IMO if they are willing to give us the ML for Roche Dure, take it with arms wide open but surely they then initiate legal proceedings to attempt to get it back if it is stolen?
We should be able to at least sell that portion as a bare minimum. It's a wet dream for any other Lithium explorer/developer/miner. Hell, should even be able to sell that area to RIO for $1 Billion to fund the whole plant.
Getting RD and the ML is not compensation for having billions of $$$ worth of mining resources stolen from us
AVZ is ALREADY legally entitled to RD and the ML
RD is part of tenement PR13359 and the Ministerial Decree for the ML has already been signed
The fucking crooks can't give us something we are already legally entitled to and say "Here you go ...accept RD and the ML as compensation for us stealing billions of $$$$$ from you"
I for one do not see we are getting ANYTHING in return for losing close to half the 13359 tenement, more than half of Malata, all of Kahungwe and a decent fucking whack of CDL to boot
Talk of rolling over and giving into their extortion practices is EXACTLY what these knts want
Fuck 'em
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