Yeah another reason why just seems odd to me by BMW.128*128 pixels!????
That's not an event-bases sensor - this is an event-based sensor!
Prophesee’s Event-Based Camera Reaches High Resolution - IEEE Spectrum
Prophesee’s Event-Based Camera Reaches High Resolution
Embedded vision startup Prophesee teams with Sony to shrink its pixel size to less than 5
Prophesee’s Event-Based Camera Reaches High Resolution Embedded vision startup Prophesee teams with Sony to shrink its pixel size to less than 5 micrometers SAMUEL K. MOORE20 FEB 2020
View attachment 30111
The resulting 1280 x 720 HD event-based imager is suitable for a much wider range of applications, including surveillance and monitoring, augmented reality, virtual reality, and drones.
Besides the photodiode, each pixel requires circuits to convert the diode’s current into a logarithmic voltage and determine if there’s been an increase or decrease in luminosity. It’s that circuitry that, in the new sensors, is put on a separate chip that sits behind the pixels and is linked to them by a dense array of copper connections. Previously, the light-sensing area made up only 25 percent of the area of the pixel, now it’s 77 percent.
When a pixel detects a change (an event), all that is output is the coordinates of the pixel, the polarity of the change, and a 1-microsecond-resolution time stamp. The imager consumes 32 milliwatts to register 100,000 events per second and ramps up to just 73 milliwatts at 300 million events per second. A system that dynamically compresses the event data allows the chip to sustain a rate of more than 1 billion events per second.
Hi X-ray. Look mate I think it’s fine for you to post a different opinion but please back it up with some facts. We are all researching here to justify our investment decisions, be it buy or sell. I don’t think off the cuff one liners cut it for most of us here but we would like to hear facts both negative and positive. Kind regards to all, MottyI'm not here to waste anyones time even if it's FF.
I think FF contributions in the past have been most beneficial.
But we all have to accept the fact that opinions here on the TSE chat forum, either good / bad or different should be openly shared without any malicious / misleading or personal reprisal attacks on the said poster. But it is getting to the point, that this site and certain posters only tolerate positive comments being made on BRN and also think that what they say is the gospel and anyone that doesn't align with their own way of thinking is subjected to being ridiculed / bullied and spoken down to. To me such actions are totally inappropriate and unwarranted.
Nothing is coincidence in life mate. Thanks for pointing this out will keep an eye this for any further clues.Coincidence?
Pump anomaly detection based on vibrations
Predict equipment failure with our machine learning approach. Detect anomalies in industrial machines using vibration data. Try NanoEdge AI Studio
Ok let’s just talk Akida 1500 IP, that is the commercial product Brainchip are saying customers are waiting for now? My same comments apply.The Akida 1500 SoC is not a commercial product.
The chips will be soldered to PCIe boards, and Akida 1500 PCIe boards will be demonstrators for potential Akida IP clients.
Hey Alwaysgreen, it's been mentioned before several times, but you do know Putin fffd over 2022, for a lot of things and those comments, were made well before that dick head, decided to go on an Imperialistic land grab.I am mainly concerned because management alluded to 2022 having more sales (pvdm explosive sales comment, Sean mentioning growth outstripping costs). That didn't happen. Is 2023 the year? Hoping this is addressed in the near future.
That's only counting the ones that have crashed... imagine how many were intercepted by the driversThe article said that this was the 14TH TIME a Tesla has driven or been driven into a stationary emergency vehicle. In the old days three times was a proof and no one ever got to doing the same stupid thing 14 times without someone calling a halt.
Having stood on major highways at night in the rain directing cars around serious accidents with white gloves and a torch I think I would now refuse to do so with Tesla vehicles failing to stop for a full size emergency vehicles with flashing lights.
Typical techie attitude. Sell it anyway we will send out updates until it works. I need the money to build a rocket ship to take me to Mars. This attitude is perhaps OK for mobile phones but a tonne of metal travelling at a 100 kph is an entirely different beast.
People are not lab rats.
My opinion only DYOR
Yes I do remember those words being thrown around. Got everyone very excited back then. Every upcoming events and showcases were being touted as the BIG moment.I am mainly concerned because management alluded to 2022 having more sales (pvdm explosive sales comment, Sean mentioning growth outstripping costs). That didn't happen. Is 2023 the year? Hoping this is addressed in the near future.
I haven't read everything yet, but it's sooo nice that you're back with us FF.The Facts:
Rob who is a dentist because he keeps his identity secret has listed his house for sale. Rob spent a great deal of time researching his local agents and chooses Browns because they have the highest number of sales and listings in the last 12 months and the principle has received industry awards and has hundreds of compliments on his web page from happy vendors and purchasers complementing him and his team for their honesty and service.
As a result Rob tells Browns that he is in a hurry to sell his house and for the best possible price but he is stressed financially and will need to sell regardless of price. Browns advise Rob that in this market sales are occurring but days on market has increased and so given his circumstances the best strategy is to go to auction with a short but intensive marketing campaign and a number of open houses both on the weekend and weekdays leading up to the auction. Rob was impressed and signs the sales and auction agreement.
Rob a week later is having a coffee at his local café and starts talking to a complete stranger about real estate and mentions he has his house going to auction in two weeks. The stranger replies “I hope you do not have that useless mob Browns doing the auction. They are the worst agents I have seen in 30 years of being involved in real estate investing.”
The stranger is called for his takeaway coffee and leaves the café. Rob has no idea who this person was or what his motivation is but starts to worry about his opinion even though it is completely anonymous and directly opposed to everything he has discovered and his personal opinion having spoken with Browns.
The following day is the first open for inspection. Worried Rob parks up the road to watch. It is a Thursday and Browns have told him that being Thursday there is unlikely to be many people inspecting but it is important to get the message out as passing motorists will see the signs and start to investigate the online sales.
Even though Rob has been told this he becomes worried when only a couple of cars arrive and only a few people enter the property and he then starts to think that the stranger may have been correct.
Rob starts to ask friends and relatives if they think he has chosen the wrong agent. None of these persons live in his area and they all have no knowledge of the agents or real estate but some still venture opinions because everyone is entitled to hold and give an opinion.
Sie sind von begrenzter emotionaler Intelligenz und denken nicht über die Konsequenzen nach, solch unüberlegte, uninformierte Meinungen zu äußern, und wenn man von seiner Frau gefragt wird, warum er gesagt hat, was er Rob angetan hat, hat er gesagt, warum er mich überhaupt beachten würde.
Leider tut Rob das in dem Maße, dass es seine Angst schürt und er beginnt, sich so viele Sorgen zu machen, dass er den Schlaf verliert. Er liest in der Presse Negatives über den Immobilienmarkt und über einen unseriösen Makler in einer anderen Stadt und ignoriert, dass die Verkaufszahlen für seine Gegend nach wie vor über dem Bundesdurchschnitt liegen und sein Makler einen hervorragenden Ruf genießt. Er ignoriert vollständig alle Beweise dafür, dass Browns weiterhin auftreten und ihren Kunden die Wahrheit sagen.
Die nächste Inspektion ist am Samstag, und dieses Mal kommt der Agent und teilt Rob mit, dass er aufgrund des Telefon- und E-Mail-Verkehrs mit einer beträchtlichen Anzahl von Personen rechnet. Als Rob weggeht, bemerkt er mehrere Autos, die auf der Straße parken, und Menschen, die sich am Tor drängen. Rob geht.
Der Agent baut das Haus auf und positioniert sich dann an der Haustür, bereit, das Haus für eröffnet zu erklären. Was der Agent nicht sah, war eine schattenhafte männliche Gestalt am Seitenfenster des Hauses, die beobachtete, wie er seinen Pflichten nachging, und dass er sofort zur Vordertür hinausging, dass diese schattenhafte Gestalt schnell durch die Hintertür eintrat und sich im Aufenthaltsraum erleichterte Kaffeetisch und entleeren Sie sich auf dem Teppich vor dem Kamin, bevor Sie schnell durch die Hintertür hinausgehen und durch das Seitentor gehen.
This shadowy figure then waited until all of the interested purchasers had entered to inspect the property whereupon he places notices under the wipers of the parked vehicles maligning the honesty and competency of Browns and recommending another property that is open for inspection with another agent two streets away claiming it represents much better value for money.
The question for you to answer is who is most likely to be the shadowy figure:
1. Is it Rob the home owner with the most at stake?
2. Is it a rival real estate agent trying to break into the area and attempting to destroy Browns reputation?
3. Is it the anonymous stranger who for his own personal reasons wants to ruin Rob’s chances of a sale to pick up a bargain having discovered that Rob has to sell regardless of price?
4. Is it a 'good' Samaritan trying to help Rob by exercising a right to free vandalism and speech?
Worth lingering awhile over this statement.Mohd Amirrudin Esa
Technology Leadership | Artificial Intelligence Data Science | UAV Robotics & Automation | Energy Sustainability | R&D | Product Development Smart Manufacturing | IR5.0 Cognitive Solutions
Brain-Inspired | Energy-Efficient | Lightning-Fast | NEUROMORPHIC
What do these pictures share in common?
- neuromorphic chip,
- mimic the structure & function of human brain
- use artificial neurons to process & transmit info
- learn and adapt to new information over time
- can perform computations in parallel,
- which can lead to more efficient processing
- can process sensory data, ie. images & sounds,
- make decisions based on that data
- energy-efficient, using only the necessary to perform a given task.
BrainChip, Intel, IBM and General Vision are among the leading companies developing neuromorphic chips at the moment.
- IBM, Intel, BrainChip, HRL Laboratories, and Applied Brain Research all offer neuromorphic computing hardware or software platforms for developing and testing artificial neural networks.
- IBM, Intel, and HRL Laboratories have each developed their own neuromorphic computing chips with unique features and designs.
- BrainChip's Akida chip is designed for edge computing applications such as image and speech recognition, while General Vision's NeuroMem technology can be used for tasks such as pattern recognition and anomaly detection.
- All of these companies are exploring ways to create more efficient and intelligent computer systems that can perform complex tasks by mimicking the structure and function of the human brain.
Neuromorphic chips are making edge AI better and more applicable by enabling AI algorithms to run directly on small devices, like sensors and drones, without needing to connect to a larger network. This is because neuromorphic chips are designed to process data in a way that is more similar to the human brain, allowing for more efficient and sophisticated computations. With these chips, edge devices can analyze and respond to data more quickly and accurately, which is essential for real-time applications like autonomous vehicles and smart sensors.
What many still do not realize is that these computations using neuromorphic architecture might soon challenge the performance of traditional architecture Supercomputer! but in much smaller size, more energy efficient and easily deployable.
#technology #data #development #energyefficiency #YOLO #python #AISoftware #objectdetection #autonomousmobility #potholes #autonomousdriving #drone #dronetech #smartuav #roadsafety #autonomousvehicles #ai #artificialintelligence #robotics #artificialneuralnetwork #edgecomputing #intelligentautomation #automation #convolutionalneuralnetworks #computervision #machinevision #imagerecognition #objectdetection #datascience #machinelearning #automation #digitaltransformation #innovation #neuralnetwork #InstanceSegmentation #safety #algorithms #future #digital #assetmonitoring #edgecomputing #edgeai #Akidachip #processor #semiconductor #computerchips #MinskyAIengine #lowpower #cognitiveanalytics #computervision #embeddedsystems #iiot #aiot #neuromorphic #internetofthings #autonomoussolution #autonomoussystems #anomalydetection #dronetechnology #5g #industrialautomation #generativeai #generativemodel #oilandgasindustry #powerindustry #industrialrobotics #robotics #distributedcomputing #droneautonomy #machineautonomy #cognitivesolutions
View attachment 30150
I read the 1st and the last line and hope someone fills in the gapsF*** off rocket its 39 pages,
can't you give us the gist?![]()
I don't disagree and the world is bordering on recession and a huge financial implosion but if companies really desperately want your product, they will pay. Look at Microsoft and chatGPT. Terrible economic climate or not, they dropped $10billion in a pinch on the new shiny ai toy.Hey Alwaysgreen, it's been mentioned before several times, but you do know Putin fffd over 2022, for a lot of things and those comments, were made well before that dick head, decided to go on an Imperialistic land grab.
I find it hard to believe, that people are still bringing those comments up.
What Russia has done, has completely unbalanced the World, in a way that our generation has never experienced.
He is the direct reason, why we've had 9 straight interest rate increases and inflation is high.
The fiatary system was already f%*ked, with far too much fiat "money" supply created and ultra low interest rates, but..
Some people might think it's a cop out by the Company, to mention World business conditions, in relation to our own business, but I think it's completely reasonable and factual.
I'm pretty damn sure I'd already be a millionaire, if it wasn't for that puffy faced, pompous
But it is what it is and because of this, I've had the opportunity to greatly increase my holdings.
AKIDA 1000 tech is going into products now.
I think Renesas is the only confirmed one (taping out), Socionext possibly has been mentioned?
MegaChips has likely lincenced several customers (at least 2)
Mercedes, is possibly going through MegaChips, as are possibly Valeo.
There is so much more happening of course and some customers are waiting on AKIDA 1500 @Fastback6666, but not all.
We have enough IP exposure, just through those 2 licensees, to be hugely successful, but I'm certain we will get more.
MosChip's is one I'm expecting.
It really is just a matter of being patient and I know that line wears thin..
Things are happening, even if not as fast as we would like, but they are happening.
And in these trying times what better way to get an edge in business than using something low powered and extremely efficient like Akida the God chip.I don't disagree and the world is bordering on recession and a huge financial implosion but if companies really desperately want your product, they will pay. Look at Microsoft and chatGPT. Terrible economic climate or not, they dropped $10billion in a pinch on the new shiny ai toy.
We haven't been able to muster up a sale of a $1 million license fee since Megachips. The partnerships are fantastic and I understand the groundwork is being laid but not 1 sale?
I'm not going to reply anymore because I know I have mentioned these things before and people get upset so I'll leave it at that.