Here are the details of this last farce:I'm at a loss for words for now. I need to catch my breath. Follow the posts to above to the whole picture of this disaster. Just crazy.
"Stop for contractor to the Hertsö field - for the fourth time
Once again, Luleå municipality's procurement of a contractor for the Hertsö field is stopped. This means that work on setting up the new industrial area will be delayed.
The project manager for Luleå Industripark, Robert Eriksson, states that the municipality will take back the procurement in order to conduct a new tender review.
According to the original schedule, which has broken down several times, the contractor awarded the contract for the Hertsö field should have started work in June last year. However, a series of appeals have thrown off the schedule. The municipality's tender has been appealed several times by the construction companies BDX and Nyab, which are competing to prepare the land for the Hertsö Field, part of Lulea.
..." rest behind PW
"Proposal for a decision on the procurement of the industrial park - Hertsöfält
Case no. 2023/1608-
The Municipal Board resolves that Luleå Municipality shall accept the contractor with the most economically favourable offer from .
The Municipal Director is instructed to sign the contract after the expiry of the contractual blocking period in accordance with Chapter 20, Section 1 of the LOU.
The paragraph is deemed to have been amended immediately.
Summary of the case
Luleå Municipality's Purchasing Department has re-run the procurement on behalf of the Infrastructure and Services Administration. This is a co-operation agreement in which the contractor undertakes on behalf of the client as general contractor to carry out, among other things, ground, road and utility works, lighting and sewage pumping stations for the upcoming development works at the Luleå Industrial Park at Hertsöfältet.
The co-operation agreement consists of two phases.
Phase 1 - Planning phase The client will plan the future execution in consultation with the contractor during phase 1. During the planning phase (phase 1), the contractor will optimise the construction sequence, use of materials and material handling, among other things, together with the client. The construction site is dynamic and the contractor must be flexible and mobile during execution.
The Client is entitled to cancel the remaining parts of the contract and to terminate this contract at any time during Phase 1 and until Phase 2 has been commissioned in writing.
Phase 2 - Execution of the work
The transition to Phase 2, the execution of the work, shall take place by signing the letter of engagement.
The letter of engagement sets out the completion date of the contract and lists in a special schedule of documents attached to the letter of engagement the technical documents prepared in Phase 1, which formed the basis for the estimate and associated target costs approved by the client.
The City's Construction Committee decided on 30 March 2023 to approve the project budget of SEK 245,000,000 and to issue a commissioning permit, which includes project 41232 Hertsöfältet Gata Hästskon Stages 1 & 2 with a project budget of SEK 25,000,000 and project 41233 Hertsöfältet VA Hästskon Stages 1 & 2 with a project budget of SEK 25,000,000.
Evaluation of the bids
The most economically favourable bid will be awarded the contract. Of the tenders eligible for acceptance, the contracting authority has evaluated the tenders on the basis of best quality according to the criteria and weighting specified below.
The bidder with the highest score is the winner.
On 12 February 2024, the Municipal Board decided to award Civil Works Nordic AB, reg. no. 559417-8567, the cooperation agreement for Hertsö Industrial Park.
After the award decision, the municipality realised that an error had been made in the evaluation. In light of this, the municipality decided to withdraw the award decision and repeat the evaluation. On 1 March 2024, the chairman of the municipal board decided to withdraw the award decision.
A new evaluation was carried out and the Public Works Committee adopted a new decision on 25 March 2024 to award the cooperation agreement for Hertsö Industrial Park to Civil Works Nordic AB, reg. no. 559417-8567.
Following the award decision, the Municipality of Luleå has received new information about parts of the evaluation where it has emerged that the reference orders may be incorrect. In light of this, the municipality decides to withdraw the award decision and re-evaluate. On 23 April 2024, the Chairman of the Public Works Committee decided to withdraw the award decision.
A new evaluation has now been carried out.
Evaluation of the added value step 1
In the evaluation of the added value step 1, the contracting authority evaluated and graded the descriptions received for the organisation and implementation according to the following criteria
- Organisation: maximum total of 42 points.
- The competence of the key person is assessed on the basis of relevant experience in the form of completed and completed relevant reference assignments.
- Description of implementation: A maximum total of 28 points.
- An overall assessment of how well the tenderer's execution description meets the client's expectations for the execution of the various phases of the project.
Evaluation of added value level 2
The three (3) bidders with the highest scores after the award of added value points for organisation and execution description participated in a bid presentation. In stage 2, the client evaluated and graded the following:
- Bid presentation: maximum total of 36 points.
- Insight
- Systematic approach
- Confidence
4 tenders were received at the tender opening:
- NYAB Infrastruktur AB, 559124-6797
- Civil Works Nordic AB, 559417-8567
- Nåiden Infra AB, 559348-1970
- Install Infra i Norr AB, 559219-0218
Description of the case
The new assessment will be presented in full at the KSAU on 6 May.
In the run-up to the contract award, dialogues were held with the parties involved in the previous contract award.
Basis for the decision
- Procurement protocol
- Commissioning authorisation 2023-03-30 §32, SBF Hid: 2023.2054
- Resolution KSAU 2024-02-12 §37 KLF 2023/1608-
- Decision of the Chairman - Withdrawal of the award decision regarding
Procurement industrial park - Hertsöfält 2024-03-01
- NEW Tender evaluation
- SBU resolution 2024-03-25 §33 KLF 2023-168-
- Decision of the Chairman
- Withdrawal_Hertsöindustripark_2 2024-04-23
- New tender evaluation 240430
J. S.
Procurement Officer
The decision will be forwarded to
City Administration, Office for Purchasing and Procurement"
Give yourselves all the time in the world in the Lulea administration. There is no need to rush. Check everything carefully this time. Buy new calculators to be on the safe side. It's not like some companies are waiting to build and burning money in the process. It's best to take a holiday first and then meet again at your leisure to discuss the fifth round over a cup of tea.
So that I don't have to search next time:
Kommunstyrelsens arbetsutskott (KSAU)
protocol, Industripark Hertsöfält
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