AVZ Discussion 2022


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The other thing I have on my mind since yesterday is that how come 2cents Tommy knew about the April 23rd date for ICC. Zijin obviously disclosing this to him and then they are telling NF to keep things under the wraps, it doesn’t add up , is Zijin truely wants to walk away quietly?

View attachment 20872
There are plenty of thieves active ready to use lazy Tommy, who believes he is on a roll.
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If anyone who was at the meeting cares to comment, I'm really keen to hear how confident Nigel sounded in regards to the secret ML date?
Are we talking "Locked in" confidence, or "If the planets align during a tropical monsoon" confidence?
I know that's not the most important thing, I'm just in a seriously under funded situation at present and admittedly am sweating on this. (Turns out you can't sell shares off market if you have a HIN, only if you have a SRN)
And yes it's because I'm a massive dumbass.:geek:
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With all the great extra info by some attendees, (great job and much appreciated)....I am wondering why Nigel decided this time only on a 2 week suspension instead of the usual 4 week suspension? I got the feeling we are very close, may be even imminent...lol...to get the green light to go mining...GL
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Morning All.

I have gone through my notes and the below is the best I can do to make any sense so please don’t shoot me.

Nigel spoke open and honest in my opinion and allowed some to speak during his presentation which is rare. Ben and Jan also spoke during question time and provided feedback.

Throughout the slides I was able to tick off some of the questions we had ready as they were explained throughout the course of the night and by others who asked at question time. Those who do attend the next RS's will understand when they attend if you know what I mean.

Key Points


Nigel and the team are adamant that we hold 75% by law with no concerns whatsoever


  • ICC set for April 2023. Whilst Zijin have pulled out of the %15 with the mines minister (re video) AVZ is waiting to receive this formally by way of letter from the Minister advising just that
  • Zijin are claiming to be a holder in AVZ and therefore have rights of which they are not.
  • Zijin have requested that the ICC case is kept private and not disclosed to the public. AVZ have argued with the arbitrator and it has been agreed that the findings will be made public (embarrassment for Zijin)
  • It was detailed and explanatory leaving me to have no question as to the bullshit and lies of Zijin
  • Upon review of evidence by ICC, it’s expected my left nut will remain intact

  • The delay in ML has nothing to do with any court case, boatman report or $2 Tommy report.
  • All 3 favorable opinions have been signed with the wait being CAMI who is colluding with Simon Cong and 2 others. The head of CAMI will not be in the chair for much longer.
  • IGF report complete and sides with AVZ
  • No issue with surface rights. Approx $240-$280,000 per year
  • AVZ will not trade until the ML has been issued. A date was provided however to keep the Trolls on edge and guessing I will not be saying (I will put my pitchfork away until this date)
  • Marius Mihigo is on the AVZ books and has been instrumental in lobbying the Gov. A meeting with the President was to occur today to provide the President and update. The President is not happy with his Mining Dept. It is clear the President is supportive of AVZ
  • Southern section is where the good powder is. Not fussed about northern section.
4th May (the force is strong)

AVZ was made aware of 3rd party interference 4th May and subsequently reported this to the ASX and SH. The interference is Zijin/Simon Cong/CAMI

AVZ Announcements

These have been bland for a reason. So as not to give anything to those who are interfering as above.


  • Our relationship is extremely strong with them. Whilst it shows they will have 24% in the graphs they are not interested in that; they want product only and there is a possibility that the CATH % could drop to 9%
  • CATH have written letters to the President and Mines showing full support of AVZ
  • CATH are not going anywhere

My take is that AVZ are going to go after them in a big way. So, burn baby burn! $2 Tommy, not interested in


If a T.O is presented and if the board thinks its worthy then it would be put forward to holders. Nothing has been worthy.


Yes, sniffing around so once the ML is issued expect large investments

If I can think of anymore or decipher my notes I will add.

Have a good day everyone.

Thanks for the update Jag. Much appreciated 🙏
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With all the great extra info by some attendees, (great job and much appreciated)....I am wondering why Nigel decided this time only on a 2 week suspension instead of the usual 4 week suspension? I got the feeling we are very close, may be even imminent...lol...to get the green light to go mining...GL
I’ll be putting my champagne on ice closer to Christmas time as Nigel clearly stated last year 😂😂
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If anyone who was at the meeting cares to comment, I'm really keen to hear how confident Nigel sounded in regards to the secret ML date?
Are we talking "Locked in" confidence, or "If the planets align during a tropical monsoon" confidence?
I know that's not the most important thing, I'm just in a seriously under funded situation at present and admittedly am sweating on this. (Turns out you can't sell shares off market if you have a HIN, only if you have a SRN)
And yes it's because I'm a massive dumbass.:geek:
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One of the things I took out of last night was Nigel talking about meeting Felix for the first time and the President said to Nigel "I have been looking forward to meeting you Mr Ferguson, you have the sins of all of Jerusalem on your head"! i.e. those who have been working against us had well and truly poisoned the AVZ well. NF said he was ready to let fly with a few retorts about those operators but kept his cool and didn't respond as he would have liked. Also that when Marius started to represent us he told the BoD that things were pretty grim and that they had done a pretty good job at shaming AVZ. However the Pres sent his people down to Manono who took photos and videos and spoke to the locals and reported back to Felix that AVZ have done all the work, are looking after the locals, sourcing local bricks and material and that AVZ are honourable and altruistic. Felix now understands what's been happening.

Another point NF raised was that AVZ were under the impression we had to carve up out a portion for the Govt's use only and that request was made under the President's name. When Felix found out about this request he said it was completely unauthorised by him.

I went in last night not with a pitchfork but open to listening, was confident that the BoD know what they are doing. NF spoke virtually off the cuff for over an hour, almost unaided by notes and halfway through I thought this is good. Everything was clarified, I understand the reasons for the bland ASX announcements (don't telegraph your enemies) and he reiterated my belief that he has 20 years experience in Africa and his eyes were wide open to what we could come up against.

One reassurance I have had during the last six months was the ASX's comfort with what the BoD were doing, there hadn't seemed any objection to the continuation of the Trading Halt, they appeared to be pretty comfortable with it and must be right across the issues. Last night reaffirmed that, Ben appears to have been keeping the ASX more than informed.

Am very confident of a bright future, although this halt seems like it's dragged on longer that bloody covid.

That was my pizza too by the way :ROFLMAO: and it was delicious, pineapple wasn't an option !

Have a great day everyone

Thanks Kenno! 👍👍
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Mate I watched the body language as we arrived on NF, Ben & Jan and was pleasantly surprised. There was no trepidation or angst and all three were calm, approachable, professional but friendly (certainly no sweatbuckets :) ). Then as the address got underway all the information was laid out for all to read and see that it was exactly as it is. No bs required and Nigel's tone and self depreciation showed it could not have been more sincere.

As for the question about the 4.58 email appearing with fairy dust, it was virtually last up and I for one was well and truly off the fence by then.
cheers kenno
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Of all the pubs you end up in on your way to the cricket at the Gabba

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AVZ Minerals confirms high-grade lithium body extends beyond pit design at Manono’s Roche Dure​

09:09 Tue 01 Nov 2022
Phoebe Shields
ViewAVZ Minerals Ltd
AVZ Minerals Ltd - AVZ Minerals confirms high-grade lithium body extends beyond pit design at Manono’s Roche Dure

Close up visible spodumene from MO22DD001 at 64.9 metres downhole.
AVZ Minerals Ltd (ASX:AVZ)’s latest round of drilling has revealed high continuity of lithium mineralisation at the Roche Dure prospect of the flagship Manono Lithium and Tin Project, with the first four of 46 planned holes demonstrating widespread, high-tenor lithium mineralisation outside the current pit design.
Best assays from these early results include 226.8 metres at 1.67% lithium and 307 parts per million (ppm) tin and 226.8 metres at 1.67% lithium, demonstrating the size and tenor of the orebody at Roche Dure.
AVZ collected samples from 16 completed holes. 75 returned lithium values grading higher than 2%, and three individual samples graded higher than 3% lithium, the highest being an intersection from 122 to 124 metres downhole grading 3.59% lithium.

Mineralisation increases in grade down-dip​

“The first 4 holes drilled at Roche Dure, as part of AVZ’s commitment to the Early Works Program this year, are of the same lithium grade, tenor and intersection widths as previously encountered,” AVZ Minerals managing director Nigel Ferguson said.
“Whilst only 4 holes have been reported, samples up to hole MO22DD016 out of the 23 holes completed to date have been dispatched from site and these pending results will be reported soon.”

Locations of drillholes MO22DD001 to MO22DD004
“Of potentially significant interest is the reinterpretation of the Roche Dure orebody from about Section 8,200mN onwards which is well beyond the most northerly edge of the current pit design,” Ferguson continued.
“Hole MO22DD003 shows strong mineralisation with higher grade intercepts downhole but the lower dip of the orebody here, interpreted from both the reported hole and the lithological logging of new holes drilled nearby, is significant in that higher tonnages per section and vertical metre may be generated because of the lower angle of dip of the orebody moving north.

Intersections achieved by MO22DD003 drilled on section 8,200mN
“Further work is required in these areas, but this is an encouraging and unexpected development.”

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@JAG, don’t know if I already thanked you for all the information last night and today.

Between last night and today there’s been so much info to digest, and between that and a misunderstanding with @Flight996 which we sorted out (note: usually it’s Frank that pulls me into line but I know when another shareholder is genuine so happy to apologise when I offend someone genuine) and those fucken trolls

As I was saying…. it’s been one of those days.

What you have also done is lift a whole lot of spirits here, including mine big time.

I’ve always believed Nigel was genuine and has worked harder than anyone for our success and after 5 months of staying positive, the Roadshow sent me over the edge, thinking it was the BOD trying to save their bacons ahead of the AGM.

To be honest, I’m still not a fan of the BOD but I do trust Nigel and I guess we will all know whether that trust is justified in the not to distant future.

My advice, not that anyone really wants it, is just don’t hang out for it in the next day or two. I’m giving him until the end of the month.

I know there’s shareholders here much more desperate for the cash than me, but I’m going to have to sell some LLL shares now to keep me going.

Been putting off selling anything, for some strange reason, when I know I have to. Been frustrating watching some of my other shares…. FFX has been in suspension nearly as long as AVZ and FFX is the only company I own that I want to sell.

Speaking of selling, what about those poor shorting arseholes. Looks like they’ll have to wait longer for us to come out of suspension, and did I hear right, we won’t be coming out until we get the ML.

By then they’ll probably have new aliases…. probably making them up right now

Der Goose

Anyway, you and others here have had more than usual to read today, I just had convey my thanks to you and how lucky I reckon we all are for your ongoing dedication.

And also would like to thank @grassseeds and @Kenno61 for going to the Roadshow and providing the extra information!

If I ever get the opportunity to catch up with you and the other shareholders I know we’ll have one hell of a fucken laugh, and that’s without even mentioning the shorter’s 😉😂😂🤣🤣
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Jeezuz twitter is a mess. Shut that thing down.
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Jeezuz twitter is a mess. Shut that thing down.
Bomber up to his old tricks, sure knows how to make an asshole of himself.
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View attachment 20849

I know this was posted before but it got lost in transmission with the Roadshow and troll cussing........

Just have a look at the intercepts and grade .........:eek::eek::eek:

No wonder the scum Cong / Zijin want to get in the back door with this.......facilitating snacks to head of CAMI and corrupt others to do their bidding!!
The only back door Cong has got in is Der Geist's
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If anyone who was at the meeting cares to comment, I'm really keen to hear how confident Nigel sounded in regards to the secret ML date?
Are we talking "Locked in" confidence, or "If the planets align during a tropical monsoon" confidence?
I know that's not the most important thing, I'm just in a seriously under funded situation at present and admittedly am sweating on this. (Turns out you can't sell shares off market if you have a HIN, only if you have a SRN)
And yes it's because I'm a massive dumbass.:geek:
I'm confident 😉 of a very happy Christmas
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My thoughts are Zijin deserve SFA , but if this is what it takes for us to be rid of them , so be it , & lets get on with building this mine .
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