No worries Papa. Hope Mama is doing well.

I take your point, which is why I included that rousing clip which puts a lump in my throat and brings a tear to my eye still, after all these many years and even though I know its from a movie and is engineered to manipulate my emotions...............

We are merely human and have buttons that can be pushed.
I get that.
I just think that even if Sean or Antonio or even PVDM got on the horn and delivered as effective a speech as that, without any credible corroborating news of substance to back it up, then, the next day or the next week when the share price slips another couple of cents we are in an even worse position because managements authority will have been further eroded.
If they had anything of substance beyond what has already been released, they would have done so already.
The situation has not actually fundamentally changed.
It still looks promising from their end.
More and more potential customers are evaluating our offering.
More and more partners, associates and colleagues are joining our, or inviting us to join their, eco-systems.
Stuff is happening.
It's just taking longer than any of us, including our board and management, would like, to tick over that point where it becomes visible to those outside the deal room.
We here are luckier than most in that we get to see hints of just what may be around the corner and have the support of other like minded BRNiacs.
But we certainly are being tested and it is not surprising that some are reaching their limit.
I don't picture Sean or any of the crew cowering in any ivory tower.
Having met some of them, my impression is of driven professionals executing a plan, writ with the benefit of previous successful experience, guiding our company in uncertain and definitely choppy waters.
But, like any of us, subject to the whims of others and operating in a competitive environment where not everything is within their ultimate control.
And also like us, without the benefit of hindsight, beforehand.
It just takes as long as it takes.
And we just have to suck it up.
Like people have had to, all throughout history.