Hi Dingo
Thanks for the feedback, always have enjoyed your posts.
I don't think ive contradicted myself here. I've just tried to show why this topic is difficult. There's two sides to it and there's a need for balance.
There's many reasons why the directors should receive performance shares, some of which I've outlined in my most recent post.
The issue is when the number of performance shares are excessive and the KPI's to obtain them are rudimentary such that they're effectively earned with no effort at all. We can't make judgement on that side of things because we don't know what the KPI's are, but the quantum in my mind is not excessive and seems to align to industry.
To clarify, I have no issue with brainchip's current approach to remuneration.
I just don't agree with Manny's ongoing narrative in convincing shareholders that Sean and co are accumulating in the same sense that us retail shareholders are simply because they haven't sold all of their performance shares lol.
I would love to see the entire board buy a wack of shares on market together to send a collective signal to the market that there's value in brainchip. They've had the chance to do this from $2.34 all the way down to 15c and haven't taken it. I don't think selling 'some' of their performance shares but not all fits the bill in this regard.
Do you?
I agree with your thoughts here. I don't have an issue with employees receiving shares in exchange for performance, but for me, it's hard to accept when we have no insight into what the KPIs even are, and it's a particularly hard pill to swallow when we have still not signed on deals that have resulted in significant revenue (and a shift in the share price).. I'm more than happy for Sean and others to be rewarded exceptionally well if significant deals are actually being signed, but hard to accept his salary and share package when this is not happening.
IMO, there's also an enormous difference between shares that you've purchased with your own hard cash, and shares that you have received through an employee share/reward programme. If thing's don't work out, an employee hasn't "lost" cash, unlike shareholders who have purchased on market. Easier to have a move relaxed attitude when you've received them via your employer (even if you have had to pay tax on them).
I also get a little tired of the old "we have to pay big $$$ to attract the best, but I'm yet to see Sean prove he is". Either Sean is not as good as we were lead to believe, or even worse, our product is the problem. People in the industry can scream about Brainchip as loud as they want (and we are seeing this), but if deals are not being signed, have we created a solution/product that is not required?
I've been holding since Aziana days, and am finding it hard to keep faith (as much as I want to). I've heard the same thing for so many years.
Our eco system (partners) may be growing, but I can't understand why this has not resulted in (significant/game changing) deals....... I truly hope this is our year.
I will happily eat the entire humble pie if Sean proves me wrong (and I hope he does!). My spoon is ready and waiting.....