Oh right, so I've just realised something with that map
Maybe I'm just a dope and you all realised this already, but anyway...
That northern section of pegmatites arne't all CDL. It's made up of multiple pegs. I knew that from looking at it ages ago, but in my mind the whole northern thing was CDL.
As stated in the announcement of the mining decree,
we do indeed have all of CDL in the current boundary of 13359.
That always confused me and made me think that the boundary was to be reinstated as it was in the past, or something.
So now some of Nigels comments makes sense.
He mentioned he's not worried about the northern section as it contains a lot of mica (impurities).
Solo highlighted that the assays from the CDL drills showed less mica, and so of course, we are all like what the fuck mate???
He wasn't talking about CDL, he's talking about the other pegs that now lie outside 13359. I'm assuming rock chip sampling was done there and that's where this mica content data is from.
That's why he's no too worried about them.
Do we lose the alluvial tin project? looks like it, you know what? I don't care any more.
None of it is ideal, but it is what it is and I'd like us to get moving.
Anyway realising this I'm suddenly not as concerned about this snatch and grab.