Top 20
DRC owns 90% of Cominiere I think…. I think it’s more unsubstantiated bullshit
I think I have found where that bullshit article came from…. Have a look at the top of this attachment
DRC owns 90% of Cominiere I think…. I think it’s more unsubstantiated bullshit
Sorry MB. What do you mean? Tommy passing ideas to Cominere, Ziljin & Cong?I think I have found where that bullshit article came from…. Have a look at the top of this attachment View attachment 21379
It will be a very interesting RS event in Melbourne next week.–Mwanga_Hydroelectric_Power_Station
I'm down to the "special reserve" in the shed.I'm back from today's lower grade cricket match - I am 61yo and play in the same team as my 16yo son. We rolled the other team for 42 and passed them in 15 overs with a couple of wickets down, so an early finish means an early start on the beers .....
View attachment 21382
Right... So it was so bad that no one can even open their mouths anymore. Just two days after a positive roadshow, this one was full of the worst possible news for shareholders. Makes senseNo news from the NZ roadshow = horror story... sorry to say.
I dont think you can draw that conclusion. I think the company stressed the importance of keeping things private and low key, shits me to depth all the secrecy but if in the end we get the result I'm glad they did it. for all we know, they may have got them to sign NDA's. if @muks has been online and hasnt commented then that to me tells me the company has asked people to shutup. it would be nice though to get someone from nz to simply give a thumbs up or the like on what they heard. regardless I'm fortunate to get a seat on tuesdays rs so just have to wait, its a long wait.No news from the NZ roadshow = horror story... sorry to say.
sorry to shits me to death, not depthI dont think you can draw that conclusion. I think the company stressed the importance of keeping things private and low key, shits me to depth all the secrecy but if in the end we get the result I'm glad they did it. for all we know, they may have got them to sign NDA's. if @muks has been online and hasnt commented then that to me tells me the company has asked people to shutup. it would be nice though to get someone from nz to simply give a thumbs up or the like on what they heard. regardless I'm fortunate to get a seat on tuesdays rs so just have to wait, its a long wait.
keep the faith and hopefully good news soon.
No explanation offered so far makes any sense to me. It cant be so secret that everyone takes an oath to never mention it again. If it was so essential to keep it under wraps then obviously a roadshow with a bunch of random investors wouldnt go ahead.Nope, they would have said, sorry, i cant say anything. Its real bad news
Yup I agree, its a code of silence. We're in suspension anyways so no harm waiting lolI dont think you can draw that conclusion. I think the company stressed the importance of keeping things private and low key, shits me to depth all the secrecy but if in the end we get the result I'm glad they did it. for all we know, they may have got them to sign NDA's. if @muks has been online and hasnt commented then that to me tells me the company has asked people to shutup. it would be nice though to get someone from nz to simply give a thumbs up or the like on what they heard. regardless I'm fortunate to get a seat on tuesdays rs so just have to wait, its a long wait.
keep the faith and hopefully good news soon.
Yes …be well & truly primed WA time ..we having “Pink Stumps” drink @local complex tonight …could be Mantle time …Im overdueWell we've opened the bar where I live
BBQ and grill started
Middle eastern lamb and pistachio patties, pocket pita, roast eggplant baba ganoush, grilled halloumi and rocket salad on the menu
The weathers warm ....
Happy daze
Look forward to everyone else opening their bars, getting on the sauce for about 5 hours and returning to TSE later in the evening to unleash all hell and vent their spleens in the most appalling and humorous of manners
Until then
I bid you all....adieu
View attachment 21380
Signed:The same website has posted another hit piece on avz again this morning, having a go at all the NGOs which asked for cominiere and zijin to be punished.
RDC - Prétendue corruption de ZIJIN : Les ONG accusatrices n’ont effectué aucune recherche propre sur le projet Manono Lithium (Avocat)
En date du 15 octobre courant, des accusés de réception d’une série des lettres, semble-t-il, écrites par les organisations et plateformes de la société civile de la R D Congo CDH, ESPOIR ONGD, GANVE, JUSTICIA Asbl, LICOCO, MAX IMPACT, MDR, POM, RCEN et TPRDC en rapport notamment avec le
I'm expecting a third piece later today claiming Nigel is the anti-christ.
Clearly these paid articles are getting more frequent. First from, now 7sur7.
This excites me
I think the material and info presented will be all the same at all RSs. Ofcourse questions will be different but NF is too experienced to say anything that will be material, especially after 6 months of total silence. Wait for next week's RSs, many more posters here going to those. I doubt anything material will come out before an official announcement.No news from the NZ roadshow = horror story... sorry to say.
Tell me you have three balls without telling me you have three ballsThe Article about the Hydro-power facility has no date, no name, list zero sources, published on the dodgiest looking web site, written in biased language and is agenda driven.
The same language used in the tweet, and it also uses the same picture that the used in their tweet.
I will bet both my nuts that this is 100% bullshit, fake, rubbish. *** YES BOTH NUTS MY DUDES! ***
I'm now completely unconcerned about it. We will seek clarification of course.
Unless DRC leadership steps in.Yeah we partnered with the DRC department of petroleum and energy to investigate the refurbishment, but only through an MoU - no contract I believe was ever reached. But ever since Zijin came into play the state-owned Cominiere has been refuting the DPE's right to decude ahything to do with the plant, as they claim they 100% own it, I believe based on some allegedly pre-existing purchase contract from a few decades ago. I've never seen any response to this from the DPE, and its probably just a tactic, but it's another thing that could end up in the courts if cominiere want to press their claim over the facility. Unless DRC leadership steps in.
DBloody hell, now it's the hydro power station. Is there anything left for those dodgy pricks to challenge?
We clearly need some heavy-hitting legal eagle in our corner.
I know just the man for the job.
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