Thank goodness someone has cracked the shits slightly more than me and included lots of colourful languageI did Wombie. Just a little. Could you tell?
But in the cold light of day, even though I can see how I might have worded things better,
my sentiment is still the same. We have Felix on a world tour saying 'Come partner with us in the DRC,
we've changed. It's gonna be awesome!' While back on home soil, almost his entire ministry is selling
a different narrative. No they are stealing it. Stealing themselves a complete opposite story.
Either he is batshit blind or simply willing to lie on the world stage just for the sake of his own glory
and really fucking stupid for thinking he'll get away with it. Which puts him in the same basket as
the rest of them.
Then you have this Jean-Felix Mupande Kuntass,
A barrage of articles that keep saying the same thing over and over.
The untouchable. The immovable.
Well that pretty much well sums it up right there doesn't it?
Because he holds the keys to the little fucking box with the special ink and special pen
that we need to get his fucken' John Hancock onto the Mining Licence with.
Hear that sound? It's the sound of no keys jangling.
Cast your mind back to right when we got the Decree. How much progress have we made
on the next step that was to follow? After more than 6 months, in suspension I might add.
Fucking none. No closer if we are going off available evidence.
We got a crane on site rusting away. Great! We've got and ICC Tribunal that should've taken 3 days
just evaporate into thin air. Now we've got posters say just climb into bed with Simon Kong and
suck his dick a little and all will be alright. No. Don't. Just don't.
And don't even bother quoting Nigel from the Annual Report because he's been using that language.
That rhetoric since the day he stepped into that position. "Likely" "Forthcoming" "Close" "Imminent" and now
"Soon" ..... Yay!!!
Define "soon" It's just words. Words that sound good in a glossy 132 page annual report
but really have no actual purpose but to kick the can a bit further down the road while the
board continues to take home $20,000 to 30,000 every month.
So over 6 months, for one person that's nearly 200K
6 months and no closer to ML or coming out of suspension.
Give me a fucken' break.
I pass the mantle
Also glad to see you here again
I got a bit worried when your original post disappeared!