AVZ Discussion 2022

COP 27 = 6-18/11/2022 but 1st week is when world leaders present. US mid-terms are mostly 8/11/2022. Hoping we get good news for DRC from either/both events, triggering finalisation of DRC Li-Battery supply chain, including ML for AVZ, by next W/C 7/11/2022. P.S. keen to meet other Melbourne RS attendees for 1 hour before RS on 8/11/2022. Br Sparrowhawk
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Exactly. Grass seeds is spot on.
I would have thought a person with your own level of self-worth would understand the difference.

Obviously not.

JAG shared everything he had. You don't. Simple.

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Great work @JAG so good to have some idea what's likely going on!

Just a quick one regarding pineappling, are the BOD aware of and or concerned about the potential pineappling in store should this turn out to be more fluff than anything? 🤔🍍

Cheers mate 👍
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All good mate.

Let's hope this AVZ horse comes home for us big time.

*Ditto Bro,

Speaking of Horses for courses :)

#Horse !.jpg

Tortoises on the Track :)


My Tip for the Cup is (y)


Food for thought :unsure:

Giddy Up 🐴

Frank :cool:
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i presume that the ownership would be:

DRC: 10%
Cath: 9%
AVZ: 81%
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One of the things I took out of last night was Nigel talking about meeting Felix for the first time and the President said to Nigel "I have been looking forward to meeting you Mr Ferguson, you have the sins of all of Jerusalem on your head"! i.e. those who have been working against us had well and truly poisoned the AVZ well. NF said he was ready to let fly with a few retorts about those operators but kept his cool and didn't respond as he would have liked. Also that when Marius started to represent us he told the BoD that things were pretty grim and that they had done a pretty good job at shaming AVZ. However the Pres sent his people down to Manono who took photos and videos and spoke to the locals and reported back to Felix that AVZ have done all the work, are looking after the locals, sourcing local bricks and material and that AVZ are honourable and altruistic. Felix now understands what's been happening.

Another point NF raised was that AVZ were under the impression we had to carve up out a portion for the Govt's use only and that request was made under the President's name. When Felix found out about this request he said it was completely unauthorised by him.

I went in last night not with a pitchfork but open to listening, was confident that the BoD know what they are doing. NF spoke virtually off the cuff for over an hour, almost unaided by notes and halfway through I thought this is good. Everything was clarified, I understand the reasons for the bland ASX announcements (don't telegraph your enemies) and he reiterated my belief that he has 20 years experience in Africa and his eyes were wide open to what we could come up against.

One reassurance I have had during the last six months was the ASX's comfort with what the BoD were doing, there hadn't seemed any objection to the continuation of the Trading Halt, they appeared to be pretty comfortable with it and must be right across the issues. Last night reaffirmed that, Ben appears to have been keeping the ASX more than informed.

Am very confident of a bright future, although this halt seems like it's dragged on longer that bloody covid.

That was my pizza too by the way :ROFLMAO: and it was delicious, pineapple wasn't an option !

Have a great day everyone
Thanks Kenno, thats awesome. But seriously was there peperoni on it? Im about to make one for lunch which has been delayed due to getting the popcorn out to read the WA1 announcment. Der fark thats going crazy if anyone else is watching?
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I didn't get an invite either, I know, Hard to believe, but True :eek:

Until i picked up the Phone and said, This is Frank - WTF :rolleyes:

Had one arrive in my Inbox a few Hrs later thanks to Jodie at HQ :love:

Try it you might like it instead of getting your knickers in a knot Bro :(

Hope it's Not too late :unsure:

If that doesn't work for you

View attachment 20828

Food for thought :unsure:

Your Welcome (y)

Relax :)

Frank :cool:

How could Jodie refuse 🤷‍♂️
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I just did..........now need other members to follow the lead.........today fuckers !!!!
Yep Just done it as well, if you want this forum to end up like HC do nothing. Otherwise, you know what to do (y)
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Hi All

Unfortunately I think the genie has to come out of the bottle.....:unsure:

What was a very harmonious forum is turning into the crapper....:(

@JAG ...shouldn't have to PM everyone to share good news in spite of a few .....if you get my drift....it should be shared and discussed openly.

Division is clear.....don't want to see excellent posters making a exodus.

We all know how this system works .....if you are a paid up member , then you know what you must do.......asap.

Then zeebot can make the call

Btw Beisha,

Just saying, I started to folllow this forum when you left HC. Missed ur chart for GLN and LTR. ( good call on the ABC wave back then.)

Keep up the good chart !
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Btw Beisha,

Just saying, I started to folllow this forum when you left HC. Missed ur chart for GLN and LTR. ( good call on the ABC wave back then.)

Keep up the good chart !
Didnt leave HC, some short sighted morons permanently suspended me.

Anyway........it was for the best, cause HC is a rabbit hole, much happier here, get to communicate with real people and have a bit more freedom of expression.

I have been a bit slack of late with my charts.......i will update the GLN chart thread soon, i see you are also a holder of LTR, even tho i dont hold anymore, will give you a update on that too..will tag you in.

Would be really nice to chart AVZ once again too.......:unsure:

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Hates a beer
Thank you Jag and the others who were there last night and shared their thoughts. I'm looking forward to going to the Sydney session next week - maybe there will be some more news between now and then to celebrate
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I just did..........now need other members to follow the lead.........today.
I was thinking we do a poll on one of the post with the name of trolls on it and tag the admin.
Every thumbs up 👍 will count as one vote and in that way admin will know what the people want and kick them out or let them stay ?

Edit: on second thought, we don’t want to disclose the identity of voters? Can everyone see who used the thumbs-up or the original poster only have privileges?
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One of the things I took out of last night was Nigel talking about meeting Felix for the first time and the President said to Nigel "I have been looking forward to meeting you Mr Ferguson, you have the sins of all of Jerusalem on your head"! i.e. those who have been working against us had well and truly poisoned the AVZ well. NF said he was ready to let fly with a few retorts about those operators but kept his cool and didn't respond as he would have liked. Also that when Marius started to represent us he told the BoD that things were pretty grim and that they had done a pretty good job at shaming AVZ. However the Pres sent his people down to Manono who took photos and videos and spoke to the locals and reported back to Felix that AVZ have done all the work, are looking after the locals, sourcing local bricks and material and that AVZ are honourable and altruistic. Felix now understands what's been happening.

Another point NF raised was that AVZ were under the impression we had to carve up out a portion for the Govt's use only and that request was made under the President's name. When Felix found out about this request he said it was completely unauthorised by him.

I went in last night not with a pitchfork but open to listening, was confident that the BoD know what they are doing. NF spoke virtually off the cuff for over an hour, almost unaided by notes and halfway through I thought this is good. Everything was clarified, I understand the reasons for the bland ASX announcements (don't telegraph your enemies) and he reiterated my belief that he has 20 years experience in Africa and his eyes were wide open to what we could come up against.

One reassurance I have had during the last six months was the ASX's comfort with what the BoD were doing, there hadn't seemed any objection to the continuation of the Trading Halt, they appeared to be pretty comfortable with it and must be right across the issues. Last night reaffirmed that, Ben appears to have been keeping the ASX more than informed.

Am very confident of a bright future, although this halt seems like it's dragged on longer that bloody covid.

That was my pizza too by the way :ROFLMAO: and it was delicious, pineapple wasn't an option !

Have a great day everyone
@Kenno61 and @JAG much respect and appreciation... thanks for your notes.

I am heading to the melbourne preso.... and will ask questions there... If there is anything further you think of or want clarity on please let us know... particularly after you've had some time to ponder...

I have been bullish the last few weeks... but, wary of myself being gullible and hearing what i "want" to hear at the melbourne roadshow and read here and on twitter etc.... was there anything of evidence so to speak provided that could indicate / verify this to be not just lip service from NF?
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I just did..........now need other members to follow the lead.........today.
Done 👍
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I was thinking we do a poll on one of the post with the name of trolls on it and tag the admin.
Every thumbs up 👍 will count as one vote and in that way admin will know what the people want and kick them out or let them stay ?

Edit: on second thought, we don’t want to disclose the identity of voters? Can everyone see who used the thumbs-up or the original poster only have privileges?
As a good friend called Frank would say

To remind....


I suggest everyone re-aquaint themselves with the rules and if you believe a poster has breached these rules (particularly in an ongoing manner) then as advised report them appropriately

That will be the very best way of assisting the operators and moderators of TSE in maintaining the safe, rare and special environment that genuine posters here are so grateful to experience

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Morning All.

I have gone through my notes and the below is the best I can do to make any sense so please don’t shoot me.

Nigel spoke open and honest in my opinion and allowed some to speak during his presentation which is rare. Ben and Jan also spoke during question time and provided feedback.

Throughout the slides I was able to tick off some of the questions we had ready as they were explained throughout the course of the night and by others who asked at question time. Those who do attend the next RS's will understand when they attend if you know what I mean.

Key Points


Nigel and the team are adamant that we hold 75% by law with no concerns whatsoever


  • ICC set for April 2023. Whilst Zijin have pulled out of the %15 with the mines minister (re video) AVZ is waiting to receive this formally by way of letter from the Minister advising just that
  • Zijin are claiming to be a holder in AVZ and therefore have rights of which they are not.
  • Zijin have requested that the ICC case is kept private and not disclosed to the public. AVZ have argued with the arbitrator and it has been agreed that the findings will be made public (embarrassment for Zijin)
  • It was detailed and explanatory leaving me to have no question as to the bullshit and lies of Zijin
  • Upon review of evidence by ICC, it’s expected my left nut will remain intact

  • The delay in ML has nothing to do with any court case, boatman report or $2 Tommy report.
  • All 3 favorable opinions have been signed with the wait being CAMI who is colluding with Simon Cong and 2 others. The head of CAMI will not be in the chair for much longer.
  • IGF report complete and sides with AVZ
  • No issue with surface rights. Approx $240-$280,000 per year
  • AVZ will not trade until the ML has been issued. A date was provided however to keep the Trolls on edge and guessing I will not be saying (I will put my pitchfork away until this date)
  • Marius Mihigo is on the AVZ books and has been instrumental in lobbying the Gov. A meeting with the President was to occur today to provide the President and update. The President is not happy with his Mining Dept. It is clear the President is supportive of AVZ
  • Southern section is where the good powder is. Not fussed about northern section.
4th May (the force is strong)

AVZ was made aware of 3rd party interference 4th May and subsequently reported this to the ASX and SH. The interference is Zijin/Simon Cong/CAMI

AVZ Announcements

These have been bland for a reason. So as not to give anything to those who are interfering as above.


  • Our relationship is extremely strong with them. Whilst it shows they will have 24% in the graphs they are not interested in that; they want product only and there is a possibility that the CATH % could drop to 9%
  • CATH have written letters to the President and Mines showing full support of AVZ
  • CATH are not going anywhere

My take is that AVZ are going to go after them in a big way. So, burn baby burn! $2 Tommy, not interested in


If a T.O is presented and if the board thinks its worthy then it would be put forward to holders. Nothing has been worthy.


Yes, sniffing around so once the ML is issued expect large investments

If I can think of anymore or decipher my notes I will add.

Have a good day everyone.
Beyond words to express my gratitude JAG so a simple "Thank you sincerely". Danny
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Is anyone able to elaborate on the biblical 4:58 email that has turned pitchforks into flowers?
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I know this was posted before but it got lost in transmission with the Roadshow and troll cussing........

Just have a look at the intercepts and grade .........:eek::eek::eek:

No wonder the scum Cong / Zijin want to get in the back door with this.......facilitating snacks to head of CAMI and corrupt others to do their bidding!!


Nothing compares.

And the scary thing is..............CDL is even bigger........:p:p

This is why i invested.

Enough wasted time..............lets get this bad boy in construction / production.

Give the DRC a massive lifestyle re rate and save the planet in the process.

If all parties get their act together, AVZ will be the next FMG in the lithium space.




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