TLG Discussion 2022


Sigh.. and now TLG gets removed from ASX300 as well. Hope it's not too much of a down trend because of this. Damn you SC! All this is totally unnecessary and avoidable!
Perhaps this explains why the shorts went down before.

It is not just the SC. It is only representative. The SC only reacts when, as in this case, irresponsible egoists ensure that climate change is secondary to their individual interests.
"PO Sandström believes that the mining plans will not materialise: "I am sure the mineral will be needed."

Heil climate!

"The river brought Henrik Mickelsson Kyrö to what became Vittangi 350 years ago. ‘The river is everything,’ says Håkan Lundström, who sees risks with a mine next to the river. But there is great value in the minerals and there is great pressure for them to be extracted: ‘The mine will happen’, says P-O Sandström about the minerals, which have been described as a national interest.

Here is the full report, in Meänkieli:"

seems to be positive:

From our Anti Group. Two different statements. There is probably no translation error, as I have translated it several times in different ways. So a mistake by the journalists? Doesn't matter either.
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Jarndyced again?
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Sigh.. and now TLG gets removed from ASX300 as well on September 23rd. Hope it's not too much of a down trend because of this. Damn you SC! All this is totally unnecessary and avoidable!

Sorry, don't know how to link that on the quick..
Ok so index fund managers will dump a few, but they also won’t be able to lend them out to short as well
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Mark seems have been margin called and lost about 10% of his shares.. :( damn, that hurts! that SC decision cannot come fast enough. This is rough for him personally, but it also appears to shape up to a pretty big injustice as this case simply needs a decision! Can Talga seek damages from the swedish state for this endless delay?
Probably yes, but it would he long and complicated. Would they? No. Talgas engagement with Sweden is far bigger than this first disgraceful cock-up from the country.

Delays in transposing EU law prevent citizens and businesses from enjoying the laws' benefits, create uncertainty as to what rules apply and negatively affect the functioning of the EU's internal market.

MT has commented before that EU countries are obligated to male decisions within certain timeframes, and that Sweden has now blown past this far beyond any measure of what's reasonable.

I'm sure Talga will come out ok in the long run.
For me though the bigger picture is just that it has massively shifted my world view on EU being able to stay globally competitive against the likes of China. China aren't leading (only) because they have "looser restrictions". The EU is falling behind because they gotten comfortable with not having to make big/tough decisions. They have convinced their citizens and systems that they're "special" and can somehow have it all: permanent status-quo-ism while still being leaders in a rapidly changing world.

Sorry, bit of a grumble there :p
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Perhaps this explains why the shorts went down before.

It is not just the SC. It is only representative. The SC only reacts when, as in this case, irresponsible egoists ensure that climate change is secondary to their individual interests.
"PO Sandström believes that the mining plans will not materialise: "I am sure the mineral will be needed."

Heil climate!

"The river brought Henrik Mickelsson Kyrö to what became Vittangi 350 years ago. ‘The river is everything,’ says Håkan Lundström, who sees risks with a mine next to the river. But there is great value in the minerals and there is great pressure for them to be extracted: ‘The mine will happen’, says P-O Sandström about the minerals, which have been described as a national interest.

Here is the full report, in Meänkieli:"

seems to be positive: View attachment 69012

From our Anti Group. Two different statements. There is probably no translation error, as I have translated it several times in different ways. So a mistake by the journalists? Doesn't matter either.
Such f-ing hypocrites.
"The river brought Henrick Mickelsson to vitangi 350 years ago. There are risks now from the mine"
1. You don't think that setting off sail down a river to wilds of Sweden to found a new settlement had RISKS? Taking, and managing, risks - to achieve something- is just as much a part of your culture.
2. You're not a fking mining expert so don't pretend you can make a valid judgement that the risks are not being managed properly.

All any of these NIMBYS have said is "oh there's risk". Yeah no shit, that's why Talga has a solid plan to manage it. NOT ONE of them has been able to make an informed argument that the risk management strategy is inadequate. That's why the initial appeal failed.
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I am in for the long term and loaded up in the raise and the lead up.
Still very positive.
The CRMA should quicken up the lithium process. On spec that could be worth a fair % of the current SP alone - IMO..
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I am in for the long term and loaded up in the raise and the lead up.
Still very positive.
The CRMA should quicken up the lithium process. On spec that could be worth a fair % of the current SP alone - IMO..

In this market an explorer with nothing but a few low grade lithium rock chips and a large tenement might be worth $5-$20MM being generous with the high range. Apply 30/70 dilution to Talga/SQM and it might currently be worth $1-5MM imo
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In this market an explorer with nothing but a few low grade lithium rock chips and a large tenement might be worth $5-$20MM being generous with the high range. Apply 30/70 dilution to Talga/SQM and it might currently be worth $1-5MM imo
Of course you will say that. You downramp the stock.
The EU are desperate for its own sources of lithium.
The agreement with SQM may also lead to downstream processing in Sweden which is where really big $$ are. There are all sorts of possibilities.
Think positively.
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Of course you will say that. You downramp the stock.
The EU are desperate for its own sources of lithium.
The agreement with SQM may also lead to downstream processing in Sweden which is where really big $$ are. There are all sorts of possibilities.
Think positively.

Reality is not downramping

Can you find something comparable that would suggest a valuation over $10MM for a tenement with nothing but low grade rock chips in a greenfield exploration area?

The most generous comparison you can make is that near the peak of the lithium bull market frenzy SQM valued AZS at $100MM so 30% of that $30MM. BUT that was based on better rock chips and the spodumene price was up to 10X what it is now. If SQM saw Andover potential in Aero they would have taken a position in the company not just some low stakes commitments to the project.

More recent:

30% of ITM is $4MM: rock chips plus a lot of other projects (including graphite!)

30% of ARV is $7MM: higher grade rock chips plus other projects

30% of RDN is $25MM: next to Andover ($1.6bn) and they have about 10 other potential projects

30% of WR1 is $30MM for a 80Mt+ deposit

etc etc

What do you think Aero is worth then? And If you think it’s a high proportion of the current market cap would that suggest you agree with me that Vittangi is really not worth much!?
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Of course you will say that. You downramp the stock.
The EU are desperate for its own sources of lithium.
The agreement with SQM may also lead to downstream processing in Sweden which is where really big $$ are. There are all sorts of possibilities.
Think positively.

I took the Moron off ignore to see what was going on here

Leave this dickhead ,

He has no cred that’s already been established many many times, he is also over at hot crapper

Put him on ignore

Please Manny 😀😃
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VW is going to die. It will become insolvent, then it will get rescued by the German state because they are too important to vanish and only then they will have a chance to transition to BEVs. We are not there yet but we'll on the way. I predicted this when they fired Diess. With Diess, they had a fighting chance, albite a small one. But with Blume at the helm and the works council squarely in control, VW group is going to fail. Don't get me wrong, works council is a necessary part of a large company like VW but if they fail to agree with economic reality, they shove VW over the edge.

Why do I tell you all this? Because VW might be a large European customer to us, but it seems they will not be a good customer. At least not noon.
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VW is going to die. It will become insolvent, then it will get rescued by the German state because they are too important to vanish and only then they will have a chance to transition to BEVs. We are not there yet but we'll on the way. I predicted this when they fired Diess. With Diess, they had a fighting chance, albite a small one. But with Blume at the helm and the works council squarely in control, VW group is going to fail. Don't get me wrong, works council is a necessary part of a large company like VW but if they fail to agree with economic reality, they shove VW over the edge.

Why do I tell you all this? Because VW might be a large European customer to us, but it seems they will not be a good customer. At least not noon.
MT mentioned during one of the investor webinars that the EU car industry is basically a protected species (too big to allow to fail) due to the size of the pension funds it supports
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Should have known better than to invest in one of these tin pot unstable jurisdictions

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Should have known better than to invest in one of these tin pot unstable jurisdictions

Hmm 🤔 Do we just denounce Europe as a region to not invest? Blanket statements get you nowhere. How about you go look up the recent Regis Gold Mine fiasco with Plibersek complete overreach; then say Australia is a tin foil place. Or, shall we look at Africa with the AVZ debacle. Where’s another?….No jurisdiction is immune to hurdles including pollies & bureaucratic shenanigans you allude to, some more than others, but you really are clutching now Curious. Go on, scat magpie.
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Hmm 🤔 Do we just denounce Europe as a region to not invest? Blanket statements get you nowhere. How about you go look up the recent Regis Gold Mine fiasco with Plibersek complete overreach; then say Australia is a tin foil place. Or, shall we look at Africa with the AVZ debacle. Where’s another?….No jurisdiction is immune to hurdles including pollies & bureaucratic shenanigans you allude to, some more than others, but you really are clutching now Curious. Go on, scat magpie.

more straws

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Normally, I would follow this up and search the information myself but I am very short on time at moment. @Gvan , if you read here.. would be great to get the link to the original statement as well as your translation. Makes things easier for us.

This is from GVan at the other place. Interesting and positive development.
"Mats Taaveniku says they would be more positive towards the mine if the company could give something back to the municipality, aside from job opportunities and a mine in Vittangi. For example, if they built housing or paid for municipal services.– Yes, then we would of course reconsider the decision unless the government makes a decision first."

There's now no need for this, as the municipality will get their housing.

From Andreas Carlson:

"Today I present an important budget news to facilitate housing construction in northern Sweden. SEK 1.5 billion until 2028 to support housing construction in the north. The aim is to facilitate housing construction and support the industrial transition. In the budget bill, the government proposes that SEK 140 million be allocated to housing projects in northern Sweden as early as 2025 and the sum increases to a total of SEK 1.53 billion for the years 2025-2028. The funds will act as a catalyst for housing construction in the municipalities concerned. The proposal is based on the Government's coordinator Peter Larsson's proposal for housing construction in northern Sweden.

The Government will return to the exact formulation of the proposal. The appropriation may be used for expenses for loans for housing investments in certain municipalities and the structure we are looking at for lending is a top-up loan function.

The second part of the proposal presented today is about a reduction in credit guarantee fees, which applies to all establishment and transition municipalities regardless of where in Sweden they are located. The funds available in the existing system of credit guarantees are currently not being fully utilised. This means that some of the money is not used, while the need for housing in general is affected. The purpose of the reduction in credit guarantee fees is to increase the use of government credit guarantees for housing construction.

Business establishments and expansions in northern Sweden contribute to our nation being a world leader in innovation and the green transition. At the same time, it poses great challenges in arranging housing for all new residents. Housing construction is a key to being able to invest in the green transition, in the future, in our home Sweden. Today, the government is moving forward with proposals to allow more housing to be built in the north."

This is probably what Ebba Busch was referring to when she said there would be no new mining tax, but other measures could increase local willingness to say yes to mines.
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Looking ugly again here. Buy side has evaporated. shorts going for round 2 now they’ve found new borrow following the index funds closing their positions? Or is this the balance of the shares left with MMs that the funds couldn’t close out? Neither option looks good with virtually zero demand for the stock despite other graphite names having a good day.
What's going on here?



For the record, I received my options. Thanks a lot Talga for making it apply to us Europeans as well! :) Now, I only need the cash when it comes to expiry date and of course, the stock price should be well higher than 0.55AUD by then.
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