I feel like Irving, the 142nd fastest gun in the West ...
so look out No. 143.
[That's not a threat
it's an excuse]
I feel like Irving, the 142nd fastest gun in the West ...
so look out No. 143.
[That's not a threat
it's an excuse]
I bought that single when I was 14Snap!
I feel like Irving, the 142nd fastest gun in the West ...
so look out No. 143.
[That's not a threat
it's an excuse]
Hi Bravo, I wouldn't be surprised that Elon now acknowledges, that he must change his one-eyed approach to ADAS.What great advertising for Mercedes Benze Drive Pilot! These complaints (see above) about Tesla falsely advertising that its Autopilot and Full Self Driving features are capable of operating autonomously, when in fact they can’t will only help shine more light on what Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot offers by way of comparison.
Michael Harley from Forbes describes what he thinks about Tesla's Autopilot versus Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot.
Drive Pilot is much more advanced than the other autonomy systems I have tested. While Tesla's Autopilot is impressive at first glance, Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot offers several more layers of safety and capability. The interface of the Mercedes system is more transparent (e.g., the head-up display shows the driver what Drive Pilot is about to do), and it relies on a much more comprehensive suite of sensors and cameras for all-weather capability and redundancy. It takes only a few minutes to become familiar with how it works. And, by the end of the test, I completely trusted it – I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures!
As mentioned, Drive Pilot is coming to the U.S. market soon. Mercedes-Benz is planning on testing the system on our roads in early 2023, with hopes for certification shortly after that. It can’t come soon enough — it will make my daily commute a much safer and more pleasant experience.
Testing (And Trusting) Mercedes-Benz Level 3 Drive Pilot In Germany
Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot is Level 3 vehicle autonomy that is the world's first internationally valid system approved for conditional automated driving – and it's coming to the U.S. market soon.www.forbes.com
Could you imagine the SP if that was announced ......Hi Bravo, I wouldn't be surprised that Elon now acknowledges, that he must change his one-eyed approach to ADAS.
Could also be the reason, that he has pulled out of his twitter arrangement, and may put his money into something that will keep Tesla dominant in the EV market. Dare I say Akida![]()
I remembered reading this back when it was first released and it gave me another sense of confirmation that We are on the right track. Really is a great article!JWPM CONSULTING
BrainChip ASX: Akida neuromorphic processor. AI at the edge.
Computer Chip with a human-like brain
This could be a Skynet moment. Radical new silicon chip that will change the world.jwpm.com.au
Dont know if already posted…but really a very good article about Brainchip and its future…
Akida™ will soon be the Model-T of neuromorphic processors
Yep well if Mercedes are world leaders using Akida, may as well join inHi Bravo, I wouldn't be surprised that Elon now acknowledges, that he must change his one-eyed approach to ADAS.
Could also be the reason, that he has pulled out of his twitter arrangement, and may put his money into something that will keep Tesla dominant in the EV market. Dare I say Akida;0![]()
As we noted the other day, BrainChip comes up as number one on most of the tech categories listed under ARM's partnership program.INFINEON, BRAINCHIP, NVIDIA – THE QUANTITY OF CHIP WILL REMAIN IN 2022
The world is changing from the analogue world to a digital world. Sensors are playing an increasingly important role here. An iPhone has seven sensors, for example for face recognition. A car now has around 70 sensors. Conventional semiconductor chips are currently still being used for this. In the future, the chips will become more intelligent and will use artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate the data. This is called Edge AI. BrainChip has taken on a pioneering role here. The company offers AI-on-chip processing and learning through a neuromorphic processor called Akida, which mimics the human brain.
Mercedes-Benz uses the capabilities of the chip in its Mercedes Vision EQXX. By using the chip in the device, the massive power consumption and the associated emissions from data centers are reduced, which is good for the climate. In addition to the energy efficiency, the latency is significantly lower, the chip learns directly and data security is significantly increased. The latter succeeds because the chip does not require an internet connection. In contrast to competing products, a CPU is also not required. Most recently, ARM entered BrainChip's partnership program. This partnership could be a big hit, because ARM processors can be found in almost all cell phones, tablets and other IoT devices. It can be assumed that ARM will put the Akida chip through its paces. Should ARM be convinced and acquire licenses from BrainChip, it would be a quantum leap for the Australian company.
Investors need patience here. However, according to a study by McKinsey, the growth prospects for this area are very good. The market is expected to grow 17% annually by 2025. In addition to the automotive sector, the company itself sees good growth opportunities in industry and in the smart home sector. After the shares of all chip producers weakened, the BrainChip share price also fell. In mid-January, a peak of AUD 2.34 per share certificate was paid before the consolidation set in, which pushed the share down to AUD 0.765 by mid-June. From the low, the stock was able to gain more than 78%. The value is currently at 1.13 AUD. Closing prices above AUD 1.365 once again bring significant upside potential.
Infineon, BrainChip, Nvidia – Chipmangel bleibt auch 2022 bestehen
Der Chipmangel ist nicht nur in der Automobilbranche allgegenwärtig. Zuletzt konnte die AOK ihren Versicherten keine elektronischen Gesundheitskarten mehr ausstellen, weil die Chips fehlten. Die Halbleiterbranche soll laut McKinsey bis 2030 jährlich um 6-8% wachsen. Der Besuch von Nancy Pelosi...www.kapitalerhoehungen.de
One of his main holdings was in GameStop if I remember correctly. At a time when the world is transitioning into digital consumption, it wasn't the best idea to invest in a bricks and mortar store selling physical media.US billionaire Warren Buffett hit by $63b loss
Almost half of his fortune was wiped out but the billionaire who owns 90 companies said the focus should be on earnings made.
You can make it all back old timer, just invest in Brainchip Holdings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xt makes me nervous. Shorters gearing up?
Either that or Warren starting to load upXt makes me nervous. Shorters gearing up?
I think quite a few shorts we’re taking out today but the share price up .45%, the shorters are losing this battle big timeIt is starting to look that way.
Shorts have stabilised at ~4.5% for a while now and price is creeping up, faster on days with a bit more volume.
~2.5% of them shorted ~$0.90-$1.10
It is a bit hard to get a read on what is happening ( dodgy data contributes to this ).
For example here is a graph for the shorts on VUL.
It is almost symmetrical in the shorts vs price action. ( not accounting for volume )
View attachment 13585
BRN doesn't have such a strong correlation.
View attachment 13588
View attachment 13589
Looking at 17/06/2022 for example. ( hard to align the graph to a date but it is the clear spike in volume and shorts between 14-20 Jun)
58m shares traded.
Shorts increases by 23m ( 1.35% ).
And yet almost no movement on the price.
May they run out of road... and soon.
Whoever it is, is still accumulating. Won’t be long before they have 15% stake or even more
I feel like Irving, the 142nd fastest gun in the West ...
so look out No. 143.
[That's not a threat
it's an excuse]
As @Esq.111 pointed out today (and thanks for keeping us all up to speed on the daily positionsThat’s some low volume. Hang onto em peeps.