The London investment seminar looks like a junket, read through who is there
They are there to promote investment predominately in battery production
They would be better off kicking the arse's of corrupt public servants in DRC and not travelling to London
Article is below
Le sommet Financial Times Africa s'est ouvert ce mardi 18 octobre 2022 à Londres sous le thème: " investir en Afrique ".
Not being negative , but realistic, they (DRC) need to get their house in order before they get on the world stage promoting DRC
Can I also suggest that questions for roadshows are sent to AVZ beforehand by email to admin email address (ie before Perth give him 3-4 days to modify presentation), I have done this in last 2 roadshow's, I have found that Nigel factors the questions into his presentation and answers almost all aspects, (they do read these forums, but do not react to them necessarily due to randomness of assertions made) so there is no need to coral him for personal question time multiple times at each presentation. It's a very subtle way of getting answers to questions and he is comfortable with doing it in that manner, rather than address multiple angry groups in conversation for the same questions, he may also answer questions ad-hoc outside of slides content ad-lib (and not by question time, its more efficient usage of management time in presentation) I didn't have to talk to him at last roadshow as he subtly answered all my queries in presentation from email I sent through which was in excess of 10 questions. So I spent time discussing other non-presentation issues with Graeme.