Interesting as some have already posted, our shop was updated a few days ago with current product available.
Sold Out has since been removed, the fact it states estimated delivery 7 days only would strongly indicate that stock
is on hand, as in the AKD 1000 has been reinforced by Sean numerous times that we aren't in the business
of becoming a retailer in customer over the counter supplies....BUT in saying that, if we want to get these products into
the hands of developers worldwide, I'd suggest they had better make sure that we have a steady supply of NSoC's
available because my gut is telling me this is going to explode, every "kid" on the bloke wants the new toy.

I've got this great feeling about 2025/2026.....subject to no WW3 or massive market corrections, which ultimately
take every man and his dog southwards....comon Sean...lets pump up the volume !!
Good morning all..........Tech.