There always has to be a safe margin left in the kitty.
They won't let it run down to one quarter and then say...
"Quick we need to get some money together now!"
Even the ASX itself, in all their wisdom
requires companies to have 2 quarters of funding available, or a clear plan to secure more funding.
I say 9 months (other than it matched the baby analogy) because we are practically guaranteed to not need any new CR type funding until then, unless for a special value adding purpose.
The Company has kept the option with LDA open, to the end of this year, but that would only be used, if very strongly in the Company's favor.
Like we are getting a heap of traction, a very strongly rising share price, large International demand etc .
It would crazy then, not to take advantage of those conditions (I'm talking about a share price moving strongly past $1) to top up the cash reserves a little more, with minimal extra dilution.
(For example, another 30 million AUD for 20 million more shares at $1.50 average)
That's a very real possibility (share price North of $1.50) if we secure a couple of meaty IP deals, before the year is out.