he would need to give us all an update for the webinar.

Maybe it will be dealt with in a shorter period of time than we think.

We are certainly due for some good fortune I would think
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Well it least we are now done with the conspiracy theories including one I supported that it was being held back due to the CRMA having legislative override.

@BigDog and @cosors I recall thought it was the SC workload well you have been proven correct. There are others of course

Perhaps with this "Please Hurry Up Because..." letter to the Court we might see a reply earlier given the Court gave the Nimby's a far too generous extension of time to get their shit together.

MT didn't say when TLG sent the letter to the Court he only said recently which is I suppose was maybe 2 weeks away given he would know he would need to give us all an update for the webinar.

Maybe it will be dealt with in a shorter period of time than we think.

We are certainly due for some good fortune I would think
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Well it least we are now done with the conspiracy theories including one I supported that it was being held back due to the CRMA having legislative override.

@BigDog and @cosors I recall thought it was the SC workload well you have been proven correct. There are others of course

Perhaps with this "Please Hurry Up Because..." letter to the Court we might see a reply earlier given the Court gave the Nimby's a far too generous extension of time to get their shit together.

MT didn't say when TLG sent the letter to the Court he only said recently which is I suppose was maybe 2 weeks away given he would know he would need to give us all an update for the webinar.

Maybe it will be dealt with in a shorter period of time than we think.

We are certainly due for some good fortune I would think

Well, with the SC of appeals beeing under a DOS attack (overload the organization with bullshit requests), this type of letter will for sure be send by everyone, negating the effect. I have zero, and I mean ZERO faith in the time efficiency of anything in Swedish court system. The decisions are usually quite reasonable so far but the timing of it has never been in our favor even once. I dont see this changing direction now. We all can start collecting money for the next capital raise.
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Our permit is for a certain amount of ore over a certain time period right? Does anyone know if that means we could pull a double-shift one year to make up a bit for delays thos year?
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Our permit is for a certain amount of ore over a certain time period right? Does anyone know if that means we could pull a double-shift one year to make up a bit for delays thos year?
Yes. The 100k extraction is an average over the permitted period. That said I would expect phase 2 to be very close to phase 1 with the tail winds of the CRMA behind us. The one thing that stood out for me was what MT alluded to for phase 3 being.. just dig it all up. Let’s find how much is actually down there and let’s dig it all up. (Paraphrasing there.) That is expected to be 170m/t to 200m/t.
Our permit is for a certain amount of ore over a certain time period right? Does anyone know if that means we could pull a double-shift one year to make up a bit for delays thos year?
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Well, with the SC of appeals beeing under a DOS attack (overload the organization with bullshit requests), this type of letter will for sure be send by everyone, negating the effect. I have zero, and I mean ZERO faith in the time efficiency of anything in Swedish court system. The decisions are usually quite reasonable so far but the timing of it has never been in our favor even once. I dont see this changing direction now. We all can start collecting money for the next capital raise.
Hmmm 🤔! Perhaps but perhaps not.

I agree that if this type of letter is sent by all in a similar position to TLG then this will certainly draw out until around October. However, I wouldn’t expect every “defendant” (i.e. Talga) that has a case put up to the SC to be as time critical in their plight. Preparing and sending these letters would most certainly come from legal representatives of “defendants” which doesn’t come for free in most instances and not all cases that go to the SC have such enormous amounts of money at stake should delays occur.

I’m living in hope that the letter gives the SC judges a wriggle on.

The need for another capital raise at a pathetically low share price will hopefully only come if this thing draws out beyond another 4-5 months at least.

MT mentioned that the purse strings have been reigned in and the bulk of recent spending was to undertake activity to have TLG in a position to press go when the appeal is squashed without further delays, or for one off big ticket items that won’t drain the bank account any further.

I’ve been wrong many times before and could be again but I remain positive that we will have an outcome before the money runs dry.

In the event that a CR is needed and I eat my words, is it the end of the world? No!

If we are hovering around this $0.70 mark and a CR is done at even worst case $0.50 and another $15m is raised to keep the lights on that is another 30m shares added to the registry. With currently 386m shares (I think it’s something like that and can’t be bothered checking for accuracy) on offer another 30m is still very small in the scheme of things.

I think you’d be hard pressed to find another company this advanced and with such upside potential that ONLY has ~400m shares on offer.

Time will tell!
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no no, but!!
It starts with the causa detailed plan! I think this is the case because this ministry is exactly the one to which the case was referred after Talga approached the government to bypass the Kiruna City Parliament, which had refused to co-operate for over two years. The date also fits. I think that reads very clearly.

I would like to point out that the YTTRANDE at the top does not mean ‘OPINION’, rather statement or ~position.
I wanted to emphasise most of it in bold, because it reads so rationally and correctly. They have absolutely understood what it's all about, which the antis in their bubble simply ignore. And it's easier to copy over to HC.



Statement on the request for a planning injunction regarding Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna municipality

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) received the above-mentioned case for comments on 21 March 2024. SGU submits the following opinion.

SGU considers that the designated national interest claim for valuable substances or materials under Chap. 3, Section 7 of the Environmental Code is relevant and valid. 7 of the Environmental Code is current and valid. The purpose of national interests is to identify deposits that have specific properties and are important for the needs of society, so the national interest status constitutes a claim for extraction.

The deposit is very important for Sweden's and the EU's supply of natural graphite, for example for anode material for batteries. Nunasvaara is Europe's largest and richest graphite deposit. There is currently no production of graphite in the EU. Graphite is also on the EU's list of critical and strategic raw materials.

The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which will enter into force on 23 May 2024 (yesterday), will accelerate the extraction of critical raw materials in the EU and strengthen the responsibility of Member States to reduce vulnerability and increase security of supply.

The Government may order a municipality to adopt, amend or revoke a detailed development plan within a certain period of time if this is necessary to ensure that a national interest under Chapters 3 or 4 of the Environmental Code is met (Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900)). According to SGU, a detailed development plan is needed for the area that makes it possible to meet the national interest claim.

The decision in this case was taken by Director-General A. W.

Acting Head of Department E. I., Chief of Staff G. R., lawyer N. W. and geologist L. L. also participated in the final processing of the case. The investigator P. Å. has been the rapporteur in the case.
A. W.


So, what do you think? Have a nice weekend!
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no no, but
As it seems it starts with the causa detailed plan! I think this is the case because this ministry is exactly the one to which the case was referred after Talga approached the government to bypass the Kiruna City Parliament, which had refused to co-operate for over two years. The date also fits. I think that reads very clearly.

I would like to point out that the YTTRANDE at the top does not mean ‘OPINION’, but more statement or ~position.

View attachment 63616
View attachment 63617

Statement on the request for a planning injunction regarding Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna municipality

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) received the above-mentioned case for comments on 21 March 2024. SGU submits the following opinion.

SGU considers that the designated national interest claim for valuable substances or materials under Chap. 3, Section 7 of the Environmental Code is relevant and valid. 7 of the Environmental Code is current and valid. The purpose of national interests is to identify deposits that have specific properties and are important for the needs of society, so the national interest status constitutes a claim for extraction.

The deposit is very important for Sweden's and the EU's supply of natural graphite, for example for anode material for batteries. Nunasvaara is Europe's largest and richest graphite deposit. There is currently no production of graphite in the EU. Graphite is also on the EU's list of critical and strategic raw materials.

The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which will enter into force on 23 May 2024 (yesterday), will accelerate the extraction of critical raw materials in the EU and strengthen the responsibility of Member States to reduce vulnerability and increase security of supply.

The Government may order a municipality to adopt, amend or revoke a detailed development plan within a certain period of time if this is necessary to ensure that a national interest under Chapters 3 or 4 of the Environmental Code is met (Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900)). According to SGU, a detailed development plan is needed for the area that makes it possible to meet the national interest claim.

The decision in this case was taken by Director-General A. W.

Acting Head of Department E. I., Chief of Staff G. R., lawyer N. W. and geologist L. L. also participated in the final processing of the case. The investigator P. Å. has been the rapporteur in the case.
A. W.

View attachment 63618

So, what do you think? Have a nice weekend!
Note the timeline. On 14 March, we here were informed that Talga was taking this step. Seven days later, the SGU already had the case from the ministry on the table and was asked to issue a statement. Another 9 days have now passed since this statement. I don't want to hope for too much, but for me this looks like light speed by Swedish standards. Perhaps we can expect a decision soon. But, the matter may end up in an official hearing at the ministry.
But I remain confident that this peg (?) will soon rammed into the ground and that the ambitious politicians in Kiruna will be able to tell themselves and their voters personally that they have made a mistake and ultimately achieved less with their refusal and delay tactics than if they had simply negotiated. If that happens, it will be another argument to vote differently next time, they don't seem to have their finances under control either, if the one politician is right.
But what do I care about local politics over there? I don't live there anyway. I'm just a European and a citizen of the world and they stand in the way of the Green Deal, Green Transition, active climate protection and security of supply chain and prosperity.
Ranting over.
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no no, but!!
As it seems it starts with the causa detailed plan! I think this is the case because this ministry is exactly the one to which the case was referred after Talga approached the government to bypass the Kiruna City Parliament, which had refused to co-operate for over two years. The date also fits. I think that reads very clearly.

I would like to point out that the YTTRANDE at the top does not mean ‘OPINION’, rather statement or ~position.
I wanted to emphasise most of it in bold, because it reads so rationally and correctly. They have absolutely understood what it's all about, which the antis in their bubble simply ignore. And it's easier to copy over to HC.

View attachment 63616
View attachment 63617

Statement on the request for a planning injunction regarding Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna municipality

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) received the above-mentioned case for comments on 21 March 2024. SGU submits the following opinion.

SGU considers that the designated national interest claim for valuable substances or materials under Chap. 3, Section 7 of the Environmental Code is relevant and valid. 7 of the Environmental Code is current and valid. The purpose of national interests is to identify deposits that have specific properties and are important for the needs of society, so the national interest status constitutes a claim for extraction.

The deposit is very important for Sweden's and the EU's supply of natural graphite, for example for anode material for batteries. Nunasvaara is Europe's largest and richest graphite deposit. There is currently no production of graphite in the EU. Graphite is also on the EU's list of critical and strategic raw materials.

The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which will enter into force on 23 May 2024 (yesterday), will accelerate the extraction of critical raw materials in the EU and strengthen the responsibility of Member States to reduce vulnerability and increase security of supply.

The Government may order a municipality to adopt, amend or revoke a detailed development plan within a certain period of time if this is necessary to ensure that a national interest under Chapters 3 or 4 of the Environmental Code is met (Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900)). According to SGU, a detailed development plan is needed for the area that makes it possible to meet the national interest claim.

The decision in this case was taken by Director-General A. W.

Acting Head of Department E. I., Chief of Staff G. R., lawyer N. W. and geologist L. L. also participated in the final processing of the case. The investigator P. Å. has been the rapporteur in the case.
A. W.

View attachment 63618

So, what do you think? Have a nice weekend!
This is the most positive piece of factual evidence coming out of Sweden that there may be hope for our “little” project to progress past this bulging hemorrhoid 💨 of a process, at the SC, sometime sooner rather than later.

Talking of bulging hemorrhoids, F U lefties 🤣

Have a nice weekend indeed!
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Note the timeline. On 14 March, we here were informed that Talga was taking this step. Seven days later, the SGU already had the case from the ministry on the table and was asked to issue a statement. Another 9 days have now passed since this statement. I don't want to hope for too much, but for me this looks like light speed by Swedish standards. Perhaps we can expect a decision soon. But, the matter may end up in an official hearing at the ministry.
But I remain confident that this peg (?) will soon rammed into the ground and that the ambitious politicians in Kiruna will be able to tell themselves and their voters personally that they have made a mistake and ultimately achieved less with their refusal and delay tactics than if they had simply negotiated. If that happens, it will be another argument to vote differently next time, they don't seem to have their finances under control either, if the one politician is right.
But what do I care about local politics over there? I don't live there anyway. I'm just a European and a citizen of the world and they stand in the way of the Green Deal, Green Transition, active climate protection and security of supply chain and prosperity.
Ranting over.

The polticians will claim that they did their best and utmost to prevent the mine but they were ultimately powerless and could not prevent it. They will never admit to any mistake.
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no no, but!!
As it seems it starts with the causa detailed plan! I think this is the case because this ministry is exactly the one to which the case was referred after Talga approached the government to bypass the Kiruna City Parliament, which had refused to co-operate for over two years. The date also fits. I think that reads very clearly.

I would like to point out that the YTTRANDE at the top does not mean ‘OPINION’, rather statement or ~position.
I wanted to emphasise most of it in bold, because it reads so rationally and correctly. They have absolutely understood what it's all about, which the antis in their bubble simply ignore. And it's easier to copy over to HC.

View attachment 63616
View attachment 63617

Statement on the request for a planning injunction regarding Stenbrottet 2:1, Nunasvaara, Kiruna municipality

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) received the above-mentioned case for comments on 21 March 2024. SGU submits the following opinion.

SGU considers that the designated national interest claim for valuable substances or materials under Chap. 3, Section 7 of the Environmental Code is relevant and valid. 7 of the Environmental Code is current and valid. The purpose of national interests is to identify deposits that have specific properties and are important for the needs of society, so the national interest status constitutes a claim for extraction.

The deposit is very important for Sweden's and the EU's supply of natural graphite, for example for anode material for batteries. Nunasvaara is Europe's largest and richest graphite deposit. There is currently no production of graphite in the EU. Graphite is also on the EU's list of critical and strategic raw materials.

The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which will enter into force on 23 May 2024 (yesterday), will accelerate the extraction of critical raw materials in the EU and strengthen the responsibility of Member States to reduce vulnerability and increase security of supply.

The Government may order a municipality to adopt, amend or revoke a detailed development plan within a certain period of time if this is necessary to ensure that a national interest under Chapters 3 or 4 of the Environmental Code is met (Chapter 11, Section 15 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900)). According to SGU, a detailed development plan is needed for the area that makes it possible to meet the national interest claim.

The decision in this case was taken by Director-General A. W.

Acting Head of Department E. I., Chief of Staff G. R., lawyer N. W. and geologist L. L. also participated in the final processing of the case. The investigator P. Å. has been the rapporteur in the case.
A. W.

View attachment 63618

So, what do you think? Have a nice weekend!
Prost to you @cosors

How nice it is to see the SGU reminding these pests of Talga's insurance policy. Strategic project status will be the next policy to sit upon the graphite ball mantle piece. We shouldn't need these contingencies but thank $%@! we do!
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The polticians will claim that they did their best and utmost to prevent the mine but they were ultimately powerless and could not prevent it. They will never admit to any mistake.
I know. And I also know that that they disingenuously are hiding important facts and are hiding their own mistakes ;)

Exclusively for you. Their propaganda has once again made it to Germany. The Social Democrats' foundation Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has spread the Swedish one sided and misleading propaganda-article without comment. That's how propaganda/politics works.
Abysses of the energy transition 🥱

It comes from a socialist who advertises herself in the camps with her name in red letters as a trademark. You know where I sometimes hang around in my chest-high rubber trousers. By the way, you've all known the article and the arguments for long.
It's just cute how this could be perceived by some naive Germans. Abysses of horror. Well, at least only for those who hang around on platforms like this foundation or listen to this one local propaganda radio station that doesn't consider it necessary to adhere to any journalistic rules.

I think I will watch the movie Abyss by a good glass of wine later.


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I know. And I also know that that they disingenuously are hiding important facts and are hiding their own mistakes ;)

Exclusively for you. Their propaganda has once again made it to Germany. The Social Democrats' foundation Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has spread the Swedish one sided and misleading propaganda-article without comment. That's how propaganda/politics works.
Abysses of the energy transition 🥱

It comes from a socialist who advertises herself in the camps with her name in red letters as a trademark. You know where I sometimes hang around in my chest-high rubber trousers. By the way, you've all known the article and the arguments for long.
It's just cute how this could be perceived by some naive Germans. Abysses of horror. Well, at least only for those who hang around on platforms like this foundation or listen to this one local propaganda radio station that doesn't consider it necessary to adhere to any journalistic rules.

I think I will watch the movie Abyss by a good glass of wine later.
Stiftung must make the sibilants difficult.
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The polticians will claim that they did their best and utmost to prevent the mine but they were ultimately powerless and could not prevent it. They will never admit to any mistake.
How could you possibly be so cynical regarding the ruling elites ?

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