BRN Discussion Ongoing


If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its bicepsšŸ’Ŗ!

There are 10 key players on the list but for some reason they included Samsung ltd twice and Intel is still only in research phase so I did some quick calculations as follows:

8.58 billion dollars divided by 8 equals:

Billion pm.png

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I'm Spartacus!
I rarely come to see your forum. And what I didn't like was the arrogance. You're attached to the cause here and some make fun of us. I think that's a pity. We have the same interest.
Thank you for your clear answer!

I feel like as if I would play wilzys role right now šŸ˜…
Hi Corsors and Gidday to all our German friends who are most Willkommen here. šŸ¤£

Back before TSEX most of us were to be found over on hotcrapper where BRN was the most discussed and highest rated stock on their site for quite some time. Unfortunately that success drew much unwanted attention from trolls, troublemakers and self appointed influencers both for the positive, but mainly for the negative case. This infestation and the seemingly intense bias by the moderators over there forced many of us to migrate here instead, so that we may have a "safer" place in which to discuss all things BrainChip.

As to who introduced us to Mercedes-Benz?
MB may have had mention amongst the hundreds, if not thousands of potential use cases for our products before the end of 2021, and our previous CEO Louis DiNardo did make mention of a European auto manufacturer at some point, but it was the association and subsequent dramatic share price explosion generated by the EQXX introduction that has fed almost all of our interest since.
As you know we are desperately seeking proof of any use case for our product ranging from the sublime (NASA) to the ridiculous (doorbells).

The mere inclusion of AKIDA within something as sexy as a futuristic and latest realisation concept vehicle with the Brand recognition of
Mercedes-Benz, that just happened to be pushing the boundaries of EV performance, was both electrifying and shocking in its surprise.

It left many of us convinced that this was just the beginning of our ascent and that a steady stream of further announcements would follow.
Sadly, this has not been the case and other small matters such as a global pandemic, a new war in Europe and dramatic evidence of the effects of climate change, along with their consequential effects upon our economies, have all taken precedence instead.

So, hopefully we will be included with MB products going forward and can become brand ambassadors for each other, along with thousands of other products and use cases, helping to make our one beautiful world a better and more sustainable place in which to live.
All evidence points to this occurring at some point in the future.
Just when?
That's our Sixty-Four Billion Dollar question!
And as Dirty Harry said.....Do you feel Lucky?
Click, click, BOOM! šŸ¤£
Bring It, BrainChip!
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Global markets will be fine for a little longer in my view.. Thereā€™s 200 years of US history and 300 years of EUR history to support that.. And the Lions will also be fine.. Theyā€™re in the sweet spot for another few years..

Thanks for your post..

If all the FA tea leaves with BRN are correct this is the buying opportunity of a lifetime down here..

However, with Edgebox, the Arm cortex M85, and a host of other potential Gen 2 IP engagements, I still havenā€™t quantified how the Head of Sales left after 1 year.. Was he just not the right fit for the role and was asked to resign, is the only real conclusion you can come to in my view.. The alternatives are hard to stomach
Sales people often donā€™t have a long lifespan in a company - they are often moved on if not hitting managements expectations - itā€™s not unusual at all to see him go.

Sean has said ā€œhe is not a patient personā€. He is not going to tolerate anyone in the role not hitting his exact expectations at this highly critical time for the company for sales or relationship building.

I am sure he did not hit the sales or relationship engagements Sean required (I expect that to be quite high) and asked to move on - I think the comment about about the time being ā€œinterestingā€ with Brainchip is usually that - he thought he did a job but was moved on as it was not quite good enough and that could have been as simple as the CIO of Renases or TCS etc didnā€™t like him.

In the end I read it that he was not good enough at this time for Brainchip but he thought he was good enough. Simplesā€¦Next.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its bicepsšŸ’Ŗ!
This is Investor Relations explanation of this slide.
Now can everybody just hold their horses and understand that we are all going to be rich and it just takes time and that itā€™s not up to Brainchip when, but up to the ecosystem!
Itā€™s obviously just a matter of when, and not if!

and as Iā€™ve said before many times, people need to remove their emotions to the side.
This is HUGE and we are only talking about edge impulses ecosystem.
Edge impulse have over 318,000 projects going on fyi.

ā€œIn short you understood the slide well.

  1. At this point in Zachā€™s presentation he was highlighting the relationship between Edge Impulse and Nvidia.
  2. Introducing Nvidia design environment will now be supported on the Edge Impulse platform (This is a huge move)
  3. The companies represented on the slide are Edge Impulse partners and will now be able to work with the Nvidia environment using Edge Impulse as a deployment tool. (Customer uses Nvidia model, takes the model to Edge Impulse and now can deploy that model on one of Edge Impulse partner platforms, including BrainChip).
  4. Arm and BrainChip are the two companies that are IP providers
  5. This is really good news for BrainChip because a majority of all AI applications are run on Nvidia silicon. Once companies start to push the limits with their current Nvidia solution (need to lower power consumption, need for more efficient performance) they will want to consolidate more technology into their next generation silicon. This is what we want! Once they consolidate they need AI as IP (Nvidia doesnā€™t offer IP). So now this company has an Nvidia based model and they need it to work with an AI accelerator which is IP so they can design it into their silicon (this means Arm, BrainChip, a few others for IP). Only Arm and BrainChip will support the deployment of an Nvidia model through our partnership with Edge Impulse. Now we take that model, demonstrate lower power and better efficiency than an Arm offering and we are in a good position to win.
  6. Hopefully this makes senseā€

Do you think we should send Rob's response to Micklepickle so he can write a new blog tilted "Will BrainChip Destroy NVIDIA, and/or Arm For That Matter?"šŸ˜

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This is Investor Relations explanation of this slide.
Now can everybody just hold their horses and understand that we are all going to be rich and it just takes time and that itā€™s not up to Brainchip when, but up to the ecosystem!
Itā€™s obviously just a matter of when, and not if!

and as Iā€™ve said before many times, people need to remove their emotions to the side.
This is HUGE and we are only talking about edge impulses ecosystem.
Edge impulse have over 318,000 projects going on fyi.

ā€œIn short you understood the slide well.

  1. At this point in Zachā€™s presentation he was highlighting the relationship between Edge Impulse and Nvidia.
  2. Introducing Nvidia design environment will now be supported on the Edge Impulse platform (This is a huge move)
  3. The companies represented on the slide are Edge Impulse partners and will now be able to work with the Nvidia environment using Edge Impulse as a deployment tool. (Customer uses Nvidia model, takes the model to Edge Impulse and now can deploy that model on one of Edge Impulse partner platforms, including BrainChip).
  4. Arm and BrainChip are the two companies that are IP providers
  5. This is really good news for BrainChip because a majority of all AI applications are run on Nvidia silicon. Once companies start to push the limits with their current Nvidia solution (need to lower power consumption, need for more efficient performance) they will want to consolidate more technology into their next generation silicon. This is what we want! Once they consolidate they need AI as IP (Nvidia doesnā€™t offer IP). So now this company has an Nvidia based model and they need it to work with an AI accelerator which is IP so they can design it into their silicon (this means Arm, BrainChip, a few others for IP). Only Arm and BrainChip will support the deployment of an Nvidia model through our partnership with Edge Impulse. Now we take that model, demonstrate lower power and better efficiency than an Arm offering and we are in a good position to win.
  6. Hopefully this makes senseā€
So summary is that it appears a fair plus possibility AKIDA will end up in NVIDIA products to the final user via Edge Impulse and maybe TAT???
Correct me if i am wrong.
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There are 10 key players on the list but for some reason they included Samsung ltd twice and Intel is still only in research phase so I did some quick calculations as follows:

8.58 billion dollars divided by 8 equals:

View attachment 46340
View attachment 46336

View attachment 46337

1 Bill revenue by 2030... that's what dreams are made of... Revenue is on its way chippers!!!!
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Founding Member
So summary is that it appears a fair plus possibility AKIDA will end up in NVIDIA products to the final user via Edge Impulse and maybe TAT???
Correct me if i am wrong.
This is how I am looking at it, waiting for @Diogenese response šŸ˜Ž
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip

There are 10 key players on the list but for some reason they included Samsung ltd twice and Intel is still only in research phase so I did some quick calculations as follows:

8.58 billion dollars divided by 8 equals:

View attachment 46340
View attachment 46336

View attachment 46337


That's a lot of happy doggies šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗšŸ¦®šŸ©šŸ¶.... and with an Ozzie astronaut to boot!! ;);):cool:šŸ¤Ŗ

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Top 20
This is how I am looking at it, waiting for @Diogenese response šŸ˜Ž

Hi Jesse,

I responded last evening:
@Diogenese ??? Now Brainchip is Edge Impulses only strategic IP partnerā€¦..what the hell does this mean? Anybody?
The way I see it is the less sophisticated customers of Brainchip and edge impulse will use Brainchips IP.

Also note that ARM and Brainchip are on the right hand side, I assume due to both being an IP provider.
View attachment 46283
Hi Jesse,

Zack was talking about the enormous amount of data Nvidia had in its AI model libraries, and about Edge Impulse adapting Nvidia model libraries for the different types of processors, and the graph indicates the size of model for the different processors.

This may be linked to Akida 2 adopting 8-bit weights.

The graph also shows that the Akida models can be much smaller than the GPU or CPU models while still performing at the level of a GPU (or better).

The intriguing thing is that ARM is boxed with Akida? - probly because Akida 1 uses Cortex?
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
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[QUOTE="Diogenese, post: 375757, member:
Dodgy Knees
If you look one further line items down what interested me in Apogee in addition to what you have highlighted is their Apollo program -ā€œadvancing the use of AI in support of image processing for intelligence purposes.

Now what could Akida possibly do to help this goal..????

Nah he moved over east because he didnā€™t like the sun. šŸ§
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This part is particularly enticing. Thanks for sharing.

they are spending a lot of money to make a special hub for the new technology

Particularly as industrial applications is a focus

Tata Elxsiā€™s partnership with BrainChip will be driving Akidaā„¢ technology into medical devices and industrial applications

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Everything's great, guys and gals! Thanks for the info! Nevertheless, I'm here waiting for official announcements! I don't want to peek into a restaurant, see them baking crispy turkeys, get excited, and then watch them devour others! We need news from BrainChip!
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Top 20
Hi Jesse,

I responded last evening:

Hi Jesse,

Zack was talking about the enormous amount of data Nvidia had in its AI model libraries, and about Edge Impulse adapting Nvidia model libraries for the different types of processors, and the graph indicates the size of model for the different processors.

This may be linked to Akida 2 adopting 8-bit weights.

The graph also shows that the Akida models can be much smaller than the GPU or CPU models while still performing at the level of a GPU (or better).

The intriguing thing is that ARM is boxed with Akida? - probly because Akida 1 uses Cortex?
What I should have added was that if you insert an imaginary vertical axis labeled "model size" and an imaginary horizontal axis labeled "performance", the graph can be interpreted as showing that Akida only needs a very small model library compared to GPU for similar or better performance.
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Great posts of late ... especially from Chapman89 ......
However, I'm very concerned about the next AGM's potential "Strike 2" scenario playing out in the event that a sustained positive revenue stream is not forthcoming by then ....... I am presuming that without such a revenue stream eventuating or even a lack of IP contracts being entered into that there will be a lot of negative Co and management sentiment, thus placing the BOD and management generally on notice as to their ongoing positions within the Co ................

Personally I strongly hope that the CEO and BOD are well and truely well aware of this potential critical state of affairs and will have this all well under control before the next AGM.
Strike 2 whilst being disruptive would just mean the board would have to be re-elected. If there are no better alternatives than the current board and ceo then they would all be re-elected. No actual drama, just a lot of inconvenience imo.
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What I should have added was that if you insert an imaginary vertical axis labeled "model size" and an imaginary horizontal axis labeled "performance", the graph can be interpreted as showing that Akida only needs a very small model library compared to GPU for similar or better performance.
How about this @Diogenese

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 3.11.11 pm.png
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Hi Guys & Gals ...heaps of info over at
(Thread) I think @Quiltman could do with some Chippers reading some great info posted includes FF saying Hi!!! ;)...over & out šŸ“¢šŸ“¢;)
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Well his answers weren't that great. He's pushing RealityAI ( a subsidiary of Renesas) - which is cloud based. He doesn't like 8 bit compute, preferring floating point. I think he's doing a sales pitch for their RealityAI product which is in competition to Akida.

But great you asked, and funny how he knew both your questions were linked.

I'm ecstatic with our Akida 2 announcement. We needed it because we said we would make this announcement. I don't fault our management in any way at all. The Akida 2 is what clients have asked for, and it's been delivered!

I do question Renesas' commitment to Akida as they have spent $$$ on their own competing products and only ever licensed the 2 nodes. I don't think it is by chance that we went with MegaChips to produce the Akida 1500 chip.
Rubbish post; firstly Reality AI are a software company not in anyway a competitor to Akida. I think from memory thereā€™s a possibility they could support some product development involving Akida. Secondly Renesas have their own DRP reconfigurable AI processor which theyā€™ve spent many years developing and want to see some pay dirt for it for sure, but the DRP processor is limited in the applications it is suited to and this is why Renesas licenced the 2 Akida nodes - so they could sell MCUs with a smaller silicon footprint where they couldnā€™t sell DRP.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its bicepsšŸ’Ŗ!
Not BRN related but great news for this little guy who was just declared the winner of the Australian Air Guitar Championships!

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