Sweden, home of TLGs graphite mine(s)


In a few days there will be a fair in Skellefteå home of NV. We are not a sponsor but a participant and MP will speak.

"11.00-11.15 Next generation green batteries – an anode roadmap
In light of a booming e-mobility market the industry is looking at how to optimise batteries to be greener and have greater performance. Through a combination of delivering into today’s needs and optimising for the next generation through incremental but significant gains, Talga is establishing an intra EU value chain for green battery anodes that serves both customers and the environment.

Talga Group COO Martin Phillips will tell us about this journey, as well as give us perspectives on the R&D and intellectual property that goes into making Europe's first anode materials for the battery industry.
Martin Phillips, COO, Europe CEO, Talga Group"

By the way, I think it's about time that MT shows itself to its investors again or at least publishes a podcast about the state of affairs. I remind you that, for example, the external ore processing south of the mine site is a change of plan whose reasons we don't know and that we only found out on our own research. Or the current example that it is not clear what the throughput of the electric vehicle anode (EVA) plant is and will be. We have many questions about the status that are not or should not be a secret.
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Hi BigGMoney!
I thought of a first question. If you are actually on site, you could try to find out how much the electric vehicle anode plant (Swerim) can produce or how much they actually produce. I think this is a common question that was also asked at the open day.

Are you thinking of moving there because you are interested in property? Even if it would be a surefire investment in Lulea...

Thanks Cosors, I'll make sure to ask that.

Besides Talga I'm curious about Lulea in general. Europe's economy is in big trouble and I think Sweden will be one of the few to come out still standing strong. (Provided Sweden stays out of NATO, then who knows what trouble that could cause)

Also any companies that want to convince people to move that far north will have to pay big salaries so in theory there should be money and adventure to be found!
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Sometimes you can't see the forest for the breadcrumbs. I have long wondered which parcel of land we get or reserved in the industrial park and still expanded. I have been waiting for months for the allocation. Thereby the answer was openly in front of us in the DFS since summer last year. I just did not look closely 🧐

Översiktskarta ink nätstationer.jpg


All roads are already finished.
The power line is already being laid.
The pumping station is also ready and for the locals a work of art.
At the point is our sign.
Now still the building permit, a little money and of course the stupid rag. But then it can actually start.

Today Talga presents itself to the inhabitants of Lulea a Sun Market. Everything about EVs and solar energy: https://www.lulea.se/kampanjer/solmassan/solmassa.html?qs=talga

other topic:

🤭 "Ability to produce high quality anodes for batteries with limited carbon footprint, possibly in collaboration with Northvolt, to ensure a local supply chain, or other industrial partnerships"³ => (3) CE's interview with Talga Resource

I found this very interesting analysis again. I guess most of you don't know it yet. It is in Swedish but DeepL is a good helper. I wonder if they just put a check on each box?
=> https://wwwsveminse.cdn.triggerfish...et_svenska_gruvklustrets_ekonomiska_varde.pdf


  • Översiktskarta ink nätstationer.jpg
    Översiktskarta ink nätstationer.jpg
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A little campaigning, in about 80 days is the election:

"Increase the pace of housing construction, free up more land and offer faster service. This is how the Social Democrats want to make the green transition in Luleå possible. "We are doing something unique here, it's so cool," says Carina Sammeli, (S) municipal councilor in Luleå.

NATIVE JUNE 16, 2022 08:59
It is now ten years since Facebook chose to establish itself in Luleå on the theme of climate smart. Now the heavy base industry is making the same journey.

- We have not thought that the basic industry can be influenced, but now the industry wants to change. Luleå is the hub for the changeover, thanks in large part to our access to renewable energy and our port, says Carina Sammeli and continues:

- The interest in Luleå is great right now. I give lectures in English every week and there is talk of "the green wonder of northern Sweden". We're doing something unique here, it's so cool.

Luleå is the site of SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall's joint investment in fossil-free steel under the name Hybrit, and here SSAB will build a new steel plant for steel production with the help of electricity. This is the first time since the 1970s that a new steelworks has been built in Europe.

- We thought for a long time that steel was part of Luleå's history, but now it is also part of our future, says Carina Sammeli.

The fact that the large industries are changing, Carina believes, will have positive consequences in Luleå. Industrial jobs provide more jobs around. Talga will establish itself on the Hertsö field and manufacture battery anodes for, among other things, electric cars, Ozonair will take production from China and Fertiberia will manufacture fossil-free artificial fertilizer in Luleå / Boden. In total, the establishments will provide 5,000 direct new jobs to Luleå / Boden. But Carina thinks it does not stop there.

- With all the jobs created around, we expect 15,000 new jobs. And then we talk about new jobs, not jobs due to retirements, says Carina and continues:

- The establishments are very important to us in Luleå, but everyone is a winner, because it's basically about saving the climate.

The Social Democrats want to contribute to the green transition in Luleå by ensuring that land is ready for more establishments, power lines for electricity and support systems for the business community. To cope with the growth, Carina believes that collaboration with business, universities and civil society is an important key.

- We must be an enabler for the change.) We need to do things differently than before, smarter. We must have a faster service and we need to collaborate with other actors. For example, LKAB, they offer interesting jobs and we offer life around.

The Social Democrats in Luleå want to invest in a strong community building with new roads, more housing, expansion of water and sewage and better communications throughout the municipality.

- Luleå has a lot of potential. We have proximity, a wide range and a simple life that we want to preserve even as we grow. People should want to live here, it should be an attractive society for us who live here today and those who choose to move here, says Carina Sammeli.

To meet the challenge of skills supply, the Social Democrats believe that jobs, studies and housing are prerequisites for success. They want to increase the pace of housing construction and introduce a moving pilot who can help those who want to move to Luleå and also help those who have already moved here to enter the labor market.

Luleå municipality has a goal of being climate neutral by 2040. Something that Carina believes is possible when the industry changes and not just private individuals.

- It is a challenge to change an entire society, but we need to do it to have a planet left to live on, she says and continues:

- We need to adjust and at the same time preserve. Create growth while maintaining biodiversity. But there are so many who want to make changes now, it gives me hope."
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Our first neighbor will be Fertiberia, the fertilizer producer that will produce from I think the recycling of LKAB (port).

"Here are Fertiberia's plans for Luleå and Boden
David Herrero Fuentes, chief operating officer of Fertiberia, talks about the big plans for fertilizer production in Luleå and Boden.
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Glad we made it onto the sign. We can now be seen with every article, even if it doesn't concern us.
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Here comes a little public relations. MP in a short conversation with ABB in Lulea.
Who could be more proud to be part of such a project ;)
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"Debate: A sustainable roadmap for the mining industry​

As Sweden and the rest of the world get rid of their dependence on fossil fuels, the demand for metals and minerals increases. To achieve the goal in the Paris Agreement, an expansion of wind turbines, solar cells, batteries, electrolysers for hydrogen and digital technology is needed, write Maria Sunér, CEO Svemin and Svante Axelsson, national coordinator for Fossil-Free Sweden.
Published: June 21, 2022, 11:15

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), six times more minerals will be required than today - and many times more for certain specific energy-critical metals such as lithium, cobalt and many of the rare earth metals.
The mining, metal and mineral industries today account for seven percent of national carbon dioxide emissions. The processes account for the vast majority of the industry's emissions, followed by the transports in the mining.
All activities that take up land also affect the local environment. In order to be able to increase production, it is therefore crucial that fossil-free and social and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.
Russia's war in Ukraine has brutally shown how sensitive today's European energy system is to its dependence on Russian oil and gas. When it comes to energy-critical metals and minerals, the EU is also heavily dependent on imports. More than half of the global supply of cobalt used in batteries in both electric cars and mobile phones comes from the politically unstable Democratic Republic of Congo where child labor occurs. The market for cobalt, rare earth metals and many other of the critical metals is controlled by China.
Sweden has long been Europe's leading mining nation. Over 90 percent of all iron ore produced in the EU comes from Sweden and we are also large producers of zinc and copper. In Sweden, there are also deposits of more than half of the raw materials that the EU considers critical to cope with the transition. Both graphite and cobalt as well as rare earth metals have been found, but no mines have yet been opened. Among other things, Talga wants to mine graphite in Vittangi, which is estimated to provide the opportunity to produce anode material for 400,000 electric cars a year for 19 years with a climate footprint that is 96 percent smaller than the market-leading anode materials today.
Already today, the production of ore and metals in Sweden is 60–90 percent less emission-intensive than the corresponding production internationally. It provides a global climate benefit of 6.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year if it replaces international production with a higher climate footprint, according to calculations from Material Economics. This is thanks to the virtually fossil-free electricity system in combination with the industry's investments in electrification, digitization and the development of new inputs, processes and equipment. Today's mines are therefore far from what mines were just a few years ago and the industry has already begun to adjust to become even more sustainable in the future.
Within the framework of Fossil-Free Sweden, 22 industries have developed roadmaps for fossil-free competitiveness where they describe how they will be fossil-free or climate-neutral by 2045. The mining and minerals industry presented its first roadmap in 2018 with the goals that mining, including transport, will be fossil-free by 2035. processes and energy use as well as by 2045. Since then, the industry has also adopted a roadmap to increase biodiversity by 2030 in all the regions where mining and exploration are ongoing.
In light of the increased demand such as the electrification of transport and industries and the technological development within its own industry, the mining and minerals industry today (Tuesday 21 June) is the first industry to present an upgrade of its roadmap for fossil-free competitiveness. With an increased demand for sustainably produced metals and minerals, the demands on the industry to accelerate its transition also increase.
An important part of this is that the material that has already been mined from the bedrock is used for as long and as efficiently as possible. If companies in the entire value chain from mining to product design and recycling can work together, there is great potential here in improving the collection and recycling of, for example, electronic waste, and in recovering metals that are currently lost in the material streams. According to calculations from the World Bank, a fully developed recycling could cover 15-26 percent of the need by 2050. The industry is already working today with recycling and circularity. Boliden has one of the EU's largest facilities for recycling electronic scrap and LKAB plans to extract phosphorus and earth metals from the waste sand from iron production. The project has the potential to meet 30% of the EU's need for rare earths, and more than the whole of Europe's phosphorus needs. So it's not about recycling or mining - but about both.
The Swedish mining and mineral industry has the potential to lay the foundation both for the implementation of the Swedish industry's roadmaps and, through exports, for the whole of Europe's adjustment. But in order to achieve this goal and realize the potential of the industry, the policy must also provide the right conditions.
Efficient and predictable permit processes. The government must work both for a more efficient application procedure but also be active in influencing processes in the matter within the EU so that they are adapted to Swedish conditions.
Secure access to fossil-free electricity. To achieve the goal, the industry needs to make investments in electric vehicles. In 2045, the electricity demand is up to 74 TWh, which is an increase of 69 TWh based on today's electricity use. Substantial investments in electricity networks and electricity production are required for the electrification of the mines to be possible.
Enables hydrogen production and storage. Hydrogen will play an increasingly important role in the energy system. There is a need for a national strategy and rules at national and EU level need to be designed so that it promotes the expansion of hydrogen production and storage as well as hydrogen infrastructure.
Stimulate metal recycling. Circular solutions to increase the recycling of metals do not replace the need for mining, but are a cornerstone for being able to create a fossil-free society. A national strategy is needed to maximize the recycling of metals in society with a goal of close to 100 percent circulation
Sweden is at the beginning of a green industrial revolution. With this updated roadmap and the right conditions from politics, the Swedish mining industry can make it possible for a number of other industries to change as well. Together we can build a fossil-free welfare state.
Maria Sunér , CEO of Svemin
Svante Axelsson , national coordinator for Fossil-Free Sweden"
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"European high-tech mining provides raw materials for the green transition – Site visits in Sweden​


Thu, 2022-06-30 12:47
A very big thanks goes to Euromines members Boliden, LKAB, Talga and Svemin for organising an exceptional field trip to mines in Northern Sweden! During the two-day visit Euromines team had a unique opportunity to tour an underground mine, visit an open-pit mine as well as an exploration site with a test mine.
Our first stop was in Kiruna, the legendary heart of LKAB's business. There, LKAB mines its iron ore several hundred metres underground, in the mines in Kiirunavaara (Kiruna) and Malmberget (Gällivare) – the world’s two largest underground iron ore mines. We went down to 1365m below the ground where LKAB continuously automizes and decarbonizes its mining activities. Watch more about the LKAB’s work here(link is external)

The exploration sites and test mine of Talga in Vittangi will provide exceptionally high-grade graphite. What is exceptional is the fact that Talga alone could provide the EU’s demand for graphite. With access to clean renewable energy and a vertically integrated production process, Talga is uniquely positioned to become a major player in the growing green economy. See more about this unique site(link is external)


At Aitik, one of the largest copper mines in the world located above the Polar Circle and the world's most efficient open-pit mine, Euromines team could experience the fully electrified vehicles and mining equipment. Boliden is mining copper, gold and silver around the clock with some of the biggest machines in the world - see how small we are! They include rock dumpers weighing 570 tonnes when loaded, whose wheels alone are 4 metres across and excavators whose buckets can hold 45 cubic metres of rock! Electrification of rock trucks is a reality at Aitik. See the film(link is external)

European mining is a key enabler of the green and digital transition!


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Here is the new newsletter! It clearly reiterates that the issue of groundwater and Natura2000 is not a problem and that Talga has everything under control. That's one of the reasons I take this more seriously than other headlines. In my view, it does not get any clearer than that.
I'm very confident!

June 2022

Positive messages from licensing authorities

- The County Administrative Board of Norrbotten considers that Talga can be granted a permit for mining operations​

Talga's environmental permit is being reviewed by the Land and Environment Court at Umeå District Court and the company communicated earlier in the spring the court's announcement, where the court announced that comments regarding the application and the environmental impact statement can be submitted in writing to the court until 23 June 2022

Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, in its capacity as referring authority in the case, has submitted a statement to the Court in which it states that it is possible to regulate the disturbances that may result from the activity to acceptable levels. Consequently, the County Administrative Board considers that there are conditions for granting a permit for the activity, including a Natura 2000 permit.

At Talga, we see this as a statement of strength and proof of the careful and far-reaching preparations and calculations made for the project over several years.

As Talga previously announced, the court has also produced a preliminary timetable for the remaining permit process, where the main hearing may take place in the autumn of 2022. A view of the site has been announced and will be held on 20 September 2022.
Eva Pijnenburg, personal chef

Eva is looking for both employees and partners for the mine in Vittangi

The plans are progressing for the establishment of a graphite mine and a concentrator in Vittangi and the goal is clear. Approximately 60 employees will work at the operations in Vittangi. And the ambition is to recruit locally.

"We absolutely do not want 'fly in fly out'," says Eva Pijnenburg, HR manager

The impact on a place like Vittangi will of course be great, not least because our operations will have a knock-on effect when we need to buy services. It is said that you can multiply by three to calculate the peripheral effects in terms of jobs.
Eva states that the company's ambition ...

Electrification - what is done and what needs to be done?

This was the title of a lunch seminar in the Riksdag that Talga organized on 7 June together with the Norrbotten MPs Mattias Karlsson (M) and Emilia Töyrä (S). The purpose was in connection with the World Environment Day and the UN Environment Conference Stockholm 50+ the week before to deepen the discussion about what is required to electrify Sweden.

Representatives of the Swedish Energy Agency, the government's electrification commission, LKAB and Talga spoke about what they are doing and the challenges in the changeover. The participants from authorities, parliamentary parties and companies unanimously said that more needs to be done to facilitate the various stages of electrification. Companies are ready to invest but need the right conditions, such as faster permit processes, to be able to increase the pace. The fact that Sweden and Europe need to become less one-sidedly dependent on raw materials, production and external technology was emphasized by many, who pointed in particular to the risks of Russia and China's dominance also in the battery area. Batteries of natural graphite are new and Talga's unique plans were well received by the participants at the seminar.

Talga can strongly contribute to achieving Swedish, European and global climate goals for a fossil-free society. Recent calculations show, for example, that 60 million electric cars can be manufactured via graphite from Vittangi. In every new electric car, Talga's battery anodes can lower the production's climate footprint by an average of 2,300 kg of carbon dioxide. ” Martin Phillips, Head of Europe, Talga

The aquatic environment is ensured in several stages - and the inspections take place daily

The aquatic environment is ensured in several stages - and the inspections take place daily​

Environmental manager Peter French is clear:
"Should the process water exceed any limit values, we would never release it, we have the capacity to store and purify the water again."
The systems for controlling the aquatic environment at the mining area in Vittangi have been developed for several years. Groundwater levels, how the water moves in the area underground and the quality of the water itself are measured and analyzed continuously according to a rigorous program. In the field, samples are taken continuously, partly via fixed stations that report data, and partly via physical sampling in nature.
Marta Lidström from Sweco is one of those who collect data from various measuring stations:
“Right now we are sampling groundwater and surface water. In addition, we are expanding with new measuring points and setting up measuring stations for dust. We ensure that we can measure and follow the summer's test break daily to ensure the business.
"But we measure continuously all year round and have several years of measurement data that we need to establish a kind of normal situation, a base level, which we can start from to read if something changes. The groundwater is measured in boreholes and samples are taken that way, the surface water is measured both upstream and downstream of the business to find out if the process has any impact. ”

Peter French is convinced that Talga can handle all possible risks and possible problems.

“On the one hand, we are a relatively small operation, we are not a large-scale mine, so our impact will simply be less for the simple reason. On the one hand, we have a more or less closed system where we can ensure the water quality before we release any process water. We have a system that has an overcapacity so that we can handle rainwater and spring floods, so we feel safe. ”

"Besides, if some things went wrong, we would of course shut down the work, we would never consciously release polluted water."
This summer's test mining is larger than last year's, this time the ore will also be crushed in the area.
But it is also ensured on the basis of water safety. The ore piles rest on covered ground that is drained on water which is then also purified.
“We use technology that is best practice and that is adapted to our specific project. We know this works well. ”
At the end of the summer, when autumn is approaching, the test mining will be over in Niska and then the site will be restored, the ground will be filled in and groundwater levels will be restored.

“There is nothing that we have discovered that feels awkward when it comes to the water issue here in the area. The tests we have done show better results than we had planned for, so we are well equipped for this work ", French concludes.

Talga exhibits during the Kiruna Festival


The ball is rolling!
Does that give you confidence?
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It feels very good that Talga communicates not just with ASX announcements. Very nice newsletter :) it is as if they actually heard us :)
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Sometimes you can't see the forest for the breadcrumbs. I have long wondered which parcel of land we get or reserved in the industrial park and still expanded. I have been waiting for months for the allocation. Thereby the answer was openly in front of us in the DFS since summer last year. I just did not look closely 🧐

View attachment 8798
View attachment 8795
All roads are already finished.
The power line is already being laid.
The pumping station is also ready and for the locals a work of art.
At the point is our sign.
Now still the building permit, a little money and of course the stupid rag. But then it can actually start.

Today Talga presents itself to the inhabitants of Lulea a Sun Market. Everything about EVs and solar energy: https://www.lulea.se/kampanjer/solmassan/solmassa.html?qs=talga

other topic:

🤭 "Ability to produce high quality anodes for batteries with limited carbon footprint, possibly in collaboration with Northvolt, to ensure a local supply chain, or other industrial partnerships"³ => (3) CE's interview with Talga Resource

I found this very interesting analysis again. I guess most of you don't know it yet. It is in Swedish but DeepL is a good helper. I wonder if they just put a check on each box?
=> https://wwwsveminse.cdn.triggerfish...et_svenska_gruvklustrets_ekonomiska_varde.pdf
Yay! Correct, our factory is indeed coming to the place as suspected. Here is a project document. I had to translate them first. And I thought it would be easiest to upload them here as pictures. Will be too therefore two parts

"Environmental Code for the manufacture of anode materials in Luleå

Talga AB intends to apply for a permit in accordance with the Environmental Code for a facility for the production of anode materials for lithium-ion batteries on the Hertsö field within Luleå Industrial Park, Luleå.
Planned operations include processing up to 25,000 tonnes of graphite concentrate per year to produce up to 22,000 tonnes of Talnode-C anode material per year. A delimitation consultation is in progress and a consultation document has previously been sent out to authorities and those particularly affected on 9 April 2021.
The operations will also include extraction of process water and cooling water from and discharges of treated process wastewater to Sörbrändöfjärden as well as water operations in the form of construction measures such as backfilling of water areas and closure of pipes. The activities are covered by the Act (1991: 381) on measures to prevent and limit the consequences of serious chemical accidents (the Seveso Act), the higher level of requirements. One purpose of the consultation is therefore to investigate how serious chemical accidents can be prevented and limited. According to section 13 of the Seveso Act, an operator must in his safety work investigate the conditions at his own business that may affect safety, and map out which factors in the environment could affect the safety of the business.
Talga therefore wishes to take part in information about environmental factors that may affect safety and that need to be taken into account in the continued permit process and in the company's safety work.
More information about the planned activities can be found in the consultation document that can be found here , previous supplementation of consultation that can be found here and this supplementation of consultation that can be found here . The consultation documentation and supplementation of consultations can also be ordered via e-mail: kontakt@talga.se or telephone 010-303 7111.
Questions about planned activities can be asked to: Christin Jonasson, Talga AB
christin.jonasson@talgagroup.com .
Comments are submitted in writing no later than 16 December 2021 to kontakt@talga.se , write "consultation" in the subject line, or to Talga AB, Kungsgatan 5B, 972 35 Luleå. Comments must include name, address and telephone number."

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This is just one of the many major projects that LKAB has to tackle. With this dimensions it's no wonder they had to make a decision. They doesn't have enough money for all projects at the same time.
View attachment 5659

By the way, the port is being quadrupled in size. MT will be pleased. The yellow arrow shows where we are now and the green one over the dam with the road points towards the new location.
Graphite project => "Right now for us, this is not a priority. We have many different projects that we choose to focus on. It is a very exciting project but not for us right now, says David Högnelid, marketing and communications manager business area special products LKAB.

Do you not believe in the project?

- We say neither or. It is a mineral that is needed, great potential. We have our projects that we choose to focus on at the moment.

This includes LKAB's project Reemap, extraction of phosphorus and rare earth metals from mining waste. Apatite plants will be built at the mines in Kiruna and Malmberget. The apatite concentrate will then be processed at an industrial park, either in Luleå or Skellefteå. LKAB's board is expected to make a decision in the spring of 2022.

- It is about over ten billion kronor in investments that we need to make there. That is why we choose to focus on it, says David Högnelid. "
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"Product Manager, Talga Luleå​

Do you thrive in a position which combines technology and communication? Do you like working with several interfaces such as quality, Sales, R&D and Marketing? Are you motivated by contributing to a more sustainable world? Then maybe the position as a Product Manager at Talga is right for you!

With production in the north of Sweden, research, R&D and Sales in the UK, distribution in Germany and Commercial Headquarter in Australia, Talga is a global employer.

The Role

The innovation and pilot plant in Luleå is where tests are carried out in the lab and it´s also in Luleå a large factory will be built. In the facility the products are created then presented so customers and suppliers can test the material. The role is a key position for the investments that Talga is making right now; to produce anode products for greener lithium-ion batteries.

The Product Manager leads, manages, and advises on Talnode-C product development and customer validation program. The position is responsible for leading product development processes to optimize product properties to meet customer requirements, to improve production processes and to ensure product quality. You work closely with Talga’s departments in the UK and in Germany.

In the role you have two direct reporting.

Your responsibility includes:

  • Lead and manage the commercialization of Talnode- C into a product in the mainstream anode market.
  • Continuously improve the quality Talnode-C according to customer requirements
  • Manage all the technical interfaces with customers and nurture and maintain long-term relationships with customer’s materials testing teams.
  • Provide technical specifications, as part of sales agreements
  • Interpret customer requirements and analyze customer data
  • Internal and external Stakeholder Management
  • Technology- and process design
  • Provide final quality management for product distribution
  • Ensure the processes for resolving customer issues and/or complaints are effectively managed by maintaining an appropriate quality system.
As a Product Manager you report to Head of Advanced Materials and Technologies. The role is situated in Luleå, Sweden, or Cambridge, UK, and requires travels to customer locations and conferences/tradeshows on a regular basis.

Is this you?

To succeed in the position, we believe you have a higher education in marketing or engineering. We also believe you have experience from battery manufactures or materials – from your education or the production industry. You have a good understanding of the commercial world and a sound knowledge of technology product marketing.

Fluency in English both written and spoken is essential. Swedish, German, Japanese or mandarin are meritorious.

We believe you are communicative, with the ability to communicate well with the internal teams, internal and external stakeholders. You are self-driven, make things happen and take decisions when necessary and in an organized manner. You are flexible in terms of dealing with changing and dynamic environment.

Do you want to know more?

In this process Talga is working with Level Recruitment. To apply, please press apply. If you have any questions, please contact recruitment consultant Louisa Torstensson at 08-120 50 423.

Please note that applications will not be accepted by email. The selection process is ongoing.

You are welcome to submit your application!

Sökord: Industry, manufacture, auto-motive, material science, manufacture, leadership,industriell produktion, ledarskap, Produkt, produktledare, prouktutvecklare, R&D, leadership, Management"
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This is why I am still at HC, passively. Once in a while, an honest soul comes around and posts something useful. I quote user Skuggan in full. Skuggan, if you chose to come here, please repost your contribution and I will remove this, so you get the credit not me. Thank you.

Talga NSD.jpg

I'm an ex-pat Aussie living in Luleå, Sweden. I've known about Talga's operations up here since around 2011. I have previously worked for a company subcontracting to LKAB in Kiruna.
I did some work the other day at SSAB in Luleå where Talga has a warehouse facility and it got me thinking about the company so I thought I'd pop in to HC and see what is happening.
I decided to post here after reading Talga's ASX ann. The ann omitted a number of facts which Talga have decided not to include... make of that what you will.
I read an article (above)in the local newspaper NSD about Talga's positive probability of mining permit approval,(I'll include a pic you can google translate if you wish) however many demands were required by Norrbottens Länsstyrelsen / County Administrative Board (CAB).

Specifically 4 major requirements regarding the following:
* Economic assurance that Talga will reinstate and resore the environment after mining. Talga have proposed a provisional sum of 225 M SEK. CAB has requested Talga provides a provision of 400M SEK. A shortfall of 175 M SEK or approx $27 M AUD.

* Reindeer herding - Talga must abide to laws regarding reindeer herding of the indigenous sami folk. Pretty standard stuff for up here but requires that talga can only mine for half of the year and must close down for the winter half of the year and that noise pollution, light and dust are kept to acceptable levels. This is to be reviewed yearly by the 2 Sami councils that use the area.

*Water pollution - The lake on site (Hosiojärvi) is not included in the Torne river natura 2000 area, but the 2 streams that run from the lake to the Torne river are and therfore affected by the natura 2000 area. CAB has required Talga to treat all discharge water and submitt accurate levels of contaminants relating specifically to elements expected to increase by the enrichment process, Sulphates, calcium, chloride, phosphorous, nitrogen and trace metals copper, zinc and nickel. Talga has applied to postpone the probationary test period but this application was denied by CAB

*Disturbance - dust and vibration from explosions, equipment and crushing machinery. CAB have also required Talga build a secondary crushing plant housed in an insulated building to reduce noise. CAB have also required Talga to prove there will be minimal disturbance to native wildlife.

The following is translated directly from the Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten(CAB) website:

Talga - Statement on additions regarding the application for an environmental permit
Talga AB has submitted an application for an environmental permit for mining operations for mining and beneficiation of graphite at Nunasvaara Södra in Kiruna municipality.

The County Administrative Board has commented on the matter based on the company's application and environmental impact statement. That is, if we believe that the activity can be permitted.

The County Administrative Board sees that the activity can be permitted, but that certain parts of the company's application need to be supplemented before examination. It concerns, among other things, the interests of reindeer husbandry in the area, the release of certain substances into water and financial security for finishing the area.

What happens now?
In the autumn (Sept 20), a site inspection is planned in the area around Nunasvaara. Then more opinions can come forth and then the main hearing takes place in the Land and Environment Court.
End of Translation.

Most important is this 24 page PDF document. A statement from CAB to The Land & Environment Court which outlines what CAB have requested from Talga to progress the application for the permit. If anyone is interested here is a link you can translate and read:

So in conclusion, GLTAH I hope it gets approval and goes ahead and you all make a motza but be prepared to wait. I have no idea about Talga's strategy going ahead regarding a cap raise etc .
But I will tell you one thing I know, The Swedish government has stated that it is positive to mining for renewable energy and EV batteries, fossil free steel production etc. The plan is to make the region in to a hub for sustainable mining and energy and setting a global standard in sustainability . The Swedes have been on a crusade to save the planet for quite a long time now. Which is why I believe that this mine will eventually go ahead but there will be significant environmental requirements.

Cheers all.
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This is why I am still at HC, passively. Once in a while, an honest soul comes around and posts something useful. I quote user Skuggan in full. Skuggan, if you chose to come here, please repost your contribution and I will remove this, so you get the credit not me. Thank you.

View attachment 12509
I'm an ex-pat Aussie living in Luleå, Sweden. I've known about Talga's operations up here since around 2011. I have previously worked for a company subcontracting to LKAB in Kiruna.
I did some work the other day at SSAB in Luleå where Talga has a warehouse facility and it got me thinking about the company so I thought I'd pop in to HC and see what is happening.
I decided to post here after reading Talga's ASX ann. The ann omitted a number of facts which Talga have decided not to include... make of that what you will.
I read an article (above)in the local newspaper NSD about Talga's positive probability of mining permit approval,(I'll include a pic you can google translate if you wish) however many demands were required by Norrbottens Länsstyrelsen / County Administrative Board (CAB).

Specifically 4 major requirements regarding the following:
* Economic assurance that Talga will reinstate and resore the environment after mining. Talga have proposed a provisional sum of 225 M SEK. CAB has requested Talga provides a provision of 400M SEK. A shortfall of 175 M SEK or approx $27 M AUD.

* Reindeer herding - Talga must abide to laws regarding reindeer herding of the indigenous sami folk. Pretty standard stuff for up here but requires that talga can only mine for half of the year and must close down for the winter half of the year and that noise pollution, light and dust are kept to acceptable levels. This is to be reviewed yearly by the 2 Sami councils that use the area.

*Water pollution - The lake on site (Hosiojärvi) is not included in the Torne river natura 2000 area, but the 2 streams that run from the lake to the Torne river are and therfore affected by the natura 2000 area. CAB has required Talga to treat all discharge water and submitt accurate levels of contaminants relating specifically to elements expected to increase by the enrichment process, Sulphates, calcium, chloride, phosphorous, nitrogen and trace metals copper, zinc and nickel. Talga has applied to postpone the probationary test period but this application was denied by CAB

*Disturbance - dust and vibration from explosions, equipment and crushing machinery. CAB have also required Talga build a secondary crushing plant housed in an insulated building to reduce noise. CAB have also required Talga to prove there will be minimal disturbance to native wildlife.

The following is translated directly from the Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten(CAB) website:

Talga - Statement on additions regarding the application for an environmental permit
Talga AB has submitted an application for an environmental permit for mining operations for mining and beneficiation of graphite at Nunasvaara Södra in Kiruna municipality.

The County Administrative Board has commented on the matter based on the company's application and environmental impact statement. That is, if we believe that the activity can be permitted.

The County Administrative Board sees that the activity can be permitted, but that certain parts of the company's application need to be supplemented before examination. It concerns, among other things, the interests of reindeer husbandry in the area, the release of certain substances into water and financial security for finishing the area.

What happens now?
In the autumn (Sept 20), a site inspection is planned in the area around Nunasvaara. Then more opinions can come forth and then the main hearing takes place in the Land and Environment Court.
End of Translation.

Most important is this 24 page PDF document. A statement from CAB to The Land & Environment Court which outlines what CAB have requested from Talga to progress the application for the permit. If anyone is interested here is a link you can translate and read:

So in conclusion, GLTAH I hope it gets approval and goes ahead and you all make a motza but be prepared to wait. I have no idea about Talga's strategy going ahead regarding a cap raise etc .
But I will tell you one thing I know, The Swedish government has stated that it is positive to mining for renewable energy and EV batteries, fossil free steel production etc. The plan is to make the region in to a hub for sustainable mining and energy and setting a global standard in sustainability . The Swedes have been on a crusade to save the planet for quite a long time now. Which is why I believe that this mine will eventually go ahead but there will be significant environmental requirements.

Cheers all.
Thank you very much for the article! I have reproduced the complete content here in my own words to protect copyright. It is well solved in this way as Skuggan. Still, you guys here at tse just knew about it earlier :)
...and much more

Bring him over to us, my account is closed 🤔
Yeaha! There stands SEK!
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Already a few days old but highly appreciated! Nice to see that is hard worked on site. The extent of the activities I find impressive for an exploration mining! Beautiful highway he has a good sense of humor 🤣 Who wonders who is talking just look at the first post in the media thread. Seems like he is settling in and adjusting well.

Who still has doubts that it happens:

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I could really go for that! Semmel, you're back from holiday. Let's go

August 2022

Invitation to open house during trial mining at Niska södra - this Saturday!

Eva Pijnenburg, Human Resources Manager

You are very welcome to see how the trial mining is progressing. On Saturday we gather at Suptallen and go in a joint squad up to the mining site. Take the opportunity to learn more about how mining operations, water management, etc. work, and meet employees from around the world who will be on site. We offer both hamburgers and coffee, and when the event is over, whoever wants to come with us to the opening of Vittangi SK's new activity facility. No pre-registration is necessary. See below. See you on Saturday!​

That they will then move on to the new community activitity center is just great! Hopefully you have supported the rebuilding with a proper donation. But Talga donates them anyway. The demonstration was on the other side of the street.)

Unfortunately, my boss is just waving me off. No tasty graphite burger... pity... 😢
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By the way, I watched the announced open day demonstration and translated all the statements. It was very peaceful. There were maybe 6 or 7 people who were there with the young Sami. He peacefully tried to stop the bus with the visitors. There were also some placards and indigenous singing. These were not radical activists and they behaved in a very civilized way. The three policemen had little to do. Everyone has the right to express his opinion peacefully in a free country.
Unfortunately, I can't find the sorce again. It was the local channel that also deals a lot with the Sami. They had a video contribution.
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