Hi @Fact FinderIt seems automotive is where everyone wants to be including MegaChip and along side gaming for possible use cases of AKIDA they included automotive.
Not saying either yes or no to your proposal but could the extra 2 million come from Mercedes via MegaChip???? It fits your timeline.
My speculative thought only so DYOR
Yes it is possible for sure though I don't really see this pricing model will apply to Mercedes....just my gut feel and I will explain.
The question begs - Does Brainchip customise their pricing models depending on the scale of consumption and also the brand involved from the manufacturing customer of the BRN tech? Especially those in the EAP group. If BRN are smart and we know they are they would be customising pricing if they can see the mass scale consumption from one customer and they get a worldwide brand onboard.
We pretty much know BRN standard pricing model for the "new" customers coming in the front But any good retailer of goods will assess if the customer buy in is big enough (like Mercedes) would they really be charging them the million or two upfront - I tend to think not really we also know they have not even charged them for what would be substantial professional services used in the last two to three years. Which go's for these key EAP's really as BRN wants the key partnerships and exposure.
I have been a part on many ICT contracts and really in the end everything is negotiable in the deal. Also, As the dollar value goes up in the deal the more negotiation variance occurs to what you can get included in the deal (ie. More for free or very little cost)
We also know that Mercedes and most other EAP's have NOT been paying brainchip for their professional services to date as this has not shown up in the revenue - so we know there is a lot of "in kind" (For free) work being undertaken and this is all so Brainchip can get an awesome foothold in the market with key business names and key technology platforms.
If I were Mercedes I would have been negotiating with Brainchip at the outset(2019/2020) Saying - "Work with us long term to build a new platform for our cars - we will need your techs to work with our techs over the next few years to develop the MB.OS platform and you then will be guaranteed ongoing long term revenue on the production use of your chip at a negoticated rate of $x.xx per chip/vehicle."
Brainchip gets Mercedes name association (best of breed), mass exposure of working models/tech and mass onging revenue long term. It's a sweet deal.