Stable Genius
Has anyone connected dot to xperri? Vaguely remember their name somewhere along the line. Partners with Prophesee and nearly every car brand on the planet according to their site. Also have neuromorphic in their in cabin sensors.
Xperri worked with Brainchip on a FPGA many years ago but were also developing their own products; they are a well established company.
We replaced them in the smart cabin space with MB so based on that I would hazard a guess Akida is superior!
However as we know in some areas where there is existing relationships/products ”Good enough“ will suffice. Akida’s positives, SWaP, one shot learning and now TENNs needs to be needed to disrupt/replace existing products.
As with MB where a need for a superior product/technology has been identified we are now included; it’s my opinion once mass production starts it will be for many years to come because what is currently working against us (good enough will do) will later work for us.
Again it’s my opinion but patience is needed. If we are in a position to be able to ride out the painful SP woes; eventually those companies we are aware of; TATA, MB, Onsemi, Renesas, Arm, Megachips, Valeo etc will eventually have their products to market, revenue will flow and all will be right in the world.
I think the company is in a much better place within the ecosystem than it has ever been, (Edge AI ecosystem didn’t really exist when I first bought in) so it is disheartening to see the SP where it is but that is out of my control. It’s my view Brainchip is following their roadmap as best they can and the recent CES reveals shows it is working. It’s obvious most investors, including me did not understand the lengthy time to market and had the “Build it and they will come approach.” PVDM and AM have built it but the integration into products is a long path, especially in the medical and auto industry. That doesn’t mean Brainchip is not a success; it just means the path has been longer and harder than expected.
In the mean time I’m getting on with life. Watching the SP every day and complaining about it helps no one!
I have a heap of whiners and whingers on ignore so all I see is good posters arguing with no one!
In the real world if someone is annoying you; you walk away. The ignore button is a God send on this forum. Thanks Zeebot!
Thanks to all those who kindly share relevant information; it’s much appreciated.
Edit; @Diogenese kindly corrected me that it was Xillinx we replaced, not Xperi. I got that wrong. My sentiment remains the same. Patience is key!
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