It's 6 and a half weeks. Longest extension yet.Only 2 weeks on this suspension.!!
Only 2 more weeks.... to be disappointed again.
Well I'm actually not disappointed as I was expecting another extension![]()
Extension to suspension until 31 January 2023. More information than the last few extensions.
I pity the shorters. (Not really. Out of fuck to spare).
It may be the case that they tried to approach different minister/s (which is the highest level of Gov) and nothing was done. Hence why they use the word "competent" to indicate that someone that will be taking action.
WTF... why would they add that??
i would have definatly not put in competent as that will just draw suspicion hahha
"...ahhh clearly there are some who are are not but we will say they are!"
Extension to suspension until 31 January 2023. More information than the last few extensions.
I pity the shorters. (Not really. Out of fuck to spare).
It may be the case that they tried to approach different minister/s (which is the highest level of Gov) and nothing was done. Hence why they use the word "competent" to indicate that someone that will be taking action.
It embarresses me when someone from one stock you hold trolls other forums from another stock you hold.I'm pretty sure it's just the polite wording they have chosen to not poke the bear, if someone is corrupt and not fit to hold office they would be 'incompetent'. The announcement is stating that they are not engaging with the corrupt assholes that have taken snack payments to work against us.
It takes a lot of balls to post here with a name like Tom
I just took a look at the thread on the crapper... Bomber would 100% fail a drug test, definitely on the glass bbq.
We're dealing with the competent authorities rather than those who are incompetent.
Hang in there mate . I'm sure Nigel and team have a plan B in the way of a compromise if this continues to go round in circles. However while we still can we need to take it to these scumbags and fight for the best possible outcome . Nigel will know Share Holders are only going to put up with this shit for so long . No chance SH are going to allow all our money and time to run dry while the AVZ team drag the fight on and on until we don't exist . There will need to be a point well before the possibility of extinction when serious decisions will need to be made . The AVZ team do not have carte blanche over this matter . There would be f--king anarchy . Until then we need to trust in the AVZ teams approach . IMO
I'd say its bs otherwise as you've said why not accept rd build mine keep fighting for cdl. That way time is on our side not the thieves.If SH knew the ML for Roche Dure alone was guaranteed regardless of CDL it would put their minds at ease . Would do away with a lot of angst . Do away with the 100's of emails Nigel said they receive . Of course we still go for CDL . Fight for it to the death . Just tell SH Roche Dure is in the bag .With one sentence he can stop their suffering . How f--king simple can that be ? Unless of course it's BS . IMO
Yep absolute Bulshit just like us , European and Australian investors in the last the "highest levels of government" from the start has been outright bullshit?
The Chinese don't celebrate ChristmasA Christmas holidays 6 weeks extension . Hope the AVZ team have a great holiday and come back in Feb fresh and ready to go again .
F*CK me HC is Farkeeed.Not sure there are any.
Done my job for today - got Utahjazz moderated twice
so have i. what a fucking joke.Fuck I hate HC, that pricks post being like “ANN: AVZ RESUMES TRADING”
‘Lmao just kidding this never gonna trade again’
I’ve reported that post probably 10 times now and every one of my posts have been modded instead fucking fucks
I'm pretty certain this is not the first time that AVZ has switched to using the adjective "competent"
Almost 100% sure that was used in a previous announcement or in the stuff produced for the road shows or the AGM
EDIT: Here it is from announcement on 6th Dec : sorry the qualities not great
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