If I buy a stolen diamond ring which is owned by King Charles, can I keep it, or do I have to give it back.
It is not my problem that the ring was stolen, I bought it.
That is effectively what you are asking Disco.
In normal life, would I have to hand the ring back and run the risk to have to explain why I was dealing knowingly in stolen property.
I am not sorry for ZIJIN's loss, ZIJIN bought, knowingly, stolen property in their customary way and got caught out.
Maybe ZIJIN and the PRC should study what happened to Glencore and Dan Gentler and learn from those experiences.
Don't forget the truth will come out in Paris for the entire world to see, it will be a Public hearing (well done Nige, I hope Felix and Xi will be watching the event)
The conclusion of that public Tribunal Case will be:
'Dealing with a PRC state owned enterprise is an extremely questionable exercise'.
The message: BE AWARE YOU ARE DEALING WITH THIEVES, if you are dealing with representatives of President Xi, will go down like a fart in church and could well stifle China's international progress to some extent for some time to come.
Can you imagine how the big man Xi reacts, if he finishes up with egg all over his entire face for the princely sum of US$33 million?
Do people think that Xi will turn around and say to ZIJIN: 'That is a job well executed, you are an example to our nation, well done guys' ?
Or do people think that Xi could turn around and hang the culprits from the gallows in Tiananmen Square, to show how China deals with corrupt fucks?
As Jules A happily pointed out in his interview, they hang people in China for embezzlement from the state.
Just a thought.
Maybe ZIJIN can save some face to cancel the ICC case asap, before it is too late.