Afternoon Hop ,
Agree , i to have a couple of their products .
Though , would have to say my experience with their customer service has been exceptional , only required after several years of punishing dustbuster use.
Most of my experience has been with their fans and the dodgy electronics which seem to burn out after about 18 months.
Didn't bother to try and get them repaired, so nice to hear of your good result with customer service.
At this point in time I'd be happy for a deal with some money in it, for us, from just about anyone, including Dyson.
I appreciate it takes time and we need to exercise patience, but they (BrainChip), have now had significant time and I fear both mine, and other's patience, is wearing thin. We need a bone.

There is no implied threat intended in that statement, because I have been in for so long now, that the company is a part of me, and I will either live or die with them.
I just can't abide the thought of selling out, looking for greener grass, and then seeing her take off, like I always knew she would.
That would be just too painful a result for the years already invested here.
Good luck for us all, Amigo's.