Which gives more reason for Fatshi to get this project up and running and clean up corruption instead of flying around the world inviting investors other than the one from China.2 matters:
Princess has come out with the same shit again overnight - thats OK, it's just the same old shit. Jules Babe is on to her
Joe Kabila has announced he will run for President in 2023 - is this China taking the next step to try and keep DRC for themselves?
Which gives more reason for Fatshi to get this project up and running and clean up corruption instead of flying around the world inviting investors other than the one from China.
I fucking concur !I like to think that more progress would be made if one of our esteemed TSE members could have a 5 minute conversation with Felix than anything that's been done so far by the BOD and lawyers anyone else.
We would have to be selective of who we nominate though and so far I'm leaning towards @JAG , the majority of us would look like this doing a presentation but with a bourbon and coke in the non smoking hand:
I'd just fucken swear way to fucken much. Fucken.
I like to think that more progress would be made if one of our esteemed TSE members could have a 5 minute conversation with Felix than anything that's been done so far by the BOD and lawyers anyone else.
We would have to be selective of who we nominate though and so far I'm leaning towards @JAG , the majority of us would look like this doing a presentation but with a bourbon and coke in the non smoking hand:
I'd just fucken swear way to fucken much. Fucken.
I was fine before I bought into AVZ & started talking to you lotRemember we were going to vote @JAG to be on the BOD farken…. but we didn’t get the nomination in early enough
If he’s over in the DRC and @Cashcity is in the asylum that would leave @Winenut running this place farken
You better think this through farken or we might end up all being in the asylum with Cashy
I was fine before I bought into AVZ & started talking to you lot![]()
I had no idea I was a member of MENSA....fucken
fuck the lies are incredible aren’t they? It almost beggars belief. FarkenNobody wanted to post this long winded pack of bullshit from Toad?
Know thy enemy I say...
Ministry portfolio: AVZ sold 24% of Dathcom shares without respecting shareholder preferences, without state approval and without paying transaction taxes to the state
By Writing KinshasaDecember 8, 2022 at 5:07 PM![]()
Upon her accession to the Ministry of the Portfolio of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Her Highness Princess Adèle Kayinda Mahina, began first by making an inventory of the public companies under supervision before administering shock therapy to all these "lame ducks" including Congolese Mining (COMINIERE), a semi-public limited company, according to OHADA business law, created on April 12, 2010 following the decision of the General Assembly of shareholders namely, the Ministry of Portfolio and the National Social Security Fund (CNSS). The purpose of the company, both for itself and on behalf of third parties, is to carry out all study, prospecting, research and mining operations for tin, colombo-tantalite, and of all transferable and recoverable mineral substances as well as all operations of concentration and metallurgical and chemical treatment, transformation, export marketing of these substances and their derivatives, mining engineering and all operations likely to promote the realization of the social object. And generally, all financial, commercial, industrial, movable and immovable transactions, all acquisition of interests or holdings, in any form whatsoever, in any company or company existing or to be created that may be directly or indirectly related to the object if above or to any similar or related object, likely to promote its realization, its extension or its development. COMINIERE SA's share capital is 90% owned by the Congolese State through the eponymous ministry and 10% by the former INSS. The press has made it its bold picks lately. We are in 2022, more than 10 years after its creation, nothing has been done for its development while in the bowels of the old mining town of Manono (Editor's note: Territory located in the province of Tanganyika, born following the sharing , in 2015, in four of Katanga, a region in the south-east of the DRC abounding in minerals, copper and cobalt in particular. Manono was created at the beginning of the 20th century, with the exploitation by Belgian settlers of a deposit of cassiterite, the ore of tin), lithium, the metal that has become the star of electric car batteries, was discovered in an old and vast cassiterite quarry called “Roche Dure”, potentially one of the largest lithium-rich LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) pegmatite deposits in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . tantalum) rich in lithium in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . tantalum) rich in lithium in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). .
Indeed, the COMMINIERE, at its creation, had rich deposits with estimated reserves but without financing. To develop its mining projects, the state-owned company was forced to seek funding or enter into partnerships with interested investors who were jostling at the gate of Avenue Colonel Ebeya number 56, in Kinshasa – Gombe. This is particularly the case with AVZ Minerals Limited, a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: AVZ), which wants to take advantage of its significant expertise in financing and project development to advance the Manono project on the value curve.
“For the record, AVZ entered the partnership in 2017 with 60% of the shares; COMMINIERE, as a public company, 30% at; and DATHOMIR 10%. AVZ had a duty to seek funding to develop these mining projects. Five (5) years later, there is still nothing. It is in this situation that Minister of State Adèle Kayinda Mahina arrives on Wagenia Avenue in 2021. Having noted this lethargy, the warrior will decide to revitalize the activities of this important company in the State portfolio which holds the one of the most important lithium mines which can help the development of electric batteries in the DRC. But unfortunately, nothing was done”, specified the Dircab of the Minister of State Adèle Kayinda who, at the time,
To do this, the boss of the Portfolio will accept, after discharge from the Council of Ministers, that another partner joins the project to provide the necessary funding sought. This is Zijing which has already proven itself elsewhere.
It should be recalled with the Dircab Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza that for the majority of the projects to be developed here in the DRC, both natural and legal persons often come as speculators, they raise funds internationally and leave with it by enriching themselves on the back of the Congolese. Observation: The Congolese State is still in this state of non-development of its mines. The Congolese people in general and those of Tanganyika in particular do not benefit from this. Representatives of the people, including Célestin Mbuyu Kabango, Martin Kabwelulu Labilo, former Minister of Mines, even came to Kinshasa, the capital, to both complain and denounce this sad situation.
Before the elected representatives of the people of Tanganyika and all the other neighboring provinces, the Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, had given firm instructions to the Sama Lukonde Government for the creation of value chains in the country. That is to say, provide the country with production plants of electric batteries in order to give added value to Congolese minerals. Fortunately, there are still honest and honest men and women in the country of Lumumba who know how to give legs to the ideas of the hierarchy. This is the case of Her Highness Adele Kayinda Mahina, a woman of worth. She never thought for a moment of monetizing the good and loyal services she renders to the Nation and for which she receives a salary and minister's bonuses. It never happened in that setting, hinted, the Chief of Staff Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza. Before continuing: “We are talking about a certain evaluation of deposits, in the country, we find quality expertise to evaluate deposits. Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ” Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ” Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ”
” How then in front of this godsend that gossips come to meet then that the AVZ partner has sold 24% of its shares on the stock market, in Australia, and has already received 240 million dollars? ”. Asked the Dircab, who is also an expert in the field. Which, Mushengezi Cirhuza Clément, at the end of their fallacious deductions, instead of 2 million, we should have sold for 10 million dollars. The question is: who valued this stock (percentage) at 10 million USD? Because, according to our source, by raising the funds, it is not money that AVZ receives directly in its accounts! It is money to be received for one's own interests!
“The famous 240 million are not intended to develop the Manono mine. It is to pay the bills related to the famous exploration which until today is estimated at 600 million USD. Otherwise, the Congolese tax authorities would hit this money, a taxable matter,” he added.
According to Minister Adèle Kayinda's Dircab, in the revised Mining Code, “it is recognized that when you make exceptional profits on mining operations, you must share the profits with the State by paying the tax due. Why does the tax not hit this money received? »
Before ending his speech, the Director of Cabinet Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza pleaded for an ultimatum to be given to AVZ for this money which they say they have raised and received so that it is really used for the development of the Manono mine. Because, the price of lithium, he argued, is at 80,000 USD per ton on the international market today, whereas a year ago it was at 8,000 USD. Imagine the losses for the Congolese public treasury.
“We cannot continue to lose money like this with speculators. We must definitely stop with the speculations and the project must move forward, ”hammered the chief of staff.
In short, Adèle Kayinda Mahina, according to the words of Director Clément, is a hardworking, fervent Christian, honest and honest woman. She never accepts compromises in relation to her dignity and her Christian values. She is moreover Princess, dignified and a woman of values. As such, Kayinda Mahina Adèle is very uncompromising. "This whole campaign of demonization is only the fruit of the wickedness of people who see only their selfish interests in danger", he concluded before shouting haro on the speculators.
In shortNobody wanted to post this long winded pack of bullshit from Toad?
Know thy enemy I say...
Ministry portfolio: AVZ sold 24% of Dathcom shares without respecting shareholder preferences, without state approval and without paying transaction taxes to the state
By Writing KinshasaDecember 8, 2022 at 5:07 PM![]()
Upon her accession to the Ministry of the Portfolio of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Her Highness Princess Adèle Kayinda Mahina, began first by making an inventory of the public companies under supervision before administering shock therapy to all these "lame ducks" including Congolese Mining (COMINIERE), a semi-public limited company, according to OHADA business law, created on April 12, 2010 following the decision of the General Assembly of shareholders namely, the Ministry of Portfolio and the National Social Security Fund (CNSS). The purpose of the company, both for itself and on behalf of third parties, is to carry out all study, prospecting, research and mining operations for tin, colombo-tantalite, and of all transferable and recoverable mineral substances as well as all operations of concentration and metallurgical and chemical treatment, transformation, export marketing of these substances and their derivatives, mining engineering and all operations likely to promote the realization of the social object. And generally, all financial, commercial, industrial, movable and immovable transactions, all acquisition of interests or holdings, in any form whatsoever, in any company or company existing or to be created that may be directly or indirectly related to the object if above or to any similar or related object, likely to promote its realization, its extension or its development. COMINIERE SA's share capital is 90% owned by the Congolese State through the eponymous ministry and 10% by the former INSS. The press has made it its bold picks lately. We are in 2022, more than 10 years after its creation, nothing has been done for its development while in the bowels of the old mining town of Manono (Editor's note: Territory located in the province of Tanganyika, born following the sharing , in 2015, in four of Katanga, a region in the south-east of the DRC abounding in minerals, copper and cobalt in particular. Manono was created at the beginning of the 20th century, with the exploitation by Belgian settlers of a deposit of cassiterite, the ore of tin), lithium, the metal that has become the star of electric car batteries, was discovered in an old and vast cassiterite quarry called “Roche Dure”, potentially one of the largest lithium-rich LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) pegmatite deposits in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . tantalum) rich in lithium in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . tantalum) rich in lithium in the world. “There is even talk of reserves estimated at more than 1.5 billion tons of this precious mineral. It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). . It is the future of the country that is at stake here in Manono. If all the companies participating in the joint venture are serious, once the Manono lithium project reaches maturity, the entire region of Tanganyika and its surroundings will undergo a real economic and social transformation. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and we have to make allowances”, declared Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza, former Director of Cabinet at the Ministry of the Portfolio, speaking on the antennas of the Congolese National Radio and Television (RTNC). .
Indeed, the COMMINIERE, at its creation, had rich deposits with estimated reserves but without financing. To develop its mining projects, the state-owned company was forced to seek funding or enter into partnerships with interested investors who were jostling at the gate of Avenue Colonel Ebeya number 56, in Kinshasa – Gombe. This is particularly the case with AVZ Minerals Limited, a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: AVZ), which wants to take advantage of its significant expertise in financing and project development to advance the Manono project on the value curve.
“For the record, AVZ entered the partnership in 2017 with 60% of the shares; COMMINIERE, as a public company, 30% at; and DATHOMIR 10%. AVZ had a duty to seek funding to develop these mining projects. Five (5) years later, there is still nothing. It is in this situation that Minister of State Adèle Kayinda Mahina arrives on Wagenia Avenue in 2021. Having noted this lethargy, the warrior will decide to revitalize the activities of this important company in the State portfolio which holds the one of the most important lithium mines which can help the development of electric batteries in the DRC. But unfortunately, nothing was done”, specified the Dircab of the Minister of State Adèle Kayinda who, at the time,
To do this, the boss of the Portfolio will accept, after discharge from the Council of Ministers, that another partner joins the project to provide the necessary funding sought. This is Zijing which has already proven itself elsewhere.
It should be recalled with the Dircab Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza that for the majority of the projects to be developed here in the DRC, both natural and legal persons often come as speculators, they raise funds internationally and leave with it by enriching themselves on the back of the Congolese. Observation: The Congolese State is still in this state of non-development of its mines. The Congolese people in general and those of Tanganyika in particular do not benefit from this. Representatives of the people, including Célestin Mbuyu Kabango, Martin Kabwelulu Labilo, former Minister of Mines, even came to Kinshasa, the capital, to both complain and denounce this sad situation.
Before the elected representatives of the people of Tanganyika and all the other neighboring provinces, the Head of State, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, had given firm instructions to the Sama Lukonde Government for the creation of value chains in the country. That is to say, provide the country with production plants of electric batteries in order to give added value to Congolese minerals. Fortunately, there are still honest and honest men and women in the country of Lumumba who know how to give legs to the ideas of the hierarchy. This is the case of Her Highness Adele Kayinda Mahina, a woman of worth. She never thought for a moment of monetizing the good and loyal services she renders to the Nation and for which she receives a salary and minister's bonuses. It never happened in that setting, hinted, the Chief of Staff Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza. Before continuing: “We are talking about a certain evaluation of deposits, in the country, we find quality expertise to evaluate deposits. Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ” Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ” Which means that COMMINIERE brought another partner into the lethargic partnership. He offered $2 million per share percentage to get in. While AVZ had offered 1 million dollars. The State considered, after the General Assembly of COMMINIERE, that 2 million dollars is more important than 1 million. ”
” How then in front of this godsend that gossips come to meet then that the AVZ partner has sold 24% of its shares on the stock market, in Australia, and has already received 240 million dollars? ”. Asked the Dircab, who is also an expert in the field. Which, Mushengezi Cirhuza Clément, at the end of their fallacious deductions, instead of 2 million, we should have sold for 10 million dollars. The question is: who valued this stock (percentage) at 10 million USD? Because, according to our source, by raising the funds, it is not money that AVZ receives directly in its accounts! It is money to be received for one's own interests!
“The famous 240 million are not intended to develop the Manono mine. It is to pay the bills related to the famous exploration which until today is estimated at 600 million USD. Otherwise, the Congolese tax authorities would hit this money, a taxable matter,” he added.
According to Minister Adèle Kayinda's Dircab, in the revised Mining Code, “it is recognized that when you make exceptional profits on mining operations, you must share the profits with the State by paying the tax due. Why does the tax not hit this money received? »
Before ending his speech, the Director of Cabinet Clément Mushengezi Cirhuza pleaded for an ultimatum to be given to AVZ for this money which they say they have raised and received so that it is really used for the development of the Manono mine. Because, the price of lithium, he argued, is at 80,000 USD per ton on the international market today, whereas a year ago it was at 8,000 USD. Imagine the losses for the Congolese public treasury.
“We cannot continue to lose money like this with speculators. We must definitely stop with the speculations and the project must move forward, ”hammered the chief of staff.
In short, Adèle Kayinda Mahina, according to the words of Director Clément, is a hardworking, fervent Christian, honest and honest woman. She never accepts compromises in relation to her dignity and her Christian values. She is moreover Princess, dignified and a woman of values. As such, Kayinda Mahina Adèle is very uncompromising. "This whole campaign of demonization is only the fruit of the wickedness of people who see only their selfish interests in danger", he concluded before shouting haro on the speculators.
I haven’t swore in any of my post and was on the verge of taking the mantle yesterday unleashing in 3-4 different languages but then deleted it thinking it’s not the time.
3 or 4 different languages, impressive that certainly sounds like it would have been a contender for the much feted mantle. Not fair to tease us with these details and then not give us the finished work of art !I haven’t swore in any of my post and was on the verge of taking the mantle yesterday unleashing in 3-4 different languages but then deleted it thinking it’s not the time.
So I just want to set the record straight that I did swear but didn’t post so in some way i have ticked the intelligence criteria.
I didnt want to say it but just to vent it out that....
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