Hi All
As it is time for wild predictions about Brainchips imminent collapse this is mine:
China will invade Taiwan. The US will respond China will declare war on the US and it’s allies. Donald Trump will become President and do a deal that ends the war between China and the US on the basis China gets Taiwan, Japan and Australia.
Australia is overrun the ASX collapses. All ASX listed companies and their assets are forfeited to the CCP and we all are penniless and in detention camps.

Our PM just happens to be overseas in the USA. He claims asylum and is appointed economic adviser to the President.

Laughable yes but as sensible as any other prediction I have read this morning.
1. Samsung with its own foundries will destroy Brainchip unless Brainchip IP is being used by Samsung through ARM or otherwise.
“Samsung is the second-biggest foundry globally by revenue, with a 17.3% market share compared to 52.9% for TSMC, according to TrendForce”
This means 82% of the worlds chips are not made by Samsung.
ARM supplies 90% of the chips used in mobile phones. This means Samsung has less than ten percent of the market for chips in mobile phones. There are others supplying chips within that 10% market space out competing Samsung.
Brainchip supplies IP which could be used in 82% of all chips made by foundries but if they are not being used by Samsung might as well shut up shop and go home.
Makes complete sense apparently.
2. Brainchip is partnered with dozens of companies but if revenue does not come from Renesas, VVDN and MegaChips this year it’s all over. The disclosed relationships with OnSemi,Infineon & Microchip companies with a combined capitalisation of 112 billion dollars means nothing. The partnership with Mercedes Benz isn’t worth a cracker. The Unigen AKIDA Cupcake is a write off. The EDGX and ANT61 space applications of no consequence. Tata Elxsi driving AKIDA technology use in medical and industrial applications forget it.
Valeo dead in the water does not rate a mention. ARM who has even heard of it.
The list of dismissals this wild prediction assumes even exceeds what Warnie used to do to an English Ashes team.
If you want to make unsupported idiotic statements on this investment forum yes you will be attacked.
You will be ridiculed and hounded.
You might even be a genuine shareholder unhappy and hurting as a result of the share price but the posters who come here are in the same boat.
There are in case you didn’t know not two classes of shares where your shares are 15.5 cents and mine are $10.00. Every share holder is holding BRNASX at 15.5 cents.
Allowing illogical unsupported rubbish does not improve investor sentiment nor does it encourage new investment to enquire more deeply potentially improving prospects of recovery over time.
There is a place for you to go and rant and it’s free and does not care about accuracy and is open 24/7. No one will fact check you there you can go for it till the cows come home.
This of course is not news to you. The fact you come here raises concerns when you by your own admission know you will be attacked.
Maybe you are like those who sit among the rival teams supporters and barrack for your team while hurling abuse at those around you. Then complain when a beer is emptied over your head.
My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder