From what I understand out of Jules press conference, he mentions the IGF doesn't charge people, neither is this his case or his investigation, but an investigation by his team of experts.Sam, I’m not sure where the 18 months comes into the equation…. One of the things I look at is Nigel’s greed to get the best result for us…. simply as a byproduct of getting the best result for himself
Cominiere, Kayinda and Mupande all charged by the IGF (I think) and he’s the man in charge of cleaning up corruption
From memory surface rights fee has been calculated but not issued…. If only we could get get an honest answer on why from Nigel
Anyway…. I got this update today from LLL regarding their drill results and when it showed this diagram showing the size of Manono again , it just reminded me of what ever ownership deal happens we are still part owner’s of the biggest lithium tenement in the world
View attachment 24326
Edit…. I forgot to mention, that diagram of Manono is only the Roche Dure portion of the resource
He mentions that the report of the investigation has been forwarded to the prosecutor of the Criminal Court and to the prosecutor of the Court of Cassation.
Essentially he explained what the IGF found and it is up to the prosecutors to run with the case from here on.
I believe, but don't kill me if I am wrong, that the Court of Cassation is involved, because the IGF experts found that a minister is involved in disposing of undervalued assets and the funds paid have disappeared.
One would expect that Felix would suspend a minister who is under a cloud of fraudulent behaviour, until such time it is proven through the courts that the minister is not guilty, but the DRC is the DRC and Felix support basis is not that great.
Regarding throwing the towel in the ring, after having been suspended for 8 months, or starting to attack the BoD is exactly what Cong and cohorts is trying to achieve, by spreading misinformation about what took place and is taking place, in an attempt to undermine the BoD.
People probably don't like to hear this, because they are utterly frustrated and are trying to shoot at everything that moves, exactly what Cong is trying to achieve.
How long will this go on?? I wish I knew, but I don't.
What I do know is that there is more Bullshit flying around at this moment on every possible media including the AFR, than the true storey.
This is my opinion.
Ah and don't forget the bloody tin!!
Btw, I'm not after a neck snapping overpriced Tesla, the speed limit in WA is 110 km/h ffs, what is the fun in achieving that in 1 second, it's even not enough time to get a stiffy.
I'm after one of these:
You can sleep in it and invite dancing girls.