The images below are high resolution, spatially accurate (provided I've not made a dumb error) representations of the north and south sections of 13359 overlaid on a map of our project. The pegmatite map was obtained from page 46 of the DFS and has been modified to remove green shading which made it hard to see what was going on, especially when overlaying the aerial. No other modifications were made to the image. It is copyright AVZ but used here as "fair use" on the grounds that:
- It is a quotation of the information provided in the DFS.
- It is a parody of the current project given that it depicts pegmatites that may no longer be part of our project.
The pegmatite map has been georeferenced to EPSG:32735 (WGS 84 UTM zone 35S as defined in the image title block) using the grid markers it contains and loaded into GIS software. Control points were added in EPSG:32735S to confirm the pegmatite map is georeferenced correctly. These are the 4 red dots with coordinate labels that correspond to the grid markers at the image border.
The data for the tenement boundaries was extracted manually from the DRC Mining Cadastre by hovering the mouse of each vertex and writing the coordinates (shown bottom left of the screen) to paper, then transcribing them to a spreadsheet with a conversion formula to convert from DMS (degrees minutes seconds) to DD (decimal degrees). I've assumed the cadastre uses EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) which is the same coordinate system used by Google and your phone GPS. It should be the correct assumption because this is the most common latitude and longitude coordinate system used for most purposes globally, but if there's a gross error it will probably be due to this assumption.
The aerial is the Google Satellite tile map, EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Psuedo-Mercator). Everything is reprojected to EPSG:4326 in my GIS project. If you copy the pegmatite map directly from the DFS and overlay it with the maps below it will not fit due to georeferencing and coordinate reference system (CRS) reprojection.
I have triple checked everything, it should be correct, but am not immune to human error. I'm also not sure how TSE handles high resolution images, so hopefully it's easy for anyone to download these if they want them. Please let me know if there's anything you would like added to them or if you notice any mistakes I may have made.
Without Aerial
Original image: 1.2MB, 3507p x 4960p:
View attachment 21456
With Aerial
(TSE could not handle a 21MB file size so I had to lower the resolution.)
Original image: 8MB, 2338p x 3307p:
View attachment 21457