I agree with you Chilla except that the top three shareholders are Chinese, then Nigel’s up there somewhere and I don’t see the Boss or the Chiropractor wanting an EGM so I doubt we would get one.
Aside from that I think it would be a waste of time…. but frankly I don’t give a farken shit when it comes to us exposing our executive team’s arrogance and failure to be upfront with shareholders on this or any other public forum
The truth is it won’t make any difference to our case in the DRC no matter what people say. All we are saying is that they treat us with contempt, not the people of the DRC.
Nigel himself looked me in the eye and tried to mislead me and others in Sydney, just because I knew why didn’t make it right. There is a lack of openness and integrity that no one can deny…. Just acknowledge it to shareholders and everyone will move on
I own FFX who have also been in suspension for months and the other day they sent us all a letter apologising for our situation and expressing an understanding of shareholders position along with a dedication to moving forward in a way that would provide shareholders with the best outcome they could.
It wouldn’t have hurt Nigel to do that rather than a travelling roadshow telling shareholders the ML would drop on the 15/11/22.
@BEISHA, either everyone who knows is too scared to put it out there or there’s some other reason, but me I’m beyond giving a shit so I’ll just say it…. Cong has something over the President
EGM talk imo is pissing in the wind, like you point out likely a waste of time even if the odds were beaten.
I do think our management are playing the right game ATM in keeping their cards close to the chest, eyes are on us as the roadshows proved, a reason I imagine it's taken this long to take Cong to ICC could be they were trying to get the right authorities to sort it out without going to the wonderfully slow ICC, but as Congs corrupt tentacles spread too far. Now it'll be plan k I assume in going through the ICC, while applying pressure to get them to drop their 'claims'. Which probably will happen at the last moment possible (in keeping with their shitfuckery)
The problem is/was the global Covid-19 BS has allowed the cockroaches to really up their play without much resistance/knowledge from our side (which would be a dropped ball by Balthazar & Serge & also the boss by simple fact he is the boss), by the time we realised what was going on it was an uphill battle against a tidal wave of poorly written propaganda. Sadly, it seems communication was not as constant as it should have been, else we wouldn't have found ourselves in such a pile of pineapples.
We are now in the 'final assault' phase of our fight with facts, and we are finally seeing results like pricks arrested and MOP, Dathomir and Cominiere IGF report. But more should come.....
For us to progress, more has to happen to force Congs hand from within Government, also Zijin to drop the case too. IGF hopefully is/has worked on both after finding out the BS they have pulled in regard to Manono. Pull on a thread type situation.
Mupande has gone quiet and WTF is he STILL doing there? CAMI are our immediate block to the ML.
Felix has to have a little rummage around and see if he can locate some testicular fortitude as Jules Alingete (he is a godsend for DRC) seems to be doing ALL the work while Felix keeps quiet, nope its worse than that Felix says to the youth in a speech "my ministers aren't corrupt, show me proof and I will act", Motherfucker WHAT ! Jules is literally throwing that proof in your face, along with other diligent DRC journalists. Tip of the hat to Franck and Kiki
I agree
@MoneyBags1348 that Cong has something on Felix but I think its bigger, its the Kabila Cabal that have something on Felix with Mupande, Adele, Loando, Kabila himself and even Cong still running around freely instead of in a concrete cell.
Felix has been fucking about flying everywhere for a few years now. Meanwhile election day is approaching fast and Kabila has said he will run again
(Fuck Kabila). If Felix was serious about corruption he would have reached out and worked with the US long ago to clear out some of the big players. I realise its a game of politics and careful even delicate moves must be made as each one has an effect elsewhere with many many corrupt players within Government thanks to Kabilas reign, but FFS come on why move so late. Its almost as if its just for show, I hope that's my cynical side coming out and not Felix taking a lesson from western politics.
I'm wondering if while this shit is going on Zijin offer a slightly less derisory TO offer, once they don't get our cut up tenement that is, I imagine CAMI prick has been trying to auction it off to the highest bidder, AJN, Dathomir and Zijin all rolling around like pigs in the mud for what's ours all along.
Would you look at that, a whole bunch of words and fuck all to show for it

My apologies,
Have a good weekend everyone