AVZ Discussion 2022

It might just be someone cloning their website? Using their details to try to look legitimate?

View attachment 24993

I noticed the photo at the bottom of the Deeland site was lifted from this article.....or visa versa.


Also here, on second thoughts probably just a stock photo.


Many more...

View attachment 24994
I call bullshit - take a look at the Deeland website (created in 2022). And they have no Linkedin presence. More fake news
Weird that a successful wealth management company can't afford someone to proof read their descriptions of what they do. Seems like an important thing to get wrong. Almost as bad as someone making a fake website and skimping on their Chinese to English translator imo
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Goes to show how far ahead they are planning this constant feed of bullshit
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Weird that a successful wealth management company can't afford someone to proof read their descriptions of what they do. Seems like an important thing to get wrong. Almost as bad as someone making a fake website and skimping on their Chinese to English translator imo
View attachment 25004
This... This made my day. Thank you!!
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Hates a beer
Weird that a successful wealth management company can't afford someone to proof read their descriptions of what they do. Seems like an important thing to get wrong. Almost as bad as someone making a fake website and skimping on their Chinese to English translator imo
View attachment 25004

100%. Some menu items not capitalized, others are. Grammar in text is appalling. This is someone creating a website for a real company that they discovered has no web presence, so it is easy to impersonate these guys and try and make it look real. Fail.

Screenshot 2022-12-21 164331.jpg
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100%. Some menu items not capitalized, others are. Grammar in text is appalling. This is someone creating a website for a real company that they discovered has no web presence, so it is easy to impersonate these guys and try and make it look real. Fail.

View attachment 25016
FMD - that's hilarious and obviously fake / translated poorly.
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Have a Cigar 1975
What a fucking bunch of desperate amateurs. I see it’s already being totally ridiculed on Twitter.

Victory must be close if this is all they can now come up with

Is it confirmed yet that the 7 shareholders who have signed up for the scam class action are Klaus, Princess, Simon, Guy, Lars aka Klaus, Felix from CAMI kindy and our good mates at COMINIERE? Boaty mcboatboat and tittle Tom will be thrilled

Nobody else seems interested


Merry farken

Oh I forgot that stupid cunt John Brown. Sorry
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The circle of life




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Well spotted:
Date created 4 Nov 2022.
Why no https padlock for a "secure financial institution"?

Might be time to go dark..
‘Love your work you two ! 👍🍺
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Wish there was a screen play writer amongst the SH

This is just gold in the storyline

Whilst I respectfully don't have the big big $ investment like many where this may be financially and emotionally draining

I do have myself and my 2 x 20 plus year old kids with their current life savings in AVZ

They are worried
But standing still and are on their journey of being long term holders

At some point in the future that Lithium gotta come out and we all want to be a part of it

Class action announced by AFR idiot surely is a sign that it's a desperate attempt of many to bring AVZ down

Ain't wasting energy on it unless I see an ASX announcement
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I know its been shared here but how can a so called independent investigative journalist of the AFR actively promote a shareholder class action. Surely his days are numbered
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You got this lion. He's the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here.




DRC: Did Félix Tshisekedi’s entourage pressure a judge?

The president of Lubumbashi’s commercial court has tendered his resignation to Félix Tshisekedi, blaming one of his close advisers for attempting to influence the judiciary in a case involving Moïse Katumbi. Will this case tarnish the Congolese presidency?

In the letter of resignation that he sent to Félix Tshisekedi, Judge Laurent Batubenga Ilunga did not beat about the bush. The letter, which was seen by us, said the judge was throwing in the towel because of the pressure he was under, explicitly citing the influential Peter Kazadi, one of the president’s advisers.

Kazadi, a lawyer, was a member of Tshisekedi’s cabinet when the latter led the Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social (UDPS). He is one of Kinshasa’s provincial members of parliament and among the Congolese regime’s strongmen.

The resignation of the President of the Lubumbashi Trade Tribunal due to the pressure on him by Peter Kazadi. Indeed, Congolese justice has been shaken since Monday, December 12, by the contents of the letter of resignation of Judge Laurent Batubenga Ilunga, President of the Lubumbashi Trade Tribunal, in which he clearly and without blames Mr Peter Kazadi acting in the name of power, to push him to make a decision of justice.

The President of Tricom Lubumbashi now resigned to the Head of State in terms, it can no longer be unclear when he writes: Since the signing of the latest orders in the judiciary at the end of July 2022, I have been under high pressure from Mr. Peter Kazadi to be able to validate seizures of awards made without executive title by the companies Octavia Limited and NB Mining Africa SA which would be up to Mr. Pascal Bavereggi against the company of the third-party.

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