AVZ Discussion 2022


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Hi MB I was doing a reply to your previous post but then it disappeared. I’m not scaremongering but I am sending a message to the BoD to get their house in order, answer the issues and clear up conflicts of interest. As I said earlier…..I support Nige and want him to do what’s needed to ensure his position remains tenable. Happy to chat privately by mail here as I don’t need to be labelled as anything other than a genuine large shareholder who wants the absolute best outcome for AVZ.
Maybe the best way to send a message to AVZ would be to actually send a message to AVZ.

Just a thought?
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Maybe the best way to send a message to AVZ would be to actually send a message to AVZ.

Just a thought?
Now why didn’t I think of that?

Ohhhhh wait….I did🤫🤫

Was my question answered? A little. Did it make me have more questions? Yes.
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Guys, to be frank, (no not that Frank) I don't give a fuck if the ML is issued before AGM. The BoD will get no love from me.

After ML issued, I want to see dirt moving. Communities building around the mine. The people of Manono gainfully employed and the place coming alive and thriving as things are "verifiably" beginning to get done to get that powder ready to use.

Mining Licence doesn't give anyone a free ride, as we all have seen over the last 6 months, legal documents in DRC don't mean shit and it could quite likely be steamrolled by corruption, YET AGAIN!!! Rule of law has no bearing on this. Let's face it.

The only thing that will give me confidence at this stage is all of the above plus, a share price trading above $2 and rising.

If, and only if, this comes to pass then maybe the following AGM (12months time) we see where we are at and BoD can begin to feel like they are worth something beyond a shitting tin of Golden Circle with a ribbon on it for fucking Christmas.

So lets see
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You need to follow him first BEISH
That's funny......the fact of the matter is, I have never followed anyone in my entire life, not going to start now...;)
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Saw some bloke in a pineapple shirt this morning and he seemed a right happy chap! I'm taking it as a good omen for our future 🍍
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Saw some bloke in a pineapple shirt this morning and he seemed a right happy chap! I'm taking it as a good omen for our future 🍍
That's cause he's single and doesn't invest in DRC mining stocks :rolleyes:
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That's cause he's single and doesn't invest in DRC mining stocks :rolleyes:

Maybe he's smarter than all of us and saw the lithium boom as an opportunity to go hard on pineapple stonks
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The images below are high resolution, spatially accurate (provided I've not made a dumb error) representations of the north and south sections of 13359 overlaid on a map of our project. The pegmatite map was obtained from page 46 of the DFS and has been modified to remove green shading which made it hard to see what was going on, especially when overlaying the aerial. No other modifications were made to the image. It is copyright AVZ but used here as "fair use" on the grounds that:
  • It is a quotation of the information provided in the DFS.
  • It is a parody of the current project given that it depicts pegmatites that may no longer be part of our project.
The pegmatite map has been georeferenced to EPSG:32735 (WGS 84 UTM zone 35S as defined in the image title block) using the grid markers it contains and loaded into GIS software. Control points were added in EPSG:32735S to confirm the pegmatite map is georeferenced correctly. These are the 4 red dots with coordinate labels that correspond to the grid markers at the image border.

The data for the tenement boundaries was extracted manually from the DRC Mining Cadastre by hovering the mouse of each vertex and writing the coordinates (shown bottom left of the screen) to paper, then transcribing them to a spreadsheet with a conversion formula to convert from DMS (degrees minutes seconds) to DD (decimal degrees). I've assumed the cadastre uses EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) which is the same coordinate system used by Google and your phone GPS. It should be the correct assumption because this is the most common latitude and longitude coordinate system used for most purposes globally, but if there's a gross error it will probably be due to this assumption.

The aerial is the Google Satellite tile map, EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Psuedo-Mercator). Everything is reprojected to EPSG:4326 in my GIS project. If you copy the pegmatite map directly from the DFS and overlay it with the maps below it will not fit due to georeferencing and coordinate reference system (CRS) reprojection.

I have triple checked everything, it should be correct, but am not immune to human error. I'm also not sure how TSE handles high resolution images, so hopefully it's easy for anyone to download these if they want them. Please let me know if there's anything you would like added to them or if you notice any mistakes I may have made.

Without Aerial
Original image: 1.2MB, 3507p x 4960p:
Tenements and Pegmatites.png

With Aerial
(TSE could not handle a 21MB file size so I had to lower the resolution.)
Original image: 8MB, 2338p x 3307p:
Tenements and Pegmatites A200.png
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Master of Quan
The images below are high resolution, spatially accurate (provided I've not made a dumb error) representations of the north and south sections of 13359 overlaid on a map of our project. The pegmatite map was obtained from page 46 of the DFS and has been modified to remove green shading which made it hard to see what was going on, especially when overlaying the aerial. No other modifications were made to the image. It is copyright AVZ but used here as "fair use" on the grounds that:
  • It is a quotation of the information provided in the DFS.
  • It is a parody of the current project given that it depicts pegmatites that may no longer be part of our project.
The pegmatite map has been georeferenced to EPSG:32735 (WGS 84 UTM zone 35S as defined in the image title block) using the grid markers it contains and loaded into GIS software. Control points were added in EPSG:32735S to confirm the pegmatite map is georeferenced correctly. These are the 4 red dots with coordinate labels that correspond to the grid markers at the image border.

The data for the tenement boundaries was extracted manually from the DRC Mining Cadastre by hovering the mouse of each vertex and writing the coordinates (shown bottom left of the screen) to paper, then transcribing them to a spreadsheet with a conversion formula to convert from DMS (degrees minutes seconds) to DD (decimal degrees). I've assumed the cadastre uses EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) which is the same coordinate system used by Google and your phone GPS. It should be the correct assumption because this is the most common latitude and longitude coordinate system used for most purposes globally, but if there's a gross error it will probably be due to this assumption.

The aerial is the Google Satellite tile map, EPSG:3857 (WGS 84 / Psuedo-Mercator). Everything is reprojected to EPSG:4326 in my GIS project. If you copy the pegmatite map directly from the DFS and overlay it with the maps below it will not fit due to georeferencing and coordinate reference system (CRS) reprojection.

I have triple checked everything, it should be correct, but am not immune to human error. I'm also not sure how TSE handles high resolution images, so hopefully it's easy for anyone to download these if they want them. Please let me know if there's anything you would like added to them or if you notice any mistakes I may have made.

Without Aerial
Original image: 1.2MB, 3507p x 4960p:
View attachment 21456

With Aerial
(TSE could not handle a 21MB file size so I had to lower the resolution.)
Original image: 8MB, 2338p x 3307p:
View attachment 21457

Fuck it, that’s plenty.
Enough spod there to last my kids life time.
Sign it off and let’s get going ffs
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Master of Quan
Fuck it, that’s plenty.
Enough spod there to last my kids life time.
Sign it off and let’s get going ffs

Oh and if AVZ are building roads and bridges there better be a toll booth on each one to charge these mofo’s access!
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Great work Sangster
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I feel I should apologise to you guys as I've been posting like a nut bag the last few days.
Wishing all of us a great outcome.

@Doc I have to agree, just get going with what we've got. It sounds like that's the plan anyway with the comments from Nigel.
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Lets get the week rolling …going to be EPIC …Its up to the Eastern Staters Heavy Hitters
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I feel I should apologise to you guys as I've been posting like a nut bag the last few days.
Wishing all of us a great outcome.

@Doc I have to agree, just get going with what we've got. It sounds like that's the plan anyway with the comments from Nigel.

No apolgies needed bud.

The saga of AVZ over the last 5-7 years is enough drama and stress for a life time for anyone.
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Oh right, so I've just realised something with that map @Sangster.
Maybe I'm just a dope and you all realised this already, but anyway...

That northern section of pegmatites arne't all CDL. It's made up of multiple pegs. I knew that from looking at it ages ago, but in my mind the whole northern thing was CDL.
As stated in the announcement of the mining decree, we do indeed have all of CDL in the current boundary of 13359.

That always confused me and made me think that the boundary was to be reinstated as it was in the past, or something.

So now some of Nigels comments makes sense.
He mentioned he's not worried about the northern section as it contains a lot of mica (impurities).
Solo highlighted that the assays from the CDL drills showed less mica, and so of course, we are all like what the fuck mate???

He wasn't talking about CDL, he's talking about the other pegs that now lie outside 13359. I'm assuming rock chip sampling was done there and that's where this mica content data is from.
That's why he's no too worried about them.

Do we lose the alluvial tin project? looks like it, you know what? I don't care any more.

None of it is ideal, but it is what it is and I'd like us to get moving.

Anyway realising this I'm suddenly not as concerned about this snatch and grab.
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Oh right, so I've just realised something with that map @Sangster.
Maybe I'm just a dope and you all realised this already, but anyway...

That northern section of pegmatites arne't all CDL. It's made up of multiple pegs. I knew that from looking at it ages ago, but in my mind the whole northern thing was CDL.
As stated in the announcement of the mining decree, we do indeed have all of CDL in the current boundary of 13359.

That always confused me and made me think that the boundary was to be reinstated as it was in the past, or something.

So now some of Nigels comments makes sense.
He mentioned he's not worried about the northern section as it contains a lot of mica (impurities).
Solo highlighted that the assays from the CDL drills showed less mica, and so of course, we are all like what the fuck mate???

He wasn't talking about CDL, he's talking about the other pegs that now lie outside 13359. I'm assuming rock chip sampling was done there and that's where this mica content data is from.
That's why he's no too worried about them.

Do we lose the alluvial tin project? looks like it, you know what? I don't care any more.

None of it is ideal, but it is what it is and I'd like us to get moving.

Anyway realising this I'm suddenly not as concerned about this snatch and grab.
As far as I am aware, the CDL peg runs through both tenements. Its a large beast. Though as noted, there is enough for a few lifetimes in our zone.
Again noted previously, Nigel seems to think we have the purest section of CDL. Even if we don't, I genuinely could not care less. There is 4 Pilbara minerals in our section alone.
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Ok so the announcement states the following:
• The Ministerial Decree to award the Mining Licence covers the
entirety of the Roche Dure JORC Mineral Resource and Reserve2&3
and the Carriere de l’Este exploration target"

Hmm so what is the CDL exploration target does anyone know?
We got it whatever it is.
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As far as I am aware, the CDL peg runs through both tenements. Its a large beast. Though as noted, there is enough for a few lifetimes in our zone.
Again noted previously, Nigel seems to think we have the purest section of CDL. Even if we don't, I genuinely could not care less. There is 4 Pilbara minerals in our section alone.

4 x PLS you say? Sweet I'll take $20 per share thanks
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