AVZ Discussion 2022


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Getting RD and the ML is not compensation for having billions of $$$ worth of mining resources stolen from us

AVZ is ALREADY legally entitled to RD and the ML

RD is part of tenement PR13359 and the Ministerial Decree for the ML has already been signed

The fucking crooks can't give us something we are already legally entitled to and say "Here you go ...accept RD and the ML as compensation for us stealing billions of $$$$$ from you"

I for one do not see we are getting ANYTHING in return for losing close to half the 13359 tenement, more than half of Malata, all of Kahungwe and a decent fucking whack of CDL to boot

Talk of rolling over and giving into their extortion practices is EXACTLY what these knts want

Fuck 'em
wooooo GIF
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If the Northern part of the tenement split is unavoidable, get the RD licence and hold up the Northern part in the courts/ICC for the next 5+ years. Two can play that game.
Government will be doing well via AVZ by then.
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Ok lets talk TO numbers . How about $2.50 - $3 ? So the punters who got in at the highs make minimum 100% profit . Those that got in earlier make 2000%+ .Then those in between .
I can hear it down the pub .
" Jeez Billy I'm pissed off with my bloody AVZ investment . Got bloody gipped ."
"Oh gee sorry to hear that Bob . Can't win em all I guess . How did it end up ? "
"Was a bloody take over had no choice but to sell . Got gipped big time ."
'' Oh shit that's no bloody good Bob . But did you at least come away with a profit ?"
" Yeh 2000% . Bloody mongrels ."
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I don't want to see criminals and scum win out against us, but we aren't here for justice are we?

It pleases me that my investment here promotes a green future and will look after the DRC people...
but that's not really what I'm doing here.

I want good and rightiousness in the world, but I'm here to make money from my investment, and there's no reason to cut off our noses to spite our face.
We need to make the best deal possible, to make the most money we can. It really is that shallow right?

Yes I want the cads to be unsuccessful in their ventures, but it's just business at the end of the day.

If we can't stop Z getting involved somehow, without putting the project on hold for another year or more, will that delay be worth the extra coin? What if we end up worse off?
I'm not a business man at all, but I imagine successful business practices never involves adopting an attitude of vengence or vendetta.
It's all about money at the end of the day. (Not saying money is the only thing, for instance I would never invest in unethical business just for $)

If we can get started now I think we need to get started now.
If Z did get involved, I think it's safer to flip it, and I for one would likely sell out of AVZ and find other opportunities.
However that still would make it an extremerly profitable investment for myself.

My dream is to own a large number of AVZ shares for decades to come, and I hope that is how it eventually plays out.
But making a deal and moving on at this stage is still VERY successful. If that's how things have to be.
Well said
Well said
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I don't want to see criminals and scum win out against us, but we aren't here for justice are we?

It pleases me that my investment here promotes a green future and will look after the DRC people...
but that's not really what I'm doing here.

I want good and rightiousness in the world, but I'm here to make money from my investment, and there's no reason to cut off our noses to spite our face.
We need to make the best deal possible, to make the most money we can. It really is that shallow right?

Yes I want the cads to be unsuccessful in their ventures, but it's just business at the end of the day.

If we can't stop Z getting involved somehow, without putting the project on hold for another year or more, will that delay be worth the extra coin? What if we end up worse off?
I'm not a business man at all, but I imagine successful business practices never involves adopting an attitude of vengence or vendetta.
It's all about money at the end of the day. (Not saying money is the only thing, for instance I would never invest in unethical business just for $)

If we can get started now I think we need to get started now.
If Z did get involved, I think it's safer to flip it, and I for one would likely sell out of AVZ and find other opportunities.
However that still would make it an extremerly profitable investment for myself.

My dream is to own a large number of AVZ shares for decades to come, and I hope that is how it eventually plays out.
But making a deal and moving on at this stage is still VERY successful. If that's how things have to be.
Well said

Businesses don't make the big money by being weak and insipid in the the face of predatory criminal activity by slimy fkn knts

Yeah agree negotiations and deals can be beneficial and the art of doing them well in business can really add value when honest and upfront parties come to the table

But that aint what we're talkin' about here

These guys are out and out fucking crooks, liars, sham artists and are engaged in bribery at the highest levels

AVZ could make a well intentioned deal that prima facie would look reasonable and productive with the view of getting the project off the ground sooner rather than later.....I get that....it would seem logical to negotiate a beneficial outcome like that

But I bet you a pound to a penny those greasy fking mofo's would be back to fuck us over in as many ways possible with no regard for any fucking deal they may choose to sign their filthy shithouse names to

They have no moral compass, they have no regard for the law, they have no regard for your investment, they want everything they can get (including your money) by any means at their disposal and I guarantee they will not cease and desist from that modus operandi while the knts draw breath
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Ok lets talk TO numbers . How about $2.50 - $3 ? So the punters who got in at the highs make minimum 100% profit . Those that got in earlier make 2000%+ .Then those in between .
I can hear it down the pub .
" Jeez Billy I'm pissed off with my bloody AVZ investment . Got bloody gipped ."
"Oh gee sorry to hear that Bob . Can't win em all I guess . How did it end up ? "
"Was a bloody take over had no choice but to sell . Got gipped big time ."
'' Oh shit that's no bloody good Bob . But did you at least come away with a profit ?"
" Yeh 2000% . Bloody mongrels ."
hahaha i am def Bob... :sneaky::LOL:
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Wonder if Tim’s going tonight or Melb /Syd ..he’ll defiantly”Tell”
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Hates a beer
So, who's keen to catch up for a beer before the Sydney RS?
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Looking at all the development and conflict in Manono, and how influential Zijin(Brown bag)the wishful thinking would be.

1. Avz split 24% to 9% @ $90M to Cath and 15% @ $150M to Zijin. Still maintaining $240M
2. Zijin stops all the arbitration and use its influence get ML.
3. Avz acquire remaining 15% FROR ( with out Zijin objection) to take its stake to 66%.
4. Zijin develop the hydropower on their own cost but provide power to AVZ.
5. Dathcom apply the North CDL extension and renew it for exploration.
6. Final Dathcom structure becomes.

66% AVZ
15% Zijin
10% DRC
9% Cath

And we all go mining within 2023.
Ok lets talk TO numbers . How about $2.50 - $3 ? So the punters who got in at the highs make minimum 100% profit . Those that got in earlier make 2000%+ .Then those in between .
I can hear it down the pub .
" Jeez Billy I'm pissed off with my bloody AVZ investment . Got bloody gipped ."
"Oh gee sorry to hear that Bob . Can't win em all I guess . How did it end up ? "
"Was a bloody take over had no choice but to sell . Got gipped big time ."
'' Oh shit that's no bloody good Bob . But did you at least come away with a profit ?"
" Yeh 2000% . Bloody mongrels ."
Mate i'd take $3 in a heartbeat and be done with it. So many grubs and criminals involved at all levels. Klaus, AJN, Cong, Zijing are clearly all colluding to make our life hell. It's just too hard.

Sell the fukker and get the hell out of dodge i say. People wanting AVZ to run a PLS or FMG type operation out of the DRC are dreaming long term. It's too hard, no one wants to live there and spend the time to bring it to fruition. Only the Chinese with their abominable human rights record will have the gumption to make it work. It is sad, but true, and proven to date in the DRC. When we get the mining license we will see the next round of drama sent our way with hurdles to jump and mountains to climb. Just show me the money and see you farking later.
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Businesses don't make the big money by being weak and insipid in the the face of predatory criminal activity by slimy fkn knts

Yeah agree negotiations and deals can be beneficial and the art of doing them well in business can really add value when honest and upfront parties come to the table

But that aint what we're talkin' about here

These guys are out and out fucking crooks, liars, sham artists and are engaged in bribery at the highest levels

AVZ could make a well intentioned deal that prima facie would look reasonable and productive with the view of getting the project off the ground sooner rather than later.....I get that....it would seem logical to negotiate a beneficial outcome like that

But I bet you a pound to a penny those greasy fking mofo's would be back to fuck us over in as many ways possible with no regard for any fucking deal they may choose to sign their filthy shithouse names to

They have no moral compass, they have no regard for the law, they have no regard for your investment, they want everything they can get (including your money) by any means at their disposal and I guarantee they will not cease and desist from that modus operandi while the knts draw breath
They might have a spot open at the IGF for you Wino.

Do you want to put off the ML (if that's what it takes) for longer giving said dastardly characters more time to dream up ways to get everything?
Can you imagine the endless bullshit thrown at us if we decide to put off the ML for longer?
As others have said, if we are offered the ML now for RD, take it, then tie them up for years with the rest of it.
I don't peronally know the risks obviously, but waiting longer sounds riskier to me.

I'm dirty on all those mongrels too mate, but I'm not here to deliver Justice.
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What have Zijin got so far? A shitty tenement to the south east of us, which originally got played on the nearology thematic. Force found fuck all, and ran off into the sunset. Good luck with that.

Oh, I missed a line off - they wouldn't be able to tie up infrastructure for exclusive use, with out the product to make use of it

Kia kaha shareholders. Brisbane tonight. Ask the questions
Also high in "mica" I heard 🤣😉
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Ok lets talk TO numbers . How about $2.50 - $3 ? So the punters who got in at the highs make minimum 100% profit . Those that got in earlier make 2000%+ .Then those in between .
I can hear it down the pub .
" Jeez Billy I'm pissed off with my bloody AVZ investment . Got bloody gipped ."
"Oh gee sorry to hear that Bob . Can't win em all I guess . How did it end up ? "
"Was a bloody take over had no choice but to sell . Got gipped big time ."
'' Oh shit that's no bloody good Bob . But did you at least come away with a profit ?"
" Yeh 2000% . Bloody mongrels ."
Haha love it....meanwhile Nige is down the Monaco Yacht Club with Klaus admiring their 250' superyachts laughing at the mug punters who let CDL be stolen o_Oo_O
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Plums are tingling last few days I reckon good news not far away! 🍍
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As a former director of AVZ now positioned to try and pinch part of AVZ's tenement surely there are some avenues to pursue there?
Or can these fucking corporate criminals just get away with whatever they like?
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Actually I might need to see a doctor about that 🤔
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Ok lets talk TO numbers . How about $2.50 - $3 ? So the punters who got in at the highs make minimum 100% profit . Those that got in earlier make 2000%+ .Then those in between .
I can hear it down the pub .
" Jeez Billy I'm pissed off with my bloody AVZ investment . Got bloody gipped ."
"Oh gee sorry to hear that Bob . Can't win em all I guess . How did it end up ? "
"Was a bloody take over had no choice but to sell . Got gipped big time ."
'' Oh shit that's no bloody good Bob . But did you at least come away with a profit ?"
" Yeh 2000% . Bloody mongrels ."
At 3$ that would be someone paying AUD 10.5B... for a excellent resource, but one that's not even really started into development, let alone production. 10.5B for an unfinished 150 man camp, a roller and a digger. Sure, and a shed load of lithium, but also a shed load of headaches and problems - what we've seen is likely on the beginning of drama.

I don't think there's any real likelihood of getting near that figure. The only way I feel to realise these kind of numbers is go into production. After we are producing at nameplate, I could see a takeover above this level, but not whilst we haven't even got a contractor or finalised design, let alone a working mine and transport infrastructure.

I know I'll get shouted down by some here as I have before for airing similar thoughts, but I just don't see a takeover like that as realistic for unbroken ground facing all sorts of hurdles, regardless of its potential value.
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At 3$ that would be someone paying AUD 10.5B... for a excellent resource, but one that's not even really started into development, let alone production. 10.5B for a 150 man camp, a roller and a digger. Sure, and a shed load of lithium, but also a shed load of headaches and problems - what we've seen is likely on the beginning of drama.

I don't think there's any real likelihood of getting near that figure. The only way I feel to realise these kind of numbers is go into production. After we are producing at nameplate, I could see a takeover above this level, but not whilst we haven't even got a contractor or finalised design, let alone a working mine and transport infrastructure.

I know I'll get shouted down by some here as I have before for airing similar thoughts, but I just don't see a takeover like that as realistic.
I'm on record saying $1.50 , but I know it upsets people . That's $75 mil for Nige .
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As a former director of AVZ now positioned to try and pinch part of AVZ's tenement surely there are some avenues to pursue there?
Or can these fucking corporate criminals just get away with whatever they like?
Probably not much can be done with Klaus..........but Nige and Huljich may have something to answer for as they were AVZ directors while the carve up of PR13359 was being planned and implemented.
Nige + Huljich = AVZ
Nige + Klaus = AJN
Huljich + Klaus = ANL
AVZ + AJN + ANL = :devilish::devilish::devilish:

all imo
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A wise man once said! "Never prepare for a pineappling when the enemy doesn't even have any fucking pineapples" Mark Twain 1908
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