If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
New !!
Nice relaxed air of confidence from the CEO , he’s never spoken better in my opinion.
He be a very good opening batsman, plays a excellent straight bat when required.
Thanks for posting @Tothemoon24!
At the 11 minute mark Sean mentions something along the lines of "Please stay tuned. There are other things that we're excited about coming into this vertical around space".
Now if I was a betting person, I would bet my bottom dollar that Sean is referring to NASA's HPSC (High-Performance Spaceflight Computer) chip which is being built by Microchip utilising SiFive's 'Intelligence' X280 core which will be integrated with either Akida-S or Akida-P, in my opinion.
It can't be too far off being ready as NASA has stated previously that initial availability will be in 2024. BTW, the chip won't just be for space missions but will also be utilised in application on Earth such as defense, commercial aviation, robotics and medical equipment.