AVZ Discussion 2022

Then why do the Road Show ?

My friend, I think I gave you my answer to that before
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My friend, I think I gave you my answer to that before
Yes I do remember . Something to the effect they want to blow smoke up our arse and try to pull the wool over our eyes .
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I get the opinion he was putting his name out there for someone to take the bait... Why would someone like 121 bring a 10c Junior miner to a forum? Or should I say, why was he in Singapore and how much did he pay to get on the forum?

PS - Overkill (Men at Work) playing right now...
Quite possibly their best song IMO
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Hates a beer
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A lot of anticipation now given the upcoming roadshows and AGM.
If it was even possible the wait for news has become even more excruciating.
Part expecting it, mostly not expecting it before the 31st.
Fucked up limbo bs. o_O
Maybe tomorrow? Most likely not. I'm on holidays and still can't relax.
Every day:
giphy (7).gif

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Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 4.12.25 PM.png
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A lot of anticipation now given the upcoming roadshows and AGM.
If it was even possible the wait for news has become even more excruciating.
Part expecting it, mostly not expecting it before the 31st.
Fucked up limbo bs. o_O
Maybe tomorrow? Most likely not. I'm on holidays and still can't relax.
Every day:
View attachment 19332
Hang in there bro

We will get this!
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Another Fucking yawn fest …is anyone listening or is it “Full of shit” as usual
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Does Dr. Gogo understands that AVZ is producing Sweet Fuck All, while it waits for it ML?

All AVZ spends at this very moment is shareholder's money.

The longer his country people sit on their hands, the longer it takes before AVZ will be able to start supporting his community in a big way.

One gets the impression that the DRC thinks it is Xmas, before erecting the fucking tree.

How about telling thieving Zijin, to spend some of the cash they generate from their copper mine.
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It's almost as if EVERYONE gets it except for the ones in power
🤓 Well see the below animated diagram of the relationship of the DRC government and their people. It goes a long way to help explain the problem here:

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Just 'cause I said circle jerk once....
Ooh, can I hold the mantle for say 1 week? Or at least until my wife discovers me posting phrases like “soapy tit wank” on a stock forum?
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Ooh, can I hold the mantle for say 1 week? Or at least until my wife discovers me posting phrases like “soapy tit wank” on a stock forum?
With that start you have my blessing, and with a name like Mr Inappropriate, I couldn’t think of anyone more appropriate to take the mantle

What do reckon Nuts, we have a new contender
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The London investment seminar looks like a junket, read through who is there

They are there to promote investment predominately in battery production

They would be better off kicking the arse's of corrupt public servants in DRC and not travelling to London

Article is below

Not being negative , but realistic, they (DRC) need to get their house in order before they get on the world stage promoting DRC

Can I also suggest that questions for roadshows are sent to AVZ beforehand by email to admin email address (ie before Perth give him 3-4 days to modify presentation), I have done this in last 2 roadshow's, I have found that Nigel factors the questions into his presentation and answers almost all aspects, (they do read these forums, but do not react to them necessarily due to randomness of assertions made) so there is no need to coral him for personal question time multiple times at each presentation. It's a very subtle way of getting answers to questions and he is comfortable with doing it in that manner, rather than address multiple angry groups in conversation for the same questions, he may also answer questions ad-hoc outside of slides content ad-lib (and not by question time, its more efficient usage of management time in presentation) I didn't have to talk to him at last roadshow as he subtly answered all my queries in presentation from email I sent through which was in excess of 10 questions. So I spent time discussing other non-presentation issues with Graeme.
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