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This is yesterday podcast.
What happened to Tommy? We had a few announcements recently.
Thanks for posting it. I haven’t heard of this podcast or the people speaking. Are you not a fan of these guys? Seems like a reasonable take on the situation.Google Podcasts is no longer available
This is yesterday podcast.
No I thought it was good and fairly spot on to be fair, might check out some of their other stuff.Thanks for posting it. I haven’t heard of this podcast or the people speaking. Are you not a fan of these guys? Seems like a reasonable take on the situation.
Found podcast with a legal perspective on our situation and it think it’s worth a listen. He starts talking about avz at the 12:10 mark. He said he had a podcast from yesterday about avz as well bu I can’t find it. I’ll try again later and post if I have any luck.
No I thought it was good and fairly spot on to be fair, might check out some of their other stuff.
Got my support for an EGM to make BoD take notice of all shareholders......need a voice for retail mums and dads who have supported AVZ but now being treated with arrogance, contempt and mushroom syndrome.
Time to rattle the BoD for an EGM!!!
1. EGM for Shareholders to get an independent Director on the BoD that is not associated in any way with the crew of Nige, Brans, Huljich, Eckhoff, Steinpress's, Gasson. There is a vacancy that needs to be filled!
2. EGM to vote on cancelling 2021 AGM resolutions on Remuneration, Termination Benefits Plan, Performance Rights Plan. All of the resolutions voted on at the 2021 AGM were taken in a void of information. Shareholders were not informed of legal cases and other information that is required to be disclosed under ASX listing rules for Continuous Disclosure. AVZ BoD and Cosec's were aware of material information in July - Sept 2021 of Cominiere sale to Zijin and Dathomir letter cancelling / refuting 15% SPA and DRC court case finding G Johnston guilty of an offence that carries a prison term. These material issues were not advised to shareholders before AGM, therefore Shareholders were not fully informed prior to voting at 2021 AGM. I know my votes would have been very negative based on these unknown facts / information at the time of the AGM.
3. Certain Directors and Cosec seem to have traded shares whilst in possession of this information ... prior to the Trading Halt and subsequent Perpetual Suspension in May 2022 ..... whilst most shareholders were not. Why were these senior company executives permitted to make share transactions whilst in possession of material information that was not provided to ordinary shareholders??? The information was clearly material as it has resulted in the prolonged perpetual trading suspension!
4. Nige Conflict of Interest in AJN. There is more to this imo ..... and now we find out Nige was meeting with Eckhoff in Germany with Axino in April 2022. I find it arrogant and offensive of Nige that at the 2022 AGM he shuts down the question on this Conflict by stating 'its my business'. Sorry Nige ..... but whilst im a shareholder of AVZ and your 'business' in AJN impacts my business with AVZ, then thats an insulting comment to make! Nige is in breach of AVZ Code of Conduct and Policy for Directors and Senior Management in not resolving this Conflict of Interest. Further, Chairman J Clarke and Cosec's are complicit in this Conflict of Interest and failure to follow Company Policy in regards what constitues a Conflict of Interest and how it should be dealt with! Despite numerous requests by various shareholders that this Conflict be resolved, the Chairman and Cosec's have been complicit in the conflict by not demanding Nige resolve it. Ben Cohen shut down the online questions to the AGM and did not allow shareholders their right to question the BoD on many matters. Corporate Governance FAILS!
Time for the Board and the Cosec's to act in the interest of all Shareholders.
Consider this my support for an EGM to be called if the BoD do not address these Corporate Governance Fails. Only collective 5% of votes needed to call an EGM.
Its not in the reputational interests of the company to have an EGM called ...... so maybe they will take more notice and do the right Corporate Governance practices if that becomes a possibility??
Found podcast with a legal perspective on our situation and it think it’s worth a listen. He starts talking about avz at the 12:10 mark. He said he had a podcast from yesterday about avz as well bu I can’t find it. I’ll try again later and post if I have any luck.
Totally agreedAgree, form a private group on something like Signal - end-to-end encryption, and invite only.
For now, I still back the cone of silence approach taken by AVZ, despite from time to time questioning my own judgement on whether I should trust them (I still bristle at the 2021 AGM shitshow, and semi-bristle at the 2022 AGM shut-down too). They have their backs to the wall at every turn fighting these cunts, but I think they have excellent legal strategic advice. This is clearly evident in their announcements, which are carefully crafted in legalese, beyond the comprehension of most (me included)
Very good point .Was that an attempted stitch up by Cath?All this talk about CATH just wanting offtake, then happy just having 9%.
Remember when they were happy to waive the ML requirements? Lol
I don't think it's a stitch up, I just think it's games being played by our management.\
Very good point .Was that an attempted stitch up by Cath?