One of the things I took out of last night was Nigel talking about meeting Felix for the first time and the President said to Nigel "I have been looking forward to meeting you Mr Ferguson, you have the sins of all of Jerusalem on your head"! i.e. those who have been working against us had well and truly poisoned the AVZ well. NF said he was ready to let fly with a few retorts about those operators but kept his cool and didn't respond as he would have liked. Also that when Marius started to represent us he told the BoD that things were pretty grim and that they had done a pretty good job at shaming AVZ. However the Pres sent his people down to Manono who took photos and videos and spoke to the locals and reported back to Felix that AVZ have done all the work, are looking after the locals, sourcing local bricks and material and that AVZ are honourable and altruistic. Felix now understands what's been happening.
Another point NF raised was that AVZ were under the impression we had to carve up out a portion for the Govt's use only and that request was made under the President's name. When Felix found out about this request he said it was completely unauthorised by him.
I went in last night not with a pitchfork but open to listening, was confident that the BoD know what they are doing. NF spoke virtually off the cuff for over an hour, almost unaided by notes and halfway through I thought
this is good. Everything was clarified, I understand the reasons for the bland ASX announcements (don't telegraph your enemies) and he reiterated my belief that he has 20 years experience in Africa and his eyes were wide open to what we could come up against.
One reassurance I have had during the last six months was the ASX's comfort with what the BoD were doing, there hadn't seemed any objection to the continuation of the Trading Halt, they appeared to be pretty comfortable with it and must be right across the issues. Last night reaffirmed that, Ben appears to have been keeping the ASX more than informed.
Am very confident of a bright future, although this halt seems like it's dragged on longer that bloody covid.
That was my pizza too by the way

and it was delicious, pineapple wasn't an option !
Have a great day everyone