BRN Discussion Ongoing


I'm Spartacus!
It's unfortunate timing for us atm, but people leave employment for multiple legitimate reasons all the time.
I'm sorry to see the departure of both Rob and Nandan but it is a perfectly normal occurrence in the world of business and both will be replaced in time.

Of course it is seized upon as further fodder by manipulators and those with agenda's to pursue and push down all our throats.

But again I recommend listening to todays podcast with fresh ears and making up your own mind, rather than allowing those with ulterior motivations to sway you according to their intent.
Obviously, they will have their best interest at heart.

Personal likes and dislikes aside, in my view, Sean faces up to, and answers, relevant and pertinent investors questions in a straightforward manner, and whilst he is subject to occasional tongue stumbles and commercial confidences, that too is just part of life.

There is a certain element here, and more so over on the crapper, that is very busy at the moment trying to convince you that BrainChip is in trouble and that you should vote against the management and board at the upcoming AGM.
The way that it's being backed by shorting movement in the market today reminds me of the multi pronged manipulation we investors have had to endure periodically over the past couple of years.

Beyond innuendo they don't actually have any plan for moving forward or are offering any guarantee that what they propose will be of any benefit to existing share holders.
They are just advocating we crash the bus out of spite and impatience and that somehow that will magically make everything better.

The BEOT play retail like a violin.

Here again is the source document. Make up your own mind.

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It's unfortunate timing for us atm, but people leave employment for multiple legitimate reasons all the time.
I'm sorry to see the departure of both Rob and Nandan but it is a perfectly normal occurrence in the world of business and both will be replaced in time.

Of course it is seized upon as further fodder by manipulators and those with agenda's to pursue and push down all our throats.

But again I recommend listening to todays podcast with fresh ears and making up your own mind, rather than allowing those with ulterior motivations to sway you according to their intent.
Obviously, they will have their best interest at heart.

Personal likes and dislikes aside, in my view, Sean faces up to, and answers, relevant and pertinent investors questions in a straightforward manner, and whilst he is subject to occasional tongue stumbles and commercial confidences, that too is just part of life.

There is a certain element here, and more so over on the crapper, that is very busy at the moment trying to convince you that BrainChip is in trouble and that you should vote against the management and board at the upcoming AGM.
The way that is being backed by shorting movement in the market today reminds me of the multi pronged manipulation we investors have had to endure periodically over the past couple of years.

Beyond innuendo they don't actually have any plan for moving forward or are offering any guarantee that what they propose will be of any benefit to existing share holders.
They are just advocating we crash the bus out of spite and impatience and that somehow that will magically make everything better.

The BEOT play retail like a violin.

Here again is the source document. Make up your own mind.

Same thoughts
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The only positive aspect of yet another disappointing address to shareholders was Sean's adamant assurance that deals would be delivered by year's end. Let's hope these deals are of substantial quality. This might be the closest thing to a timeline or measurable performance indicator ever provided by Brainchip.
Management needs to be refreshed after designated goals are or are not reached or after certain lengths of time . Many reasons for that . American companies in the the 70s had a two year period as a measure of tenure . Rob and the other fellow have apparently done a sterling job and achieved the goals set them under our ability to service their requirements. If they left for more money , then we got them at a more than fair price. I have not heard of the subject of long service in the IT industry. It’s definitely not aligning itself with the public service Again , good management. I am holding on to my shares
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It's unfortunate timing for us atm, but people leave employment for multiple legitimate reasons all the time.
I'm sorry to see the departure of both Rob and Nandan but it is a perfectly normal occurrence in the world of business and both will be replaced in time.

Of course it is seized upon as further fodder by manipulators and those with agenda's to pursue and push down all our throats.

But again I recommend listening to todays podcast with fresh ears and making up your own mind, rather than allowing those with ulterior motivations to sway you according to their intent.
Obviously, they will have their best interest at heart.

Personal likes and dislikes aside, in my view, Sean faces up to, and answers, relevant and pertinent investors questions in a straightforward manner, and whilst he is subject to occasional tongue stumbles and commercial confidences, that too is just part of life.

There is a certain element here, and more so over on the crapper, that is very busy at the moment trying to convince you that BrainChip is in trouble and that you should vote against the management and board at the upcoming AGM.
The way that is being backed by shorting movement in the market today reminds me of the multi pronged manipulation we investors have had to endure periodically over the past couple of years.

Beyond innuendo they don't actually have any plan for moving forward or are offering any guarantee that what they propose will be of any benefit to existing share holders.
They are just advocating we crash the bus out of spite and impatience and that somehow that will magically make everything better.

The BEOT play retail like a violin.

Here again is the source document. Make up your own mind.

Great post Hoppy 🔥💯
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Oat latte lover
So many weak hands here invested in Rob and Nandan. 🥱
200w (12).gif
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I do think the 5 year plan is working actually.

The Ecosystem is set up and growing. It's pretty big.
Academics are involved with SNN Akida.
There are proof of concepts with the VVDN edge Box Cup Cake coming and the Teksun box.
We are in outerspace and working.
MB is been using Akida in their concepts so it on going. Though these proof of concepts are not just dale's or management but engineering.
Our progress to be commercially ready is actually progressed well.

There have been some economic head winds that have slowed things and uptake or IP deals not at the rates I expected.

So in fairness yes the business plan has unfolded well.

Take a look at BRNs presence and promotion from other companies and high rank personnel. Compare that activity to 2 years ago what was said or heard from brainchip. If on the eve of the MB tweet if we had Intel foundries partnership and Arm and Tata and about half of what we show now the stock would have ran to 5 or 10 dollars imo.

So I would say Sean has progressed the comercialmside of the business well.

Have they promoted the achievements well no has any signifigant revenue been generated yet no. Will there be revenue very likely what volumes depends on the contracts.

Now the staff levels are over 80 people 2 years ago there may have been 30 so yeah that's a plus. We would not keep adding positions if it was not warranted there is no way would the board approve that cost.

So yeah we have moved up.

Is the management arragant yes have they doddled some yes does this warrant a spill in my opinion when you look at all the good that's happened to the bad i say no. Some angry people will say yeah and some that want to slow BRN progress will say yeah too.

Ask who has to gain from a spill not me not any holder. Not the company employees not the potential contracts either. All in my opinion

Not to mention several patents referance Akida over the last few years. I think we are okay not fantastic but moving along.
Nice one Kachoo.

Great message.

I know many retail holders are suffering with the brutal decline in share price.

There are a lot of people here and on HC that are pushing HARD for a second strike and board spill, but I would implore those here who are uncertain to think hard about their decision when voting for or against the remuneration report.

A board spill will create a dire situation for the share price. It will unequivocally get smashed. I would not be surprised if we drop 50% on the day of the AGM in the event the board is spilled. It will cause significant disruption to the business and the share price.

If you as a shareholder TRULY feel that the current board are unable to execute on Brainchip's vision or that they are TRULY overpaid then by all means, please do vote against the remuneration report.

I on the other hand feel as though we are progressing in line with expectations. It sucks to see the share price dropping and no doubt we are all sitting here rubbing our hands together waiting for a juicy licence agreement to drop with a big name, but putting IP licenses aside, so much has been achieved in the last 12 months. The company's ecosystem has SIGNIFICANTLY improved in comparison to same time last year. The only area where progress has not been made is in revenue. That will come with time and I do believe the ecosystem that has been built has put us in a better position then ever before for those kind of engagements to succeed and IP licences to get across the line.

Today's podcast indicated the focus is now more than ever before on Edge AI within the industry and we are 3-4 years ahead of anyone in this space. Sean himself said all it will take is for one company to throw a new product into the market and the rest will have to follow.

They can spend tens of millions creating their own SoCs or they can licence ours for an upfront fee and cents on the dollar royalty to get a faster time to market.

Revisiting the remuneration report, it is almost laughable that shareholders have for the last 12 months complained continuously that brainchip staff are paid too much, but in the past 12 months we have lost two of our key sales and marketing team members to competitors for salary offers brainchip simply can not compete with. Maybe, just maybe, the brainchip team have a better idea about employee value than us arm chair experts who range from nurses to forklift drivers to accountant's and lawyers.

It only takes 25% to vote against the remuneration report and there is a serious risk of the board spilling.

If you TRULY have an issue with the packages being offered to our executive team, I would implore you to vote FOR the remuneration policy and then vote AGAINST the non-executive director RSU's.

This will send a message to the board without creating an immediate disaster to brainchip by way of a board spill.

The non-execs are currently paid anywhere from $90K to $120K + RSU's for their seat at the table. There is of course the risk that voting against their RSU's results in non-executives resigning in the future because they feel their salary package (no longer comprising of RSU's) is not sufficient for the role, but that's an issue for another day and a far better outcome in my view than the immediate issue we face being the board spilling and the shit show that would follow.

You think brainchip is shorted now. Just wait until the board spills.

It would also be remiss of me to not remind those that have already voted against the remuneration report that you can change your vote if you'd like to do so in light of the above and especially in the event that a contract is announced between now and the AGM which results in your opinion changing.

We're all here for the same reason - short term speed bumps aside, I hope we all end up filthy rich having gone through the shit and out the otherside in the long run!

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That's funny, I had forgotten the exact wording and also fell victim to taking the "explosion of sales" quote at face value.
Both of those sentences are far from predictions and certainly not a promise.
Also, not an ASX announcement so half of the people here shouldn't even consider is Brainchip canon.

But I see the real issue here now, and that's Sean. His first part of his 5 year plan should have been to grab the Brainchip time-machine and go back and stop Peter from saying that.
Might not ever forgive him for it tbh.
Will post ad naseuam for comfort...

PvdM's comments were definitively tied to chip sales. The business model has changed.

"We’re looking forward to an explosion in sales on that Akida 1000 chip and its modules, and also the IP."
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Oh 40 million plus shares traded today off the back of all the good news in the quarterly podcast 14% down must have said something shareholders on here liked. Can’t wait for the AGM so they can solidify their way forward to the masses, should be down another 14% the day after that. It will be a big hand clapping, singing event that will be. Bunch of Evangelists, going to town on the sermon. Ever notice every time Sean speaks the share price goes down 10% go figure Can’t be coincidental surely.


Top 20
Nice one Kachoo.

Great message.

I know many retail holders are suffering with the brutal decline in share price.

There are a lot of people here and on HC that are pushing HARD for a second strike and board spill, but I would implore those here who are uncertain to think hard about their decision when voting for or against the remuneration report.

A board spill will create a dire situation for the share price. It will unequivocally get smashed. I would not be surprised if we drop 50% on the day of the AGM in the event the board is spilled. It will cause significant disruption to the business and the share price.

If you as a shareholder TRULY feel that the current board are unable to execute on Brainchip's vision or that they are TRULY overpaid then by all means, please do vote against the remuneration report.

I on the other hand feel as though we are progressing in line with expectations. It sucks to see the share price dropping and no doubt we are all sitting here rubbing our hands together waiting for a juicy licence agreement to drop with a big name, but putting IP licenses aside, so much has been achieved in the last 12 months. The company's ecosystem has SIGNIFICANTLY improved in comparison to same time last year. The only area where progress has not been made is in revenue. That will come with time and I do believe the ecosystem that has been built has put us in a better position then ever before for those kind of engagements to succeed and IP licences to get across the line.

Today's podcast indicated the focus is now more than ever before on Edge AI within the industry and we are 3-4 years ahead of anyone in this space. Sean himself said all it will take is for one company to throw a new product into the market and the rest will have to follow.

They can spend tens of millions creating their own SoCs or they can licence ours for an upfront fee and cents on the dollar royalty to get a faster time to market.

Revisiting the remuneration report, it is almost laughable that shareholders have for the last 12 months complained continuously that brainchip staff are paid too much, but in the past 12 months we have lost two of our key sales and marketing team members to competitors for salary offers brainchip simply can not compete with. Maybe, just maybe, the brainchip team have a better idea about employee value than us arm chair experts who range from nurses to forklift drivers to accountant's and lawyers.

It only takes 25% to vote against the remuneration report and there is a serious risk of the board spilling.

If you TRULY have an issue with the packages being offered to our executive team, I would implore you to vote FOR the remuneration policy and then vote AGAINST the RSU's.

This will send a message to the board without creating an immediate disaster to brainchip by way of a board spill.

The non-execs are currently paid anywhere from $90K to $120K + RSU's for their seat at the table. There is of course the risk that voting against the RSU's results in non-executives resigning in the future because they feel their salary package (no longer comprising of RSU's) is not sufficient for the role, but that's an issue for another day and a far better outcome in my view than the immediate issue we face being the board spilling and the shit show that would follow.

You think brainchip is shorted now. Just wait until the board spills.

It would also be remiss of me to not remind those that have already voted against the remuneration report that you can change your vote if you'd like to do so in light of the above and especially in the event that a contract is announced between now and the AGM which results in your opinion changing.

We're all here for the same reason - short term speed bumps aside, I hope we all end up filthy rich having gone through the shit and out the otherside in the long run!

But maybe Nandan's departure was influenced by the outcome of the last AGM to restrict RSUs/performance shares, imposed because management was cognizant of SH agitation on the issue.
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Founding Member
But maybe Nandan's departure was influenced by the outcome of the last AGM to restrict RSUs/performance shares, imposed because management was cognizant of SH agitation on the issue.
Howdy Dio

I'm referring to non-executive RSU's only which does not comprise of Nandan.

Sorry, I thought that was clear but maybe not.

There are specific RSU items to vote for in relation to Sean, Peter, Antonio, Geoffrey, Pia and Duy-Loan. These are the votes I'm referring to.

FWIW I have already voted and I voted for Sean's RSU's because I believe there's no one in the company working harder than him. I have voted against the rest for the time being but will revisit and reconsider before the AGM.
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“…leaves me incredibly confident that we will pull some wins across the goal lines this year.”

Sean’s words!

Yeah - it’s coming alright.

PS. Maybe today’s capitulation will leave us with less clutter.
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Nice one Kachoo.

Great message.

I know many retail holders are suffering with the brutal decline in share price.

There are a lot of people here and on HC that are pushing HARD for a second strike and board spill, but I would implore those here who are uncertain to think hard about their decision when voting for or against the remuneration report.

A board spill will create a dire situation for the share price. It will unequivocally get smashed. I would not be surprised if we drop 50% on the day of the AGM in the event the board is spilled. It will cause significant disruption to the business and the share price.

If you as a shareholder TRULY feel that the current board are unable to execute on Brainchip's vision or that they are TRULY overpaid then by all means, please do vote against the remuneration report.

I on the other hand feel as though we are progressing in line with expectations. It sucks to see the share price dropping and no doubt we are all sitting here rubbing our hands together waiting for a juicy licence agreement to drop with a big name, but putting IP licenses aside, so much has been achieved in the last 12 months. The company's ecosystem has SIGNIFICANTLY improved in comparison to same time last year. The only area where progress has not been made is in revenue. That will come with time and I do believe the ecosystem that has been built has put us in a better position then ever before for those kind of engagements to succeed and IP licences to get across the line.

Today's podcast indicated the focus is now more than ever before on Edge AI within the industry and we are 3-4 years ahead of anyone in this space. Sean himself said all it will take is for one company to throw a new product into the market and the rest will have to follow.

They can spend tens of millions creating their own SoCs or they can licence ours for an upfront fee and cents on the dollar royalty to get a faster time to market.

Revisiting the remuneration report, it is almost laughable that shareholders have for the last 12 months complained continuously that brainchip staff are paid too much, but in the past 12 months we have lost two of our key sales and marketing team members to competitors for salary offers brainchip simply can not compete with. Maybe, just maybe, the brainchip team have a better idea about employee value than us arm chair experts who range from nurses to forklift drivers to accountant's and lawyers.

It only takes 25% to vote against the remuneration report and there is a serious risk of the board spilling.

If you TRULY have an issue with the packages being offered to our executive team, I would implore you to vote FOR the remuneration policy and then vote AGAINST the non-executive director RSU's.

This will send a message to the board without creating an immediate disaster to brainchip by way of a board spill.

The non-execs are currently paid anywhere from $90K to $120K + RSU's for their seat at the table. There is of course the risk that voting against their RSU's results in non-executives resigning in the future because they feel their salary package (no longer comprising of RSU's) is not sufficient for the role, but that's an issue for another day and a far better outcome in my view than the immediate issue we face being the board spilling and the shit show that would follow.

You think brainchip is shorted now. Just wait until the board spills.

It would also be remiss of me to not remind those that have already voted against the remuneration report that you can change your vote if you'd like to do so in light of the above and especially in the event that a contract is announced between now and the AGM which results in your opinion changing.

We're all here for the same reason - short term speed bumps aside, I hope we all end up filthy rich having gone through the shit and out the otherside in the long run!

I will take my chances.

No more boys club.

Shareholder are happy to pay top dollar, just show the signed deals.

No more free lunch anymore.
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Founding Member
I will take my chances.

No more boys club.

Shareholder are happy to pay top dollar, just show the signed deals.

No free lunch anymore.

My suggestion would be to vote for the rem report (breakfast) and vote against the non-executive RSUs (free lunch).

That then means they have to pay for lunch or go without.

Voting against the rem report is equivalent to cutting an entire arm off because of a broken finger nail.

Just pull out your nail cutters and give them a trim baby 💅

You're glamorous and beautiful ❤️
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I will take my chances.

No more boys club.

Shareholder are happy to pay top dollar, just show the signed deals.

No free lunch anymore.

Yeah nothing attracts top quality executives to a company like some good old fashioned bloodletting.
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I’m sad to see Nandan leave the team. He was able to hold intelligent conversations and was intellectually solid. He was golden and will be missed.

Rob had an outgoing personality…very likable, but easily replaceable, in my opinion.

Let’s see…we have had 2 impressive CMOs come through our doors. I’m hopeful Sean can do it one more time.
Great analysis Beebo 👍

Nandan is a real professional and Rob is Rob, who couldn't like the guy? (not saying he's not a professional, just his real strength, is his personality).

My eyes widened and I replayed the part in the podcast, to make sure I heard right..

Saddened to see them both go and sincerely hope the "unforeseen circumstances" with Rob, is all good and nothing bad.
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Yeah nothing attracts top quality executives to a company like some good old fashioned bloodletting.
Top quality?

Is that what has got the signed deals?

I will take my chances.
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Oh 40 million plus shares traded today off the back of all the good news in the quarterly podcast 14% down must have said something shareholders on here liked. Can’t wait for the AGM so they can solidify their way forward to the masses, should be down another 14% the day after that. It will be a big hand clapping, singing event that will be. Bunch of Evangelists, going to town on the sermon. Ever notice every time Sean speaks the share price goes down 10% go figure Can’t be coincidental surely.
Please,please,please begging now, ones one her were talking that a second strike was ridiculous would never happen. Downramper shorters, no it is regular shareholders. Should have started begging for votes two months ago,damage to my holding has happened over the last two years. with the implementation of NDA’S to hide everything,you can’t tell me that the same snowball effect in sales would not have happened if their was no NDA’S Once one company buy,they would all have to or be left behind. Like electric cars transition for the future or die.
Management are like politicians they say they have listened but have they really. A month ago it was strike 2 wI’ll never happen.
Australian,like when they vote at elections will always vote from the hip pocket. It was always gunna be that way. To say change your vote there is still time before the AGM For a deal to fall absolutely reeks of desperation. Look who got it wrong now.
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Looks like Rob Telson has deleted his Linkedin account (btw he left for "unforeseen circumstances" -- not personal reasons -- which could be non-performance or Sean just doesn't like his face). The only reason I can think of is he doesn't want to answer questions from SHs.

With no replacements hired it really is an unprofessional look, given that there should have been a notice period within which Hehir should at least have shortlisted a couple of people.

Anyway here's an article (not sure if found already) to distract us from the sh!tshow that is going on in BC...

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