I guess it really all comes down to a matter of trust.
Tony Dawe has responded to those who contacted him with his understanding that it is up to Citicorp to notify anyone that is required to be notified according to the relevant laws and protocols.
The fact we have not seen any such notification suggests that either it is not required or Citicorp is in contravention of the rules.

TD, as others here have suggested, seems to regard the fact that this large corporate entity has taken such a significant holding in Brainchip in somewhat of a neutral to positive light. i.e. as a vote of confidence in our Company.
He does not seem to entertain any concerns re any type of takeover, hostile or otherwise, which is also in accord with other knowledgeable posters here, who regard this increased holding as a perfectly normal occurrence for an ASX200 company and so the recent increase in Citicorps aggregate holdings may be in line with our recent inclusion therein.
Having seen the other companies Citicorp holds similar stakes in seems to point to this being a relatively normal situation.
So no, I don't feel shitty or suddenly any less valued as a shareholder and so have pretty much moved on.

I know some here have been exercised by the prospect of having a new entity with the largest holding and have proposed various theories and potential courses of action which I think have been premature and of a somewhat paranoid bent.
I trust our management and office bearers having listened to and spoken with some of them, first hand, at the recent AGM, and whilst I am aware that my perceptions can be fooled at this point in time that has not been proven to me.
I have never been more confident in an investment in any company than I am as evidenced by the significant portion of my assets which are in Brainchip.
I don't hold unrealistic expectations of performance from them and in this changing world realise that developing and embedding our nascent technology in the ecosystems of other developers is a process which is not entirely within our company's control.
Our new leadership team that has largely only been aboard for less than a year impress me with their new focus, drive and professionalism,
and I am willing to trust in their competence and integrity to achieve their stated goals.
It took a long time to find and get them onboard and so far I am impressed.
Each of us, as adults with our individual circumstances, must decide for ourselves each trading session if we BUY, SELL OR HOLD.
Everything else is really just hot air on paper.

I continue to watch and hold as I still believe that Brainchip is an ethical company, doing worthwhile things and presents my best and most realistic opportunity for a massive increase in my personal wealth within the next five years.
I expect to see significant signals indicating progress within the next 12-18 months, and if not, will re-evaluate my position.
In the meantime....
Luck, for want of a better word is always a factor.