Deleted member 118
Welcome back and a happy birthdayThe Facts:
Rob who is a dentist because he keeps his identity secret has listed his house for sale. Rob spent a great deal of time researching his local agents and chooses Browns because they have the highest number of sales and listings in the last 12 months and the principle has received industry awards and has hundreds of compliments on his web page from happy vendors and purchasers complementing him and his team for their honesty and service.
As a result Rob tells Browns that he is in a hurry to sell his house and for the best possible price but he is stressed financially and will need to sell regardless of price. Browns advise Rob that in this market sales are occurring but days on market has increased and so given his circumstances the best strategy is to go to auction with a short but intensive marketing campaign and a number of open houses both on the weekend and weekdays leading up to the auction. Rob was impressed and signs the sales and auction agreement.
Rob a week later is having a coffee at his local café and starts talking to a complete stranger about real estate and mentions he has his house going to auction in two weeks. The stranger replies “I hope you do not have that useless mob Browns doing the auction. They are the worst agents I have seen in 30 years of being involved in real estate investing.”
The stranger is called for his takeaway coffee and leaves the café. Rob has no idea who this person was or what his motivation is but starts to worry about his opinion even though it is completely anonymous and directly opposed to everything he has discovered and his personal opinion having spoken with Browns.
The following day is the first open for inspection. Worried Rob parks up the road to watch. It is a Thursday and Browns have told him that being Thursday there is unlikely to be many people inspecting but it is important to get the message out as passing motorists will see the signs and start to investigate the online sales.
Even though Rob has been told this he becomes worried when only a couple of cars arrive and only a few people enter the property and he then starts to think that the stranger may have been correct.
Rob starts to ask friends and relatives if they think he has chosen the wrong agent. None of these persons live in his area and they all have no knowledge of the agents or real estate but some still venture opinions because everyone is entitled to hold and give an opinion.
They are of limited emotional intelligence and do not consider the consequences of giving such ill-considered uninformed opinions and when one is asked by his wife why he said what he did to Rob he said why would he take any notice of me anyway.
Unfortunately Rob does to the extent that it fuels his anxiety and he starts to worry so much he is loosing sleep. He reads negative things in the press about the real estate market and about a dishonest agent in another city and ignores that the sales figures for his area continue to exceed the national average and his agents excellent reputation. He completely ignores all the evidence that Browns keep performing and telling the truth to their customers.
The next open for inspection is on Saturday and this time the agent arrives and tells Rob that he expects a significant number of people to turn up because of the telephone and email traffic they have had. When Rob is leaving he notices a number of cars parked in the street and people milling around at the gate. Rob leaves.
The agent sets up the house and then positions himself at the front door ready to declare the house open. What the agent did not see was a shadowy male figure at the side window of the house watching as he went about his duties and that immediately he went out the front door that this shadowy figure quickly enter via the back door and relieved himself on the loungeroom coffee table and defecate on the carpet in front of the fireplace before quickly exiting out the back door and leaving by the side gate.
This shadowy figure then waited until all of the interested purchasers had entered to inspect the property whereupon he places notices under the wipers of the parked vehicles maligning the honesty and competency of Browns and recommending another property that is open for inspection with another agent two streets away claiming it represents much better value for money.
The question for you to answer is who is most likely to be the shadowy figure:
1. Is it Rob the home owner with the most at stake?
2. Is it a rival real estate agent trying to break into the area and attempting to destroy Browns reputation?
3. Is it the anonymous stranger who for his own personal reasons wants to ruin Rob’s chances of a sale to pick up a bargain having discovered that Rob has to sell regardless of price?
4. Is it a 'good' Samaritan trying to help Rob by exercising a right to free vandalism and speech?