You got this lion. He's the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here.
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The president of Lubumbashi’s commercial court has tendered his resignation to Félix Tshisekedi, blaming one of his close advisers for attempting to influence the judiciary in a case involving Moïse Katumbi.
DRC: Did Félix Tshisekedi’s entourage pressure a judge?
The president of Lubumbashi’s commercial court has tendered his resignation to Félix Tshisekedi, blaming one of his close advisers for attempting to influence the judiciary in a case involving Moïse Katumbi. Will this case tarnish the Congolese presidency?
In the letter of resignation that he sent to Félix Tshisekedi, Judge Laurent Batubenga Ilunga did not beat about the bush. The letter, which was seen by us, said the judge was throwing in the towel because of the pressure he was under, explicitly citing the influential Peter Kazadi, one of the president’s advisers.
Kazadi, a lawyer, was a member of Tshisekedi’s cabinet when the latter led the
Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social (UDPS). He is one of Kinshasa’s provincial members of parliament and among the Congolese regime’s strongmen.
Actualité - Il y a eu dans ce pays, RDC, un Augustin Katumba Mwanke dit AKM devant quiconque voulait voir le président Kabila devait s’incliner. Certains ont dit de lui le Christ par qui il fallait passer pour voir le Père. Mais son sort a été scellé de la manière dont beaucoup…
The resignation of the President of the Lubumbashi Trade Tribunal due to the pressure on him by Peter Kazadi. Indeed, Congolese justice has been shaken since Monday, December 12, by the contents of the letter of resignation of Judge Laurent Batubenga Ilunga, President of the Lubumbashi Trade Tribunal, in which he clearly and without blames Mr Peter Kazadi acting in the name of power, to push him to make a decision of justice.
The President of Tricom Lubumbashi now resigned to the Head of State in terms, it can no longer be unclear when he writes:
Since the signing of the latest orders in the judiciary at the end of July 2022, I have been under high pressure from Mr. Peter Kazadi to be able to validate seizures of awards made without executive title by the companies Octavia Limited and NB Mining Africa SA which would be up to Mr. Pascal Bavereggi against the company of the third-party.
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