Sales people often don’t have a long lifespan in a company - they are often moved on if not hitting managements expectations - it’s not unusual at all to see him go.Global markets will be fine for a little longer in my view.. There’s 200 years of US history and 300 years of EUR history to support that.. And the Lions will also be fine.. They’re in the sweet spot for another few years..
Thanks for your post..
If all the FA tea leaves with BRN are correct this is the buying opportunity of a lifetime down here..
However, with Edgebox, the Arm cortex M85, and a host of other potential Gen 2 IP engagements, I still haven’t quantified how the Head of Sales left after 1 year.. Was he just not the right fit for the role and was asked to resign, is the only real conclusion you can come to in my view.. The alternatives are hard to stomach
Sean has said “he is not a patient person”. He is not going to tolerate anyone in the role not hitting his exact expectations at this highly critical time for the company for sales or relationship building.
I am sure he did not hit the sales or relationship engagements Sean required (I expect that to be quite high) and asked to move on - I think the comment about about the time being “interesting” with Brainchip is usually that - he thought he did a job but was moved on as it was not quite good enough and that could have been as simple as the CIO of Renases or TCS etc didn’t like him.
In the end I read it that he was not good enough at this time for Brainchip but he thought he was good enough. Simples…Next.