AVZ Discussion 2022


Master of Quan
View attachment 20849

I know this was posted before but it got lost in transmission with the Roadshow and troll cussing........

Just have a look at the intercepts and grade .........:eek::eek::eek:

No wonder the scum Cong / Zijin want to get in the back door with this.......facilitating snacks to head of CAMI and corrupt others to do their bidding!!

View attachment 20858

Nothing compares.

And the scary thing is..............CDL is even bigger........:p:p

This is why i invested.

Enough wasted time..............lets get this bad boy in construction / production.

Give the DRC a massive lifestyle re rate and save the planet in the process.

If all parties get their act together, AVZ will be the next FMG in the lithium space.



View attachment 20862


Hi mate. Would you have any idea as to why Nigel would say the meat is in RD not CDL when most of us ( including me ) say CDL is the larger peg?
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Is anyone able to elaborate on the biblical 4:58 email that has turned pitchforks into flowers?
My interpretation is the email is about securing a meeting with the DRC President.
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One of the things I took out of last night was Nigel talking about meeting Felix for the first time and the President said to Nigel "I have been looking forward to meeting you Mr Ferguson, you have the sins of all of Jerusalem on your head"! i.e. those who have been working against us had well and truly poisoned the AVZ well. NF said he was ready to let fly with a few retorts about those operators but kept his cool and didn't respond as he would have liked. Also that when Marius started to represent us he told the BoD that things were pretty grim and that they had done a pretty good job at shaming AVZ. However the Pres sent his people down to Manono who took photos and videos and spoke to the locals and reported back to Felix that AVZ have done all the work, are looking after the locals, sourcing local bricks and material and that AVZ are honourable and altruistic. Felix now understands what's been happening.

Another point NF raised was that AVZ were under the impression we had to carve up out a portion for the Govt's use only and that request was made under the President's name. When Felix found out about this request he said it was completely unauthorised by him.

I went in last night not with a pitchfork but open to listening, was confident that the BoD know what they are doing. NF spoke virtually off the cuff for over an hour, almost unaided by notes and halfway through I thought this is good. Everything was clarified, I understand the reasons for the bland ASX announcements (don't telegraph your enemies) and he reiterated my belief that he has 20 years experience in Africa and his eyes were wide open to what we could come up against.

One reassurance I have had during the last six months was the ASX's comfort with what the BoD were doing, there hadn't seemed any objection to the continuation of the Trading Halt, they appeared to be pretty comfortable with it and must be right across the issues. Last night reaffirmed that, Ben appears to have been keeping the ASX more than informed.

Am very confident of a bright future, although this halt seems like it's dragged on longer that bloody covid.

That was my pizza too by the way :ROFLMAO: and it was delicious, pineapple wasn't an option !

Have a great day everyone
Brilliant pst Kenno thanks heaps!
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I voted YES if that helps your cause.

Honesty is the best policy apparently, much appreciated :ROFLMAO:
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As a good friend called Frank would say

To remind....

View attachment 20847

I suggest everyone re-aquaint themselves with the rules and if you believe a poster has breached these rules (particularly in an ongoing manner) then as advised report them appropriately

That will be the very best way of assisting the operators and moderators of TSE in maintaining the safe, rare and special environment that genuine posters here are so grateful to experience

Hence I have just used the Ignore button, I wanted to hear more from DG as I thought he has much more to contribute but he is, as we all know, talks in riddles and not a straight shooter.
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View attachment 20849

I know this was posted before but it got lost in transmission with the Roadshow and troll cussing........

Just have a look at the intercepts and grade .........:eek::eek::eek:

No wonder the scum Cong / Zijin want to get in the back door with this.......facilitating snacks to head of CAMI and corrupt others to do their bidding!!

View attachment 20858

Nothing compares.

And the scary thing is..............CDL is even bigger........:p:p

This is why i invested.

Enough wasted time..............lets get this bad boy in construction / production.

Give the DRC a massive lifestyle re rate and save the planet in the process.

If all parties get their act together, AVZ will be the next FMG in the lithium space.



View attachment 20862

Well done @BEISHA - shared your knowledge perfectly.


Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 2.04.22 pm.png

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Hi mate. Would you have any idea as to why Nigel would say the meat is in RD not CDL when most of us ( including me ) say CDL is the larger peg?
Well clearly the meat is in RD.........400mt @ 1.67% and growing, open in all directions.

CDL is purported to be 3/4 times larger going by past announcements...........inferred of course not indicated.

As i have mentioned before, if we can retain our rights to RD & CDL.............i couldnt give a crap about any other tennements we have.

You will have enuff white oil for 300yrs.

This is why Nigel and team are doing the good fight..........tedious as it maybe.

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Well clearly the meat is in RD.........400mt @ 1.67% and growing, open in all directions.

CDL is purported to be 3/4 times larger going by past announcements...........inferred of course not indicated.

As i have mentioned before, if we can retain our rights to RD & CDL.............i couldnt give a crap about any other tennements we have.

You will have enuff white oil for 300yrs.

This is why Nigel and team are doing the good fight..........tedious as it maybe.

it was mentioned by one of the posters earlier in the thread that mica content was higher in cdl and therefore rdl was preferred. cant recall who said it or how far back.
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Hi mate. Would you have any idea as to why Nigel would say the meat is in RD not CDL when most of us ( including me ) say CDL is the larger peg?
Mica, RD is a purer product
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Good morning folks.

Have to say I'm disappointed. I don't know why or how everyone suddenly changes from yesterday brandishing pitchforks and flaming torches to suddenly slipping off their seats because JAG says he's seen an image of something that tells him everything is gonna be alright.

I mean it's easy to understand how one might want to cling to any skerrick of hope after the mind blowing shitstorm of misinformation, disinformation and social media skullduggery we've had to endure but my sentiments have not changed at all.

The way I see it is this. Anything JAG might have seen and as he says, might be willing to share to a select few, is in no way evidence that there will be a favourable outcome towards the company et al its shareholders or the residents of Manono because it is immaterial. If it is not immaterial then it would come in the form of, or be included in an ASX announcement to Market. If it is material and has not been announced formally to market then, this is a big problem and needs addressing.

In the bast 6 months we've had all manner of positive signs and social media posts to make us think that something is about to happen. From the Momentum Lawyers teasing us with sneaky snippets to the arrivals of machinery on site to workers posing for class photos. Even Franck Fwamba doing God's work exposing the corruption in CAMI. And let's not forget the video of Zijin themselves admitting, on camera, they were trying to pull a fast one. This list goes on.

Where has it all left us? Nowhere. No further forward than where we were 6 months ago. Because we still have no Mining Licence. End of story.
And until we do have that ML in the form of an offical ASX announcement or "Material" information otherwise reflecting that, everything else is just immaterial noise and should be taken in the same light as we can now retrospectively see all these other seemingly positive steps for what they were.

I think I agree with a few other posters, their names escape me now but this so called "secret slideshow" is nothing but a honey pot sweetener to build into each roadshow as they trundle towards the AGM in the hope that a group of trusted, key influencers will have by then flipped the narrative and BoD can build in their next tranche of performance bonuses with minimal opposition despite still spinning wheels on the same oily bit of road to Manono.

And so far it seems to have worked. Just look at the change in mood from last night before JAG gave his cryptic update to today. I mean, I know we are all tired and hungry for some sense of normalcy and light at the end of the tunnel but I don't know... I guess I just find the whole bipolar nature of it all simply staggering.

No more I say. No more snouts in trough or hands in cookie jar or freebies until we get the ML the caterers are cooking the dirt is moving, the share price is above a nominal level. Let's get real folks. Enough is enough.

(pst... that said @JAG ... if you want to flick me those slides I'd be more than happy to take a look :ROFLMAO:).
"Where has it all left us? Nowhere. No further forward than where we were 6 months ago. Because we still have no Mining Licence. End of story"

That is like sitting and waiting at the finish line of a marathon and saying the athletes have done shit all for the last two hours and only recognise their effort once they appear at the line.
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Got a link to that ?
It was explained by Nigel that CDL is harder to process due to a high mica content, so the link will have to be to Nigel's mouth.

However if you Google Mica processing, you will find that Mica is hard to grind and needs all sorts of fancy chemicals to be able to remove the mica in a floatation process.

Therefore first mine RD and generate cash.
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It was explained by Nigel that CDL is harder to process due to a high mica content, so the link will have to be to Nigel's mouth.

However if you Google Mica processing, you will find that Mica is hard to grind and needs all sorts of fancy chemicals to be able to remove the mica in a floatation process.

Therefore first mine RD and generate cash.
Thanks bud..........i am very aware that mica is a devil, alot more processing which in turns leads to more opex which leads to less profit.

But CDL is very much worth keeping up the sleeve........still big profit to make never the less.

Makes perfect sense, RD in production, then cream some of that massive profit in due course then focus on CDL.

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@Kenno61 and @JAG much respect and appreciation... thanks for your notes.

I am heading to the melbourne preso.... and will ask questions there... If there is anything further you think of or want clarity on please let us know... particularly after you've had some time to ponder...

I have been bullish the last few weeks... but, wary of myself being gullible and hearing what i "want" to hear at the melbourne roadshow and read here and on twitter etc.... was there anything of evidence so to speak provided that could indicate / verify this to be not just lip service from NF?
Mate I watched the body language as we arrived on NF, Ben & Jan and was pleasantly surprised. There was no trepidation or angst and all three were calm, approachable, professional but friendly (certainly no sweatbuckets :) ). Then as the address got underway all the information was laid out for all to read and see that it was exactly as it is. No bs required and Nigel's tone and self depreciation showed it could not have been more sincere.

As for the question about the 4.58 email appearing with fairy dust, it was virtually last up and I for one was well and truly off the fence by then.
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It was explained by Nigel that CDL is harder to process due to a high mica content, so the link will have to be to Nigel's mouth.

However if you Google Mica processing, you will find that Mica is hard to grind and needs all sorts of fancy chemicals to be able to remove the mica in a floatation process.

Therefore first mine RD and generate cash.

So we start by using RD to power the world (store the power for the world) and generate the cash to get CDL up and mining to put into TV remotes and mobile phones etc. Sounds like it will make all us holders rich.

I like what I'm hearing about CATL being open to a lower ownership percentage because they just want the product. Sounds like they are just happy to be here.

If Zijin were to get their grubby mitts on any percentage I don't imagine they will enjoy not being in charge and will be angry little men, maybe better if they just accept defeat and go rip some other poor locals off.
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The other thing I have on my mind since yesterday is that how come 2cents Tommy knew about the April 23rd date for ICC. Zijin obviously disclosing this to him and then they are telling NF to keep things under the wraps, it doesn’t add up , is Zijin truely wants to walk away quietly?

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"Where has it all left us? Nowhere. No further forward than where we were 6 months ago. Because we still have no Mining Licence. End of story"

That is like sitting and waiting at the finish line of a marathon and saying the athletes have done shit all for the last two hours and only recognise their effort once they appear at the line.

It's a poor analogy because athletes have not won the race until they have crossed the finish line and are standing on the podium doing a shoey.

No matter how much training and effort their coach claims they have put in to win said race, or past performance proves they are capable of winning the race. Or even social media supporters behind them tweeting every stage of them running the race and doing ok, if they trip and fall in the last 50 meters or a rogue bear leaps from the shrubs and mauls them, they haven't and wont win the race will they? You can give them a pat on the back and say 'Well done for giving it your best shot', but if you've wagered most of your hard earned on them winning, it bet you don't.

Anyway excuse me because I have a race to watch.
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Thanks bud..........i am very aware that mica is a devil, alot more processing which in turns leads to more opex which leads to less profit.

But CDL is very much worth keeping up the sleeve........still big profit to make never the less.

Makes perfect sense, RD in production, then cream some of that massive profit in due course then focus on CDL.

As far as I understand, Nigel has no plans at all to desert CDL or give CDL away as dessert to some other mob.

Nigel is fully aware that he has to walk before he can start running.

I was very impressed with Nigel's performance and hope for all that future RS's will be as informative as this one, it was good.
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